Continued Contact Because They Care What You Think...why?


Well-Known Member

We divorced in 2014...six months later he remarried. He's supposed to be over the moon happy. But yet...YET while I've never reached out to him...every couple of months or so I get some type of communication from him. It's either a "mistake" text to his new apologies to me I sent that to you by mistake...something random like "can you pick up another bottle of wine" type text. Or it's a long missive of an email pouring out his heart about something he thinks I think...or today a long ass email itemizing all the reasons why he needs to be vindicated form every single issue we ever had....

Here is a brief excerpt:

"I hope that this finds you and your family in good health, and blessed. I know that the last few times I reached out, you maintained radio silence, so I'm praying that today is no exception.
I want to clear up some things that have been dogging my thoughts pretty much since before the marriage ended. Perhaps they are things that you no longer think about and I'm hoping that after today, they'll be things I don't think about either. Believe it or not, I have actually achieved and found happiness, I'm not saying this in a bragging way or trying to throw anything in your face so please don't think that I hope that we spent enough time together that you know that I'm not that type of person.
one of the last things you told me was that it was your wish to see me smiling and happy with someone that I love and loves me, so if you meant it, it has happened. God has truly blessed me, I'm doing better financially than I've ever done,...

2. Regarding me purposely trying to annoy you. I could never quite get the hang of the correct way that you liked the towels folded, perhaps it was simple to you, but there were times I felt like a Buffon because it wasn't easy for me.
Reality: since i only washed towels once every two weeks on avg. I would forget the correct way to fold them, but that, nor my driving or anything else, was done to annoy you, if it did happen to annoy you, it wasn't purposely. "

This was number 2 of like 14 items. And he always says....I will never contact you again...yet still does. Different phones numbers, different he obviously knows I'm blocking his methods of contact.

Why if you're so happy with this new person am I even in your mind. This dude was unborned the day he moved out. The only time he comes up is when I'm making a list of what not to do or....we need a punch line for joke...

Dear Ex Husband the event you're lurking on this you might well be...yeah...the worst has come to past we all laugh at please go away and live your now perfect life...because you never should have happened to me.

Eliza Blue
So he want to talk at you and wants you to maintain radio silence? He is being facetious. He is trying to draw you in emotionally for reasons unknown. Why does he need vindication for his shortcomings,trying to prove he is a good person. Him overcoming those should be a conversation he has with wife. "Honey, I used to fold towels wrong, now because of you I don't give a damn" *throws confetti*

You are a good One. My ex-husband is the opposite. He Will every now and again bring up my shortcoming, and the last time I shut him down, and made him cry. I laughed. I was tired of stroking his ego.

Delete. :rolleyes:
I don't think he's trying to get you back...and he could truly be happy in his marriage.

A lot of times, when people start trying to work on themselves, they try to fix the past. Try to settle issues with people the think they've done wrong or that's angry with them. They're just trying to become more positive and right the wrongs they've had with people that was important to them....and get rid of past guilt.

If he were trying to get your attention as in wanting you back, he would probably say flirtatious things or ask you personal things about yourself. He didn't do ANY of that.

I think he's trying to find peace....and make peace.
I don't think he's trying to get you back...and he could truly be happy in his marriage.

A lot of times, when people start trying to work on themselves, they try to fix the past. Try to settle issues with people the think they've done wrong or that's angry with them. They're just trying to become more positive and right the wrongs they've had with people that was important to them....and get rid of past guilt.

If he were trying to get your attention as in wanting you back, he would probably say flirtatious things or ask you personal things about yourself. He didn't do ANY of that.

I think he's trying to find peace....and make peace.

If this is the case, he sure has a passive aggressive way of making peace. Also why can't he just make peace with himself, why continue to contact his ex and bring up old ish. When I have moved on from an ex in the past and was truly in a "happy" place, they were such a distant memory. I forgot half of the issues we had in the relationship/marriage...and this dude is bringing up towels, smh....ain't nobody got time for him.
I wonder how his new wife would feel about this if she knew....
Precisely why I am a ghost on social media and play a deaf mute when my phone rings. An ex tried a mess like that on Facebook. Then graduated to my cell phone, lord knows where he got the number.

The last time he called, I gave the phone to my then boyfriend, now husband and grabbed myself a glass of wine for the fireworks. Never heard from him again after that.

Life is too short to waste time sifting through trash.
Everybody works differently. He's not flirting or asking her business or anything. Don't sound like he's flirting. People have so many reasons why they do strange things.

If this is the case, he sure has a passive aggressive way of making peace. Also why can't he just make peace with himself, why continue to contact his ex and bring up old ish. When I have moved on from an ex in the past and was truly in a "happy" place, they were such a distant memory. I forgot half of the issues we had in the relationship/marriage...and this dude is bringing up towels, smh....ain't nobody got time for him.
I wonder how his new wife would feel about this if she knew....
OP could stop him from contacting her if she really wanted to. It's weird that he has contacted her so many times and she hasn't put a stop to it. I think it probably gives her some kind of pleasure thinking that he is pining for her.

