Coffee and/or Tea Rinse Challenge 2012

@*Frisky* I know Tea/Coffee Rinses has helped a myriad of problems I was having.

As I've stated before....It was the best "tweak" I've added overall to my Regimen.

I will not skip this step.

Mad props to Red Roobis:lick:
Okay before I begin, I just want to add a disclaimer that it will be a long post.
So I was introduced to this thread through a purchase from a YouTuber that went wrong. Until I entered this thread, I was a bit upset about it, but as I know and truly believe everything happens as it should. Anyway, I was told to check out this thread and have been hooked since.
After reading through the first 50 pages, I went out and purchased some of everything. I do suffer from PJingism (I think I made that word up) and it reared it's ugly head at the health food store. I entered the store whith my list of herbs and flowers to buy and ran into this:

I heard the angels singing!
So I went inside and proceeded to purchase every herb and flower mentioned in the 50 pages I had read. As I was getting ready to wrap it up, I got an email where someone said I should try Irish Moss. Well it wasn't specifically towards me, but I knew it was a sign to add it to my basket.

I purchased my sweet, sweet ingredients and came home. I wanted to make everything at once:
The coffee oil


It can be seen in the crock pot behind the tea. I had to purchase a small one because I only have a gigantic one. This one is just for hair purposes.

Then I started my brewing. So many herbs. How do I choose? So I just added all the ones from the pages I read:








I brewed them in a small coffee pot. I put two tablespoons of each in the pot to brew. I used distilled water for the mix. After the brew, I put the leftover herbs and flowers in a knee high stocking and let it soak into the tea for an hour. Then I transferred them into a gallon jug, wrote the ingredients and date on the side of the jug, as well as a message to my children:



They will eat or drink anything!

I thought I was finished with my purchases, but went back to the thread and ended up at the store again. I purchased some of everything:


I am also doing tea rinses and spritz. It has slowed my shedding down to almost no hairs! Yay!

So I will use up this jug then use some new herbs. Oh I also purchased the blue malva flowers. Too expensive. I ordered some seeds and will plant them in the spring. I'll cure them and use them instead of purchasing more.
One more thing, I purchased these herbs:


Have no idea how to use this.

Also some butternut bark, Passion flower, and patchouli herb.

Sorry so long and thanks in advance for any feedback.

Most Tea(s)/Coffee has tannin which blocks DHT and slows greying, hair fall etc....

I just bought the ones that were in some of the products I have, I think most are for stimulating growth, scalp, strenght, shine etc....:

Burdock Root
Saw Palmetto
Red Roobis
Marshmallow Root
Rose Hips

Some of the Dried Flowers I bought:
Blue Malva


Girl, you got busy.:lick: Where did you find all of those at?

I went to the Farmer's Market for some, the ones in the plastic containers, and to the health food store for the rest. It's called Health Unlimited. The employees are so knowledgeable. The prices weren't too bad either. Do you know anything about frankencense tears? or the others I picked up?
Normal hair: Basil, Calendula, Chamomile, Horsetail, Lavender, Linden flowers, Nettle, Parsley leaf, Rosemary, Sage, Watercress

Dry hair and scalp: Burdock root, Calendula, Chamomile, Comfrey leaf, Elder flowers, Horsetail, Lavender, Marshmallow root, Nettle, Parsley leaf, Sage.

Oily hair and scalp: Bay leaf, Burdock root, Calendula, Chamomile, Horsetail, Lemon Balm, Lavender, Lemon peel, Lemongrass, Nettle, Peppermint, Rosemary, Thyme, Witch Hazel bark, Yarrow leaf and flower.

Scalp conditions (dandruff, sensitive skin, inflammation, itchiness, dermatitis): Burdock root, Calendula, Chamomile, Comfrey leaf, Eucalyptus, Horsetail, Lavender, Marshmallow root, Nettle, Oregano, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme.

Hair loss/thinning: Basil, Nettle, Rosemary, Sage.

Golden highlights: Calendula, Chamomile, Lemon, Sunflower petals.

Dark highlights: Black Tea, Black Walnut hulls (crushed or chopped), Comfrey root, Nettle, Rosemary, Sage.

Red highlights: Calendula, Henna, Hibiscus flowers, Red Clover flowers, Rose hips, Red Rose petals.
So my hair rejected the daily spritzes of black tea so I will just save it for under my DC and when I buy the rest of my teas I will make a different leave in blend but black tea will only be in my DC blend. I used GTHc in my scalp and moisturized with my coco creme LI.
Brewed some: moringa tea powder, roobios, catnip, earl grey, rosehips, hibiscus dried petals.....mixed some in today's DC, and final rinse.

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Babygrowth said:
So my hair rejected the daily spritzes of black tea so I will just save it for under my DC and when I buy the rest of my teas I will make a different leave in blend but black tea will only be in my DC blend. I used GTHc in my scalp and moisturized with my coco creme LI.

