I LOVE YOU GUYS! Birthday Hair Inside! Thank you for everything...

Looks fab very simular to my texture...how did you do it?
oh and btw HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
I blow fried :lachen: and flat ironed. After a deep conditioner on dry hair (I shampooed with CON yesterday), I towel blotted and let it air dry for about 20 mins. I applied Lacio Lacio and Biosilk Thermal Shield then I blow dried at low and medium heat depending on the section (did it in 7 minutes:yep:). My crown and sides are so thick so I increased to medium there. I dont do alot of heat so I made an exception today. Then I got my Sedu that my wonderful SO brought me and with to work.

This is the flattest yet fullest I have ever been able to get my hair on my own. Usually it comes out really big, I have alot of body and volume naturally so I am SCARED TO DEATH of rollersetting. I did it once and I laughed:lachen: at myself after because it went right into a big fluffy ponytail.
Happy Birthay!!!! your skin is so pretty do you dont anyhing special wha do use if you dont mind me asking
you hair hair is beautiful too
Of course I dont mind sharing.

Skin care like hair care should be kept simple. My SO has even starting doing some things I do and his skin is WAYYYYYY light years better than mines. He's beautiful. Anyway.....

Skincare Regimen:
Exfoliate w/ Queen Helene Cocoa Butter Natural Scrub
Wash w/ Desert Essence Thoroughly Clean Face Wash (100% Vegan, great stuff)
Tone w/ 70% Isopropyl Alcohol (this works for me because I have very oily skin but witch hazel would be just as good for others)
And either....
Moisturize w/ Meladerm (for the hyperpigmentation I used to have, has a sunscreen in it and moisturizes well)
Burt's Bee Marshmallow Vanishing Creme

Remember, a little goes a long way.

Happy Birthay!!!! your skin is so pretty do you dont anyhing special wha do use if you dont mind me asking
you hair hair is beautiful too
LOL, Thats was like 2 years ago. I used to model and that was from a shot. I just like it so I use it. I am goin to do a photo gallery soon. My hair journey in general started about neck length and transitioning from no-lye to lye. My LHCF hair journey started Oct. 2.

Lovely hair-full, thick, is your avatar shot the before?
LOL, Thats was like 2 years ago. I used to model and that was from a shot. I just like it so I use it. I am goin to do a photo gallery soon. My hair journey in general started about neck length and transitioning from no-lye to lye. My LHCF hair journey started Oct. 2.[/quote]

Very wise to take that beginning photo, I'm glad I did because it helps when I feel I'm not gaining any progress...by the way..HAPPY BIRTHDAY and may you have 100, healthy more!
Oh Wow!!! Your hair looks so beautiful and I will be your hair twin in about two months :yep:. Happy Birthday and Happy hair growing!!!!
Congratulations and Happy Birthday! Wow, you're such a smart cookie....after only 2 months! Do you realize how long it takes the average bird to catch on????? *quote from an average bird* :grin:
Your hair is so beautiful and healthy! You are doing an AWESOME job on your hair! Happy Birthday to you...may you have a great birthday!
After years of intense studying in college (Thank You Jesus those days are over), I have learned how to synthesize ALOT of information quickly and efficiently. And this hair stuff is ALOT but I love it, its so interesting and fun. I love doing my hair. I love washing my hair too. So now that I know daily co-washes are ok, I do that now and I love it. I just love love love doing stuff to my hair, always have.

Congratulations and Happy Birthday! Wow, you're such a smart cookie....after only 2 months! Do you realize how long it takes the average bird to catch on????? *quote from an average bird* :grin:
Beautiful, beautiful, BEAUTIFUL!!! Great job!! You're inspiring me to keep up with styling my own hair too!

Happy B-day!!!!