Coffee and/or Tea Rinse Challenge 2012

Today was brew day! My usual coffee and nettle, peppermint and fennel tea mix with some honey and castor, avocado, rosemary and clary sage oils. Added just a smudge of AO HSR to help the oils mix better... Can't wait to wash tuesday!

Wooh, those sound yummy and similar to my tea mix on sat. I had the bolded and burdock root, under my AO HSR conditioner. My hair felt lovely afters.
I'm thinking of buying some CS Red zinger tea to add to the mix. I just learned its made of TWO types of hibiscus :Lick: an its deeelicious!
Red zinger? Oooo please let us know if you do try!

And I wanna thanks the ladies who got me onto burdock root! its definately helping the shed. But even better? My hair is retaining moisture. This is the only change I've made besides MN which I found is very drying. And its keeping it moist on top pf THAT.

Been spritzing 50/50 burdock/nettle nightly as a leave in. Then the coco/shea mix to seal for the last 3 or 4 nights in a row. Its amazing!

Never been this soft and fluffy before...its like a nappy cloud.... :-) didn't even have to tend to it this morning b4 work. Fluffed with my fingers and go!
Wash Day tomorrow:grin:

Will Use:
Tea Rinse of: Horsetail, Nettle, Burdock Root, Saw Palmetto, Dried Blue Malva Flowers
Coffee Rinse: Columbian Supreme
ACV Rinse: Nexxus Ensure Acidifying Rinse
My teas are in so I will be making some mixes this weekend. I have horsetail,saw palmetto, burdock root, catnip, fenugreek, and moringa.
Hello Everyone!! Hello @I DareT's Hair!! I had a paper's finished. I am taking these braids out, layer by layer(3) of them. My hair is pretty moist. so far not a lot of debris. i digress:drunk:
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I'm in awe, I just read half of this thread and I'm inspired to tea rinse. I use to boil peppermint, rosemary, and basil leaves and rinse with that and I loved it but it was a hassle because the herbs would go bad before I could finish using it. I'm going tea shopping wednesday and I hope I can find a winning combo.
Well my friend has twisted my hair for me again in medium twists. She used the claudies products I had received @ w/end. Now back to coffee spritz leave-in and sealing with castor/coffee oil.

My hair feels soft and strong.
My Coffee oil is still sitting, unlike most here I did have the guts to pull out the crock pot yet, so I am just going to let this one mix like sweet tea for a few weeks, then see what I have.
Did a tea rinse with the last of my black tea/nettle/horsetail/neem tea. Time to mix some more - this time around I will make a tea with: black tea, nettle, neem, horsetail, saw palmetto, rosehip berries and fenugreek :lick:
Anakinsmomma said:
Alright ladies. You twisted my arm. I'll try burdock root. Happy? :lol:

Anakinsmomma yessss! Lol. Sadly I'm out of burdock. Will at it the grocery list...ek!

Of course now I have to try these blue malva (?) flowers everyone is raving about. Sorry on the app can't remember the exact name. I do believe I've seen those at whole foods...oooo!
I think my last black tea rinse was a little too strong (used 2 tea bags instead of my usual 1) and my hair shrunk really really tight - almost to my scalp - not pretty :pullhair:.

It was so wierd because my henna treatment has this exact effect on my hair:perplexed: - maybe it's the tannins..

For ladies that black tea rinse under their dc, How long do you keep it on before rinsing?

Today was wash day for me and my 3 girlies, so I started mine first. Poured the tea rinse, added hsr on top and plonked my heat cap on, while I tidied the house, washed the girls hair with CURLS and styled with Kinky Curly. That took about 4 hours...

My hair is now feeling kinda hard now that it's rinsed, ACV'd, M&S'd, and twisted up.

Do you think i tea rinsed for too long? It's the only thing I changed, I usually only do it for 1 hour...

@Aggie you were right about the tannins and for anyone else who's wondering about black tea rinse, I did some research and found this:

Which is the reason why I'll be sticking to herbal/coffee tea rinses from now on. :yep:
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Wash Day!:grin:

Will DC with a Cup of Columbian under Tiiva Naturals Coffee & Capucua DC'er.

Will do a Tea Rinse and ACV Rinse as a Final.:yep:
@Aggie you were right about the tannins and for anyone else who's wondering about black tea rinse, I did some research and found this:

Which is the reason why I'll be sticking to herbal/coffee tea rinses from now on. :yep:

I actually love the tea rinses. I was just not prepared for my hair shrinking so tightly.

On Sunday past, I used just 1 teabag instead of 2 and it turned out ok and so that's what I'll be using from now on.

One of these days, I might give the coffe a try and see how it affects my hair.

So why is your hair hard? Could it be the type of Tea?

You know, strange you should ask this IDareT'sHair because I just realized I changed the tea from a herbal blend to just straight and plain Lipton black tea. I mean that stuff is strooooooooong.

The herbal blend was much milder and left my hair pretty soft too. I have so much of the straight black tea now though so I will just have to use it and/or drink it up. I will make it work.
Aggie said:
You know, strange you should ask this IDareT'sHair because I just realized I changed the tea from a herbal blend to just straight and plain Lipton black tea. I mean that stuff is strooooooooong.

The herbal blend was much milder and left my hair pretty soft too. I have so much of the straight black tea now though so I will just have to use it and/or drink it up. I will make it work.

Well you could always add a touch of a humectant with the black teas. I add a tblsp glycerin in my mix.

Probably making my puff too soft. :p

I use Lipton Black Pearl Tea too. But it has never left me with hard hair.

Maybe it's the Leave-Ins I use that help to soften things up afterwards.

I use Lipton Black Pearl Tea too. But it has never left me with hard hair.

Maybe it's the Leave-Ins I use that help to soften things up afterwards.

My hair is not hard once I condition. It's actually only immediately after pouring on the black tea. It shrinks really tight and I have to use a good conditioner afterwards to really moisturize and stretch it back out.

I don't end my wash day with hard hair though. It's usually left feeling more on the strong side than soft and mushy. For soft results, I have to use a deep moisturizing conditioner