Coffee and/or Tea Rinse Challenge 2012

Getting ready to Steam with: Marie Dean Coffee & Kokum with a Strong Cup of Columbian Coffee underneath!

Will do a Growth Tea Rinse: Horsetail, Nettle, Burdock, Saw Palmetto, Yerba Mate & Blue Malva

Will finish up with ACV Rinse to Seal it Up & Lock errrthang in.
I really dreaded doing a tea rinse tonight. I forgot to take my tea out of the freezer this morning. So I remembered just before I stepped in the shower Had to go downstairs and nuke it but I got it in. So rubbed it into my scalp before I DCd.

Still not sure if it is working but will keep my promise and do it weekly until the end of March. Next week I will do a coffee rinse. Maybe my scalp needs more caffeine.

I think it's working.:lol: Are you seeing less shedding? Yes, please keep it up.:yep:

I'm thinking about putting some of mine in a Spritz bottle soon and using it as a Leave-In.
I'm thinking about putting some of mine in a Spritz bottle soon and using it as a Leave-In.
IDareT'sHair spritz bottles are the way to go. love using my tea as a leave in...

speaking of, about to brew some burdock and nettle, then put a bit of glycerin in the batch and spray to leave in. seem to be having the most luck with these two plus glyc. the chamomile not so much.

even though i fell off the wagon, i hardly had any shedding at all these last few days.
I[USER said:

I think it's working.:lol: Are you seeing less shedding? Yes, please keep it up.:yep:

I'm thinking about putting some of mine in a Spritz bottle soon and using it as a Leave-In.

I'm not sure that I see less shedding which is why I am going to do it until the end of March. If I can't tell by then I'm not sure I will continue. I hate adding extra steps to my regi :lol:
I get less shedding. But the moment I forget a day or two of coffee spritz, the shedding increases again. My shedding is due to my birth control, so I guess the hormones are in charge, lol!

My coffee leave in is lovely, though. I did get a shock tho, when I poo'ed my hair last night and the rinse water was brown!!! :shocked: I took me a good few secs to realise it was the coffee leave-in, :lol:

Anyhoo, I've got a nettle, burdock, peppermint, and coffee tea rinse under my conditioner AO HSR and will and do a final acv rinse later.
@IDareT'sHair, @Ltown, I came across another online vendor that sells Blue Malva flowers...1/4 pound for $9.20. I did a test run on shipping and it's about $5.83 USPS to the 90210 zip code (tee hee...used the zip from a tv show I watched back in the day :look:) 1/4 pound is 4 ounces right? that's a lot to buy all at once but here's the link if you're interested in stocking up on Malva...

I ordered from herbco yesterday and received a 10 percent coupon to use today. If anyone is interested in the coupon code please send me a private message. The code says it is only valid for today.:ohwell:
:lachen::lachen::lachen: Wow, your coffee leave in must be strong, I got to step up my game. My water is clear.

:lol: Yes it's how I make my coffee in the mornings. Any remainder that goes cold is put into my spray bottle with a tsp of castor oil. Waste