Congratulations Zaynab!!!

I wouldn't have cared big sissy :lol: Because I'm so self absorbed, :look: I would think there was something wrong with him :lol: IDC if y'all need to fake it, write it on a post it note or what, but you need to be your number one fan, Confidence trumps pretty. Now if you can swing both, that's great but go with the confidence first.
Everytime you say you're self absorbed it confuses me because you don't seem that way at all to me. What makes you self absorbed? I know people who I find self absorbed, but I hate talking to or being around them. You seem too loving to be self absorbed. So I know I'm not really understanding what you're saying. Or the understanding that I have isn't in sync with what you're really meaning.
Everytime you say you're self absorbed it confuses me because you don't seem that way at all to me. What makes you self absorbed? I know people who I find self absorbed, but I hate talking to or being around them. You seem too loving to be self absorbed. So I know I'm not really understanding what you're saying. Or the understanding that I have isn't in sync with what you're really meaning.

Oh thanks honey! I am probably using self-absorbed in a negative or incorrect way. I am very loving to my family/friends, I'm pretty thoughtful in general towards people I'm close to, but I yet and still put myself first. I always think I'm pretty awesome. :look: Blame my dad but that's how I was raised. And when I don't feel awesome, I put on an extra coat of lipstick to remind myself that I am. I don't acknowledge or ignore people who don't think I'm awesome, :lol: like I seriously walk around with a "why not me?" mentality. People probably are like wth, is she crazy, she's this/that/whatever but hell I can't see it because I'm so into me. :look: That's why I either don't notice or ignore when people don't like me or talk trash about me (I mean this board is a great example) You can't notice the noise when you're listening to your own happiness.
I'm everyone's 'go to person' in life. It's a blessing and a curse to have a fairly magnectic personality so I make sure to do whatever I can to make me happy and keep my confidence high so I can be of use to those I love.
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I'm late but congratulations and I wish many years of happiness for you and your hubby!!!

Your posts on marriage have always stood out to me and I appreciate you sharing. What an awesome example!
Congrats!! My grandmother had 13 kids and STAYED with a new husband after one passed away :lol:
LOL go head granny. :lol: Both my now-husband and my mom's boyfriend said the exact same thing the first time they met my granny: "I see why she had 3 husbands...she knows how to treat a man!" They were enamored with her. She stayed married to the one she had the 10th kid by for over 50 years until her death, but I have no doubt she could've snagged herself a new one at age 91 if necessary. :lol:

It's really about how you make a man FEEL. I cringe when I hear people say, "I didn't know why she's still single! She's beautiful, smart, owns her own business, God-fearing" :blah: None of that matters if she doesn't make a man FEEL like a million bucks when he's in her presence. Some people have that knack naturally, and some (like me) have worked to develop it over time. But it can definitely be learned. Many of our grandmothers were taught that skill from a young age, but many modern women are lost because they were taught that their achievements were enough to attract a man.
My head would explode if I tried something like nerves are bad on a good day. :lachen: That was a true G move you pulled right there...everything about this is straight up gangsta.
Well I am an overachiever and a Capricorn, if you know any that's just how we are :lol: People were "hey what are you doing next week can you come to dinner?" I was like nah, I'll be busy. :look: When DH posted a wedding photo of us people were like ummmm I just saw/talked to you. o_O
Well I am an overachiever and a Capricorn, if you know any that's just how we are :lol: People were "hey what are you doing next week can you come to dinner?" I was like nah, I'll be busy. :look: When DH posted a wedding photo of us people were like ummmm I just saw/talked to you. o_O
No, that is just you being an overachiever. :lol: I'm the Cappiest of Cappies, but that much change at once would cause a literal nervous breakdown in me. :burnup: Just accept that you're special. :lol:

I guess that's weird that I don't like change, since we're a cardinal sign, and my bday is actually New Year's Day...I should be a master of change. Maybe I should take a look at my resistance to that. *light bulb moment*
It's really about how you make a man FEEL. I cringe when I hear people say, "I didn't know why she's still single! She's beautiful, smart, owns her own business, God-fearing" :blah: None of that matters if she doesn't make a man FEEL like a million bucks when he's in her presence. Some people have that knack naturally, and some (like me) have worked to develop it over time. But it can definitely be learned. Many of our grandmothers were taught that skill from a young age, but many modern women are lost because they were taught that their achievements were enough to attract a man.
For emphasis...