Coffee and/or Tea Rinse Challenge 2012

I'm always late to the party but I'm joining:look:
Using the following Teas:
Marshmallow root
Saw Palmento
Ltown put the bug in my ear and I'm very thankful:yep:
I'm using hibiscus and marshmallow in my DC's (thanks to bajandoc86 for the suggestion) and for a rinse during my cowash a mix of nettle, saw palmento, lavendar, horsetail and peppermint oil:grin:
Thanks IDareT'sHair....I may be out to lunch but if what I'm feeling is the result of the teas ladies have been keeping the lid on how fabulous the teas are! My hair feels so freakin' soft I'm bringing out protein tomorrow just because:yep: But will still use more tea:look:

Those who use hibiscus/sorrel how do you use it so that it doesn't stain everywhere/everything????

I use Hibiscus Flowers (dried). I also have the Hibiscus Tea but haven't used it yet.:lick:

@Ltown sent me a box of Black Tea with Rosehips and Hibiscus (can't wait to try it).:grin:

Haven't really noticed any adverse 'staining' with the Hibiscus. But I am using it in a Blend with other Teas/Flowers.

Mine is in a mix of:
Black Tea
Saw Palmetto
Burdock Root
Rosemary Leaf
Blue Malva Flowers *dried*
Calendua Flowers *dried*
Hibiscus Flowers *dried*
Chamomile Flowers *dried*

Which I've been using as a Leave-In
Thanks @IDareT'sHair....I may be out to lunch but if what I'm feeling is the result of the teas ladies have been keeping the lid on how fabulous the teas are! My hair feels so freakin' soft I'm bringing out protein tomorrow just because:yep: But will still use more tea:look:

Those who use hibiscus/sorrel how do you use it so that it doesn't stain everywhere/everything????
Nix08, I use alot of paper and I use cheese cloth when I make my tea. I use hibiscus powders.
Nix08 said:
Thanks IDareT'sHair....I may be out to lunch but if what I'm feeling is the result of the teas ladies have been keeping the lid on how fabulous the teas are! My hair feels so freakin' soft I'm bringing out protein tomorrow just because:yep: But will still use more tea:look:

Those who use hibiscus/sorrel how do you use it so that it doesn't stain everywhere/everything????

Nix08, the teas are a secret held only by our elite group. Lol! They work so fast! I think I noticed softening within the 2nd try. Love love love them...

Might try the hibscus in my mix now just to see...
IDareT'sHair and Ltown is the ending tea not red when you use the hibiscus?

DarkJoy - teas really are a gem:yep: I also used the marshamallow root with the hibiscus so it could be that...either way I plan to go back to the store and see if they have anything else that I've seen listed in here:yep:

I haven't used Hibiscus by itself. I have little "pouches" of the dried flowers So they are in a Mix with errthang.:lol:

I'll use the Teabags I got from Ltown which contain: Black, Rosehips and Hibiscus Teas.

I also agree with DarkJoy they work fast.:grin:
IDareT'sHair and Ltown is the ending tea not red when you use the hibiscus?

DarkJoy - teas really are a gem:yep: I also used the marshamallow root with the hibiscus so it could be that...either way I plan to go back to the store and see if they have anything else that I've seen listed in here:yep:

Nix08, i used hibscus ayuvreda powders whereas the tea bags which are ground flowers probably have less red more of a pink imo.
Did a Dark Roast Rinse and Slapped on some Darcy's Botanicals Deep Moisturizing Conditioning Masque on top and hopped under the Steamer.:lick:

Will do a ACV Rinse with Nexxus Ensure and to a Tea Rinse with my Leave-In.

The weather been little ruff on my hair..Getting caught in (storms)..So tonight I spritz with HV Hydra Silica,Applied HV Red Tea Mousturizer in length & sealed with Rice bran oil..

Hair feels very soft...Know I feel
I brewed some hibiscus, nettle, malva,horsetail tea do rinse later today. IDareT'sHair, i will be on the lookout for that tea mix don't know if its something they keep in stock. I'm getting lazy and need to get sone spritz or make batch that will last a month.
I've been doing tea rinsed each wash. Some washes I do 2 diners. First rinse before I DC usually with black tea then for my final rinse with roobis and kettle blend.

I also do a scalp spritz daily with the roobis blend, aloe vera and essential oils then seal with Trigga.

Using my homemade coffee in my HOT each week and the rhassoul clay mask I did today.
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My tea mix smelled really funky today almost moldy but it looked fine. I never noticed.

Does roobis or nettle have a strong odor?

I know my black tea usually smells slightly sweet.

I made this tea 2 weeks ago and store it in the fridge.
Did a rinse of black tea/acv and DCing on top of it for 3-4 hours. Will then follow up with my aloe mix spritz as a leave - in.

I bet you are tearin thru that Red Tea. I'm going to bust mine open as soon as that IPN Marsh Aloe 4oz is finished.

I'll be doing a Coffee rinse later before my DC, and then an HV pH Rinse after. Claudie's Tea for leave in.
Decided to brew my first rinse this weekend. So excited! I've been a leave in spritzer for those not in the know. Lol.

Rinsers: do y'all leave it on for a min to massage it in? Try it with heat?
I leave my rinses in for a minute or two. Hmm, I've never tried it with heat. I think one of mine says to leave in for 15 minutes or something but I haven't. I should try that....

Did an oil rinse today (with some tea that was starting to smell a little funny:look:) I rinsed it out quickly but I just had to use it:grin: I'm brewing another batch now (I'll be sure to keep it in the fridge:yep:)
Also used some tea in my dry dc.
Did an oil rinse today (with some tea that was starting to smell a little funny:look:) I rinsed it out quickly but I just had to use it:grin:

I'm so guilty of spritzing with stinky tea... and leaving it in! I hate to waste stuff! Who knows...maybe the fermentation stimulates hair growth. We should do a study :lachen:Nix08

Thanks Brownie518. Think I'll leave it in with my heat DC this Friday...
Last night I massaged my scalp with hair trigger, misted and applied Claudie's coffee and quinoa moisturizing cream.

I did the same thing tonight as well.