College Guys Are A Joke


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one who feels this way?

I'm so tired of <edit> college guys </edit> being extra sweet, polite, extra thoughtful, etc... just so they can get the goodies and peace out. I've been fooled twice, and I keep having other guys try to do the same to me... but I refuse to make a fool out of myself again!

Right now, I'm focusing on developing a relationship with God and getting accepted into a good grad school. The most difficult part is that I have always been boy crazy... even in preschool. But I'm so fed up right now, I'm trying to ignore my impulses to give them my attention.

I really hope men in grad school and beyond aren't the same... but I have a bad feeling that they are. Oh, the joys of dating That concludes my mini vent.
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I'm in college and thankfully I have a somewhat mature SO

But the majority of the single college guys I encounter on a daily basis are definitely a joke! Just be patient, there are some good ones out there ^_^
My question is why are you being so nice, sweet, polite and thoughtful to men who have not 1. proven themselves worthy of your time, and 2. have not shown that they are wiling to engage in a committed, monogamous relationship with you. A man, any man, whether in college, graduate school, or beyond, is only going to value you as much as you value yourself, so girl, stop giving away your cookies for free.

"Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me." That's my motto. Stop letting these men run all over you girl and get it together...
Hmmmm. I think it depends on the level you let them know you're on from jump. I notoriously have a thing for athletes and pretty boys. I've had a lot of them do other girls a certain way and then do me differently. (I think) That's b/c I'm very honest from day 1 with what I'm about and what I'm not about. Some of them can deal with and some can't. The ones who can't I usually end up just cool with anyway so it's all good.

You'll find the right one. Back in undergrad, I actually always liked guys who were JUST out of undergrad or in grad school. They seem to be on a higher level but still not sooooo over mine.
Most young college guys are all about "hittin' it and quittin' it".

There's nothing wrong with you being sweet, thoughful and kind to guys, but keep your "goodies" protected until you're really sure--feel the guy out first to see how he feels about you--that usually takes a while.

I'm sorry for your experience, but I'm glad to see that you're focusing on yourself, and I wish you the best in your future relationships.
My question is why are you being so nice, sweet, polite and thoughtful to men who have not 1. proven themselves worthy of your time, and 2. have not shown that they are wiling to engage in a committed, monogamous relationship with you. A man, any man, whether in college, graduate school, or beyond, is only going to value you as much as you value yourself, so girl, stop giving away your cookies for free.

I think the wording of my post confused you, so I edited it. I was never the overly sweet and thoughtful one. It was the guys I was talking to who were just pulling a front to get me to like them. But I agree about the last bit you said. Thanks :)
some of them are huge jokers, and only concerned with one thing... and i'm not talking about their grades :lachen:, i'm in college and i had to up my age range to find someone of quality
Honestly? College guys are just like any other guys. Men are or not.

I agree. And there are some nice ones out there. I have come to realize that they act the way we let them. The loser faces normally go away after a while when you let them know what it up.
Am I the only one who feels this way?

I'm so tired of <edit> college guys </edit> being extra sweet, polite, extra thoughtful, etc... just so they can get the goodies and peace out.

Girl, I learned about this this year. I actually thought the guys were extra nice, too. Extra nice, because they wanted something... something they didn't get, so peace out to them! Holla!
I have this problem with just guys in general. I'm so tired of it. Its like they'll be a sweet and nice and act like they're really feeling you and trying to get to know you. Then the next thing you know the topic of sex comes up. Once I mention being in a relationship first, they run for the hills! I'm just so over it. Sorry just had to vent
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I truly understand what you are going through. College guys may be older but this does not make them wiser! Or smarter, or mature, or ANYTHING ELSE YOU EXPECT FROM PEOPLE IN COLLEGE!

It is great that you are focusing on your relationship with God. I can tell you from experience that when everyone else pushed me down. God was the only one there to pick me up.
im in college and dont mess with college boys. i learned this when i was 18. lol

I dated one guy in college when I was 18 during my freshman yr and after him I didn't date for the other three years. Not that he was horrible, but EVERYBODY was in my business. I couldnt deal with that.

College guys are just looking sex and a good time, that's all.

A lot of them are. Honestly most of the guys and shoot even the girls, were just having casual sex. Some people had relationships but a lot of people mainly had f buddies:ohwell:

Honestly? College guys are just like any other guys. Men are or not.

That's true. Shoot I've been out of college for three years and I STILL keep meeting men who just want to hit but no rlp:rolleyes:

I say keep focusing on getting into grad school. Cause grad school aint no joke :look: You will need your full attention and minimal distractions.
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On my campus the ratio of male to female is crazy! There is like 10 girls to every 1 guy, this why i think they are such players, cuz they have so many options :ohwell:.
My SO and I met in college and he is a wonderful gentleman. A rare find in college, he rarely drinks, doesn't smoke and he can count the amount of partners he's had on two fingers. His friends are good guys too.

I think that for most young people college=freedom. Most men take advantage of that freedom and do whatever and whomever they want.
After the first
I would have learned..
personally I never
been on a date * I'm sophomore*
because I learn
the games guys play through
my friend's experiences..