Coffee and/or Tea Rinse Challenge 2012


How do you use Irish Moss? By itself, with other herbs, or with condish?

WantNatural Hi! I use it as a tea in conditioner or take the powder & make a smooth thick creamy paste/mix it with a leave in,use as a rinse..It helps with moisture this time of year..Sometimes I add hibiscus powder for extra conditioning/moisture.

Happy Hair Growing!
phyl73 When I took my cornrows out my hair was a tangled, crispy, matted mess. I was m/s everyday but it didn't help. So I now know that I can't use black tea by itself. And I think my shedding increased than from what it was when I was using my Njoi herbal rinse.
This is tea-related, trust me:

Went to the BSS last week and got a $2 sample of Lottabody. Heard so much about on LHCF decided spend that little money. Last night decided to try a pincurl-twist out. Cowashed and regular condish'd. Nothing else on my hair (no leaveins or oil).

Lottabody has to be mixed with water. I decided to mix it with tea. Rubbed that into my hair. It takes a while to twist and pin, so as the unfishined part of my hair dried, I re-spritzed with plain tea. Slept.

Do you know how SOFT my hair is?! I expected crispiness and stiffness but my Lottabody-tea mix made it like a little down pillow. No dryness--it is moisturized and hydrated!

The style I dont like so much--its too much shrinkage and makes me look like a TWA again :lachen: but I won't knock the softness and movement... :)

Another use for tea!!!

Lotta-tea mix
Teas: oolong, nettle, burdock. Oils: refined peanut, sunflower, grapeseed.
@phyl73 When I took my cornrows out my hair was a tangled, crispy, matted mess. I was m/s everyday but it didn't help. So I now know that I can't use black tea by itself. And I think my shedding increased than from what it was when I was using my Njoi herbal rinse.
Babygrowth--black tea was awful for me too. I cant remember exactly what it did--but I stopped it immediately. Same with coffee.

Also, I switched to herbs and they're just as effective. My hair and scalp are sensitive, so it's important to try them one at a time. I know divachyk takes the simple, one-at-a-time approach as well.

It takes some trial and error to find your hairs strength tolerance also. Others can brew their teas all night--my hair gets crisp with dark brews and a 10-15 min brew in a regular cup of cooling water is best for me (just like I make it to drink).

Took a couple months to find the staples. Every now and then there will be a guest star.

So keep at it. You'll eventually find your hair's tea-buddy
DarkJoy I totally agree. I looked at the ingredients in Njoi's herbal rinse and chose my teas based on that because my hair responded extremely well. I really want... need this too work.
I tea rinsed with moringa yesterday and my hair was nice and soft. I didn't notice improvement in shine though. I'll keep using it to see if the shine comes over time.

you're right, Marshmallow root or slippery elm are especially great for dry coughs, and IBS/IBD. I want to experiment with irish moss as there were a few older members who used to experiment with it as a natural conditioner.
You simply drink a cup a day for IBS relief? Mane_Attraxion

DarkJoy I totally agree. I looked at the ingredients in Njoi's herbal rinse and chose my teas based on that because my hair responded extremely well. I really want... need this too work.
DarkJoy is right Babygrowth, I use one tea at a time. Once or twice I've been bold and daring and mixed a few teas but they were teas that I knew my hair loved because I previously tried them individually. My all time fav is marshmallow root, then slippery elm. Moringa is great too but hasn't topped my marsh root or slippery elm. I have burdock root and a few other teas but keep forgetting to try them. Nice and slow works for my hair because chick catches a major attitude if I overwhelm her with too many things or too many steps in a short period of time. Makes for a boring regi but slow and steady is the only way I can win this race with my picky hair.

No, THANK YOU for starting it! This has been a lot of fun for me. I use almost 100% natural products on my hair now and the addition of herbs has been FABULOUS! One of my favorite hair inspirations, Zhara, uses all natural products which includes an herbal tea rinse for her hair and an herbal tea that she drinks. Check out her TBL+ length check - I think she has since cut back to WL.:blush:

Here's her health hair growth tea:

Here's her organic herbal hair rinse:

WantNatural, she is great I read about her on curly niki.
Will be rinising today with: Oolong, Saw Palmetto, Rosemary (and maybe something else).

Will brew something interesting for Friday. Not sure what yet....:lick:
IDareT'sHair said:
Will be rinising today with: Oolong, Saw Palmetto, Rosemary (and maybe something else).

Will brew something interesting for Friday. Not sure what yet....:lick:

Have you tried the Irish moss yet? If so, how did you use it?
I got the Oolong tea from Vitacost this week. I drank two cups of it already! I can't wait to use it on my hair!!

What should I expect by using Oolong on my hair? Are you ladies using it before or after your DC?
I combined a few teas for a good wash day rinse - moringa, marsh root, slippery elm. I've been using them as a daily spritz with no issues so come wash day, the results should be no different.
I saturated my hair with IPN TeaLightful Quench and let it soak in for a while then put conditioner ontop for over an hour.

Still using Claudie's Tea as part of my leave in routine.
AtlantaJJ I have no idea:lachen: Actually, I'm thinking that I'll add the borage to my DC (maybe instead of horsetail due to the silica) blend of teas and the irish moss to my leave in blend:lick:
Throwing in a Bigelow Mint Medley Tea Bag tonight (that I picked up at a Business Meeting). Which has Peppermint, Spearmint and some other blends.

I'll add it to my Oolong, Saw Palmetto Brew.
I'm gonna do white apricot tea w a plain black tea bag thrown end this week end....

I like spraying the tea on my hair better....
Haven't had time to do my hair for 3 nights but got back to it today and I feel right again:yep: Used tea in my steamed DC, mid wash rinse (coffee as well) and final rinse (avj as well).
TLC1020 Yes you can. I do recommend using it under a DC though as it can act like a protein and make your hair feel dry. This isn't the case with everyone though.