Coffee and/or Tea Rinse Challenge 2012

Still rinsing! DCing right now w/AO GPB over coffee rinse. Will shampoo with homemade shampoo made w/nettle and lavender tea, and rinse w/nettle, oolong, and AVJ. I add some water to my nettle, oolong, and AVJ rinse for my spritz bottle.
I haven't bought any in awhile but I bought my heat sealable tea bags from either From Nature with Love or Lotioncrafters. Can't remember which one.
Brewed some nettle leaves, burdock roots, sage, thyme, mashmallow roots, horsetail......added in dc and will be used for a final rinse. Remaining will be added to my spray bottle.
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I am so thankful that I finally paid attention to this thread. This thread and some of its spin-offs is an answered prayer. I have DHT issues, why did it take me so long to figure out that the coffee tea rinses would help me externally? I have been tackling the issue internally with with a good bit of success but the coffee/tea rinses plus the Ayurveda teas are going to get my thickness back. I'm over here about to :cry: and :dance7:

I have to read through here and figure out how to make a coffee oil.

I'm wondering could I mix coffee, brahmi, and bhringraj into an oil together. I'm not sure if coffee would upset the Ayurvedic balance of the mix. Any suggestions? TIA

AtlantaJJ, i'm basic mixtress. Yes you can infuse them for a couple of weeks but like you said ayurveduc is already strong so i wouldn't.
I have been soooo hair lazy the last couple weeks...I haven't even done my hair since Thursday..for me that's madness!! I am brewing my dc blend now with the addition of Oolong:grin: tomorrow I'm getting back on track:yep:
I've just starting to use green tea in my hair spritz. On my hair it acts like a protein but if I seal with a little oil my hair feels very strong and incredibly moist without feeling greasy
Finally got back into my groove. Used my DC blend that now includes the infamous oolong. Did a mid rinse with my tea blend and equal parts coffee:lick: Did a final rinse with my tea blend and equal parts aloe juice. Me and my hair are HAPPY!!!!
I just bought me some regular ole' black tea to spritz under my DC'er tmrw until I can get my herbal rinses from Njoi. I think I'm going to take a trip down to wholefoods and check out there tea and oil aisles! Its been a while since I've been in there.
Gosh, I forgot to add details about my wash day Sunday.

I had Trigger over my moisturizing DC and Oolong tea under my protein DC (though, not in that order). And I've been using Trigger on my scalp regularly, and spray HV hydra silica tea mist on my hair.
Wash Day! Using Black, Hibiscus w/Black & Saw Palmetto

Will steep a nice pot of Oolong straight up no chaser for Friday's Wash Day!:grin:
DC tea blend on my hair now under my conditioner/oils/agave - brewed some coffee for my mid wash rinse (along with tea) and will do my final rinse with tea and aloe.
Got a new spray bottle from SALLY'S and what a difference. Much more controlled spray of my dc tea blend.
Put aside some coffee this morning to add to my rinse. I'm all set!
jprayze said:
Wednesday is my Wash Day this week. I'm going to do green tea with some rosemary :-)

No tea tonight...I'm doing a condensed Wash Day today due to hosting dinner tomorrow...
DarkJoy Bajanmum Nix08, ok I'm coming out of lurk mode for oolong. Does it have to be a special kind (like all natural) or would the oolong found in a typical grocery store like Publix (a non-Whole Foods kinda store) work?
I need to jump back in this challenge, so I can get in good for the New Year. Fell off with the teas, but slowly incorporating them back.