Coffee and/or Tea Rinse Challenge 2012

Thanks hun,

Well in that case I will be doing a Tea Rinse this weekend, hopefully it decrease the shedding..

@TLC1020 Yes you can. I do recommend using it under a DC though as it can act like a protein and make your hair feel dry. This isn't the case with everyone though.
I'll be throwing over my head some Oolong and ACV, as a final rinse after my DC today. The effects of my last Oolong rinse lasted nearly 3 weeks, y'all. My hair is just now starting to shed again. I'm sure it's the oolong as nothing else has changed in my routine.
Sitting with black tea and plastic cap now, gonna let it sit for 30 minutes then I'm going to add my creme conditioner on top with plastic for about an 1hr, hopefully it works..

I'm excited. I've been lurking in this thread and now it's time to take action. My tea (throat coat and black tea) is steeping as I type. Can't wait to see my results :grin::grin:
karenjoe said:
I'm gonna do white apricot tea w a plain black tea bag thrown end this week end....

I like spraying the tea on my hair better....

That tea sounds yum! It will even go well being sprayed on your hair.
Soooo...first I'm so glad I was asked to join this challenge. It has done miracles for my hair! I have been using my tea rinses as well as my daily coffee spritzes.

I went was on YouTube watching someone, I don't remember who because I am addicted to hair videos on that site. Anywho, I watched a video that showed someone with porosity issues using aloe juice to open the cuticles of their hair before conditioning. So I decided to do this to my hair before heading out to the gym. I sprayed my hair with or juice and water, sprayed my hair with my tea mixture, put on some conditioner, then put on some coconut oil. I worked out, Zumba!, then came home to to rinse my hair and do a final ACV rinse. Sweet Lord above! My hair was soooo soft. I can't remember the last time my hair felt this way. I put my hair in a bun, put on some ecostyler and sealed with black castor oil.

I can't say it enough. Thank God for LHCF!
Thank you all sooooooooooooo much for hooking me up with Oolong tea, my new baby daddy! First off, I love drinking it, I have a cup at work every day. Second, it made my hair feel so soft when I used it as a rinse. I used it after my DC. I used a large bowl in the sink and poured it over my head multiple times. My hair feels amazing!!

I'm not sure what this is going to do about my shedding, it will be a bonus if it slows down.

This tea is good for your heart, don't forget to drink the Oolong tea!

I ordered mine from Vitacost.
I did a tea rinse last night, kitchen mixture of everything:lol: I don't recall because I made it last week.

Ladies, shop TJMax, and Marshall for your teas, they are very cheap $2.99-4.99 and during the holiday season they tend to bring out a good variety. I picked up a big container of Oolong. AtlantaJJ it does taste good, never used it for hair but I will.
@Imoan Your thoughts on the Conditioner? I have this pulled out to start cowashing with.

This was my first time using it so to give it a fair review I need to use it a little more. I try to use things 3 times to really judge it, but for my 1st use I will say the conditioner felt really good on great slip, however after I rinsed it out hair felt a little dry, but soft like cotton. ( I did pre poo w/olive oil first, gonna try it next sunday w/o pre-pooing and see. HTH

When do you plan on using it? Do share your thoughts on it...
I picked up Oolong this weekend (from Publix grocery store) and will use it next wash day. Oolong is gonna have to bring it to beat out marshmallow root. Marsh root tea is awesome! To date, nothing has topped it.

Imoan Your thoughts on the Conditioner? I have this pulled out to start cowashing with.

I used Hairveda Redtea line on Sunday..

I need to use mine also or fridge it to preserve it. IDareT'sHair Imoan I also used the red tea LI/moisturizer or whatever it's called. It didn't really make my hair feel great until after I baggyed. My hair felt quite lovely thereafter. I'm almost done with the red tea souffle or whatever it's called (yeah, I can jack up names and too lazy to go to the website to get the proper name), I like it but won't repurchase. I like Bee Mine Curly Butter way better. Just overall performs and creates a soft hold better.
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I picked up Oolong this weekend (from Publix grocery store) and will use it next wash day. Oolong is gonna have to bring it to beat out marshmallow root. Marsh root tea is awesome! To date, nothing has topped it.

I need to use mine also or fridge it to preserve it. @IDareT'sHair @Imoan I also used the red tea LI/moisturizer or whatever it's called. It didn't really make my hair feel great until after I baggyed. My hair felt quite lovely thereafter. I'm almost done with the red tea souffle or whatever it's called (yeah, I can jack up names and too lazy to go to the website to get the proper name), I like it but won't repurchase. I like Bee Mine Curly Butter way better. Just overall performs and creates a soft hold better.

off topic... don't you just love Publix, that is my store, they have some of everything.. exotics I never even heard of. Luv that siggy pic too....
Imoan said:
off topic... don't you just love Publix, that is my store, they have some of everything.. exotics I never even heard of. Luv that siggy pic too....

I wish I had a Publix nearby!
Dc Monday with Curly Kinks Dc,applied HV RedTea leave-in,Njoi Green Tea hair cream on top,Sealed with TLC Boabab oil..Put Heritage Jar of Joe on scalp..

*Im getting my hair & scalp ready for henna..

My hair smeels so good & very silky...

Happy Hair Growing!
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I been doing T rinses once a week, and thinking of doing a coffee rinse this sunday, but how soon can you do a coffee rinse?
I understand now Imoan, you can do them at the very same time..that's what I do:yep: So you don't have to wait any specific amount of time. I do equal parts coffee and tea:lick: I'm indecisive:look:
I did a quick retwist of my hair for sleeping / morning workout last night and I don't think I lost a single shed hair aaaaaaaaannnnnnnndddddd I didn't put a drop of water on my hair, it's so moist. The Hairveda Almond Glaze may be helping with the moisture, but I know the tea is helping to slow down my shedding. I should have been on this so long ago.... :fistshake: I won't lament, I'll be happy I found it now! :yep:
Hey ladies,

So after reading most of the post, I decided to do a tea spritz with burdock and nettle. I sprayed it on my dry area and wrapped. The next morning there was a major difference in dryness. I also sprayed in my roots and scalp and no itchies.

I have been rinsing weekly for a month with oolong and horsetail. I am very happy with this so far.
Brewed some sage leaves, thyme, kelp, fenugreek seeds, marshmallow roots, saw palmetto berries today. Will use for a final rinse after DC and in spray bottle for everyday spritz.

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I am happy with my use of black tea rinse under DC twice a week. But reading all of these brews make me want to try something new