Precisely why I am a ghost on social media and play a deaf mute when my phone rings. An ex tried a mess like that on Facebook. Then graduated to my cell phone, lord knows where he got the number.

The last time he called, I gave the phone to my then boyfriend, now husband and grabbed myself a glass of wine for the fireworks. Never heard from him again after that.

Life is too short to waste time sifting through trash.
Obviously he is a nonfactor to you. But I think he most certainly is not over you. He is putting feelers out there. He really wants you to respond to him and reach out.

That is beyond disrespectful due to the fact that he has a wife. It's also disrespectful to you because you told him not to contact you. Sounds like a very selfish person.

I agree with you. I would keep on ignoring him. I wouldn't even give him the satisfaction. :nono:
OP could stop him from contacting her if she really wanted to. It's weird that he has contacted her so many times and she hasn't put a stop to it. I think it probably gives her some kind of pleasure thinking that he is pining for her.
any from of contact in this case then opens the door for him to say more and contact her more.
He's using reverse psychology pretending he's ok with her not saying anything.

Has happened to currently happening to me.
All I have left is total silence and blocking any calls.
Msgs/texts/emails come through and all I can do is delete.
There is no "egging him on" or taking any perverse pleasure in this.
What are you talking about?? None of this has anything to do with that post.

She could change her phone number and email address. You can block people on social media. There are ways to stop people from contacting you if you really want to.

any from of contact in this case then opens the door for him to say more and contact her more.
He's using reverse psychology pretending he's ok with her not saying anything.

Has happened to currently happening to me.
All I have left is total silence and blocking any calls.
Msgs/texts/emails come through and all I can do is delete.
There is no "egging him on" or taking any perverse pleasure in this.
So he want to talk at you and wants you to maintain radio silence? He is being facetious. He is trying to draw you in emotionally for reasons unknown. Why does he need vindication for his shortcomings,trying to prove he is a good person. Him overcoming those should be a conversation he has with wife. "Honey, I used to fold towels wrong, now because of you I don't give a damn" *throws confetti*

You are a good One. My ex-husband is the opposite. He Will every now and again bring up my shortcoming, and the last time I shut him down, and made him cry. I laughed. I was tired of stroking his ego.

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:Yes you nailed it!!!!!

He always has been a walking contradiction...and of course he is not in control because I never respond...he doesn't exist so how could I.

I just muse at what the new wife must not know....chile come get yo husband.
Were you the one to end the marriage? Most people that are dumped will get with someone else (especially men remarrying quickly), but that doesn't mean they've moved on.

He needs to stop contacting you in any case.

It was amicable but he would probably say I did.
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this is true. Guys cant handle no response.

OP your ex goes on this forum to check on you?

I suspect he might. I had another ex whose wife did and use to tell him things that he would beat feet to tell me as if he would have found out any other way.

This one might because he's an avid AVID abuser of the forum world. Like he would get into e-battles all the time on Huff post and I've caught him a couple of times reading post while I was typing...I'd be like uh...this is a women's forum...move.
I don't even know your ex and just from reading that I can understand why you left him...he is annoying.
I was thinking the same thing :lachen: annoying AF (sorry mods), but seriously he needs to enjoy his new wife and life and gtfowtbs seriously. And so disrespectful to the new wife, where are his damned boundaries?

Yaaassss!!!! That's what I'm thinking how disrespectful to her. Which is one reason I'd never respond...he will never be able to tell her anything but that.
I don't think he's trying to get you back...and he could truly be happy in his marriage.

A lot of times, when people start trying to work on themselves, they try to fix the past. Try to settle issues with people the think they've done wrong or that's angry with them. They're just trying to become more positive and right the wrongs they've had with people that was important to them....and get rid of past guilt.

If he were trying to get your attention as in wanting you back, he would probably say flirtatious things or ask you personal things about yourself. He didn't do ANY of that.

I think he's trying to find peace....and make peace.

No mam. This is probably the 5th if not 6th email of this type....I've lost count of all the oops text. I might tend to agree that he definitely doesn't want me back, but this is certainly not the traits of someone wanting to get closure. We did that when he first left. And every email ends with I promise you I won't contact you again...I swear I won't bother you again...This is my last communication. When?
If this is the case, he sure has a passive aggressive way of making peace. Also why can't he just make peace with himself, why continue to contact his ex and bring up old ish. When I have moved on from an ex in the past and was truly in a "happy" place, they were such a distant memory. I forgot half of the issues we had in the relationship/marriage...and this dude is bringing up towels, smh....ain't nobody got time for him.
I wonder how his new wife would feel about this if she knew....

Exactly! Some of the stuff he brings up h3ll I don't even remember...I'm like your feelings were hurt when?

Here is another excerpt:

"There were things that you thought about me that I wrestle with daily, and just please read with an open mind and I promise you that I will never bother you again." in every day...really dude I'm not that special and neither were we.