What happened? How did your hair reject it?
phyl73 - YOU GO GIRL!!!:grin: I'm so glad you came into this thread. I told you, a WEALTH of information! I'm excited to see how tea rinses help your hair. Have you only tried the teas, or have you done a coffee rinse? I absolutely love adding a coffee rinse before my DC. When I first learned about this thread, I thought all of this was a bit "extra"...but tea/coffee rinses are the BOMB! It's really cool to learn about all of the herbs, how they can help your hair (and other health benefits for your overall health as well), and customize your regimen based on your hair's needs at a particular time. Anyway, congrats on your purchases, I'm so glad things are working out for you!:drunk:
Throat coat tea brewing, its a tea containing marshmallow root, licorice, cinnamon, echinacea and fennel

I typically do brewed coffee or okra water rinses but decided to try something different :)

Thanks Lady! Glad to have you as part of this Challenge!:grin:


No, THANK YOU for starting it! This has been a lot of fun for me. I use almost 100% natural products on my hair now and the addition of herbs has been FABULOUS! One of my favorite hair inspirations, Zhara, uses all natural products which includes an herbal tea rinse for her hair and an herbal tea that she drinks. Check out her TBL+ length check - I think she has since cut back to WL.:blush:

Here's her health hair growth tea:

Here's her organic herbal hair rinse:
Throat coat tea brewing, its a tea containing marshmallow root, licorice, cinnamon, echinacea and fennel

I typically do brewed coffee or okra water rinses but decided to try something different :)

I just read up on mallows in general.:grin: This is great inforamtion to have on hand as the cold/flu/stomach bug season comes around.
@phyl73 - YOU GO GIRL!!!:grin: I'm so glad you came into this thread. I told you, a WEALTH of information! I'm excited to see how tea rinses help your hair. Have you only tried the teas, or have you done a coffee rinse? I absolutely love adding a coffee rinse before my DC. When I first learned about this thread, I thought all of this was a bit "extra"...but tea/coffee rinses are the BOMB! It's really cool to learn about all of the herbs, how they can help your hair (and other health benefits for your overall health as well), and customize your regimen based on your hair's needs at a particular time. Anyway, congrats on your purchases, I'm so glad things are working out for you!:drunk:

You sure did and I am so grateful for you! :rosebud::weird:
I use to use coffee rinses and spritzes when I first joined the forum, but for some strange reason (PJism) I stopped. I jumped on every bandwagon that sounded promising negelecting what had worked for me. :spinning:

I love the tea rinses! I love the smell of the teas mixed together. it reminds me of the Korean Wellness Center I go to here in Georgia. It always smells of fresh herbs brewing. I was a bit concerned at first though. Here's what I did:
1. Read about ACV rinses and its effect on porisity so I tried it. It had my hair feeling soooo soft.
2. Sprayed the black tea-alma-brahmi mix on top and did not understand why my hair suddenly turned hard. I reached for some conditioner and placed it on top and it became soft again. Hummmm...I didn't have time to make the connections as I was already running late for work.
3. When I came back home, I read through more of the thread and realized I should have let the AVC be the last step. So I soaked my hair in tea mixture and layered that with coffee, the applied my Aubrey conditioner to it. Went ahead and showered :bath2:, then rinsed and followed it with an ACV rinse. :bouncy:. A miracle had occured. But not for long. I then attempted to seal it with coconut oil and it felt hard again. I rinsed the oil, slapped on a lite conditioner and used my jamician black castor to seal. SOFTNESS!!!

So I think I'm going to continue to use this method while enjoying mixing teas. :yep::yep::cupidarrow:
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One more question. How often is everyone doing the ACV rinse? Is this something I can do more than once a week?
phyl73 I wash daily...and rinse daily(nightly):yep:

Since I started doing the rinses I don't acv very often. My final rinse is tea with equal parts aloe vera juice...
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I just read up on mallows in general.:grin: This is great inforamtion to have on hand as the cold/flu/stomach bug season comes around.

you're right, Marshmallow root or slippery elm are especially great for dry coughs, and IBS/IBD. I want to experiment with irish moss as there were a few older members who used to experiment with it as a natural conditioner.
Mane_Attraxion said:
you're right, Marshmallow root or slippery elm are especially great for dry coughs, and IBS/IBD. I want to experiment with irish moss as there were a few older members who used to experiment with it as a natural conditioner.

I added some to my gallon jug mixture. It was very slimy. When I brewed it in the coffee maker, it swelled. Sort of slimy like seaweed.
I know we havent done progress reports and updates on this thread, but... for the newbies, I joined this group in march and herbal and tea rinsed only and make spritzes or braid sprays.

I can probably knock "thin" out of my siggie :thumbsup: !!!!

A few days ago, I washed and it was the first time in my LIFE, that I needed to separate my hair to get the water to the scalp! WOW. It was that moment I wanted to thank this thread and @IDareT'sHair for keeping it going! The sheds are minimal and it's just growing!

In July I BC'd down to 2" and it's now at SL stretched (back layers). This is not the longest my hair has been, but it's the healthiest ever!

I've only PS in crochet braids the last 6 weeks and making 'braid spray' from teas/herbs. Besides that, I don't like protective styles--always wearing it free.

Wish it were posible to thank this thread 1,000x over because, wow!, this is the best find for my hair in 2012!

You gals are fabulous! Thank yooooooooooouuuu!

And thank you so much for your on-going participation. :grin:

You Coffee/Tea Heads have ALL been great.:lol:

I've enjoyed this Thread and I've learned alot.

I am looking forward to our 2013 Challenge! We'll be adding: ACV, AVJ, and Ayurvedic Rinses (products) in 2013!:lick:
Did a Mint Medley rinse on Sunday ~peppermint,spearmint leaves, rose hips, lemon peel, hibiscus.. My scalp loved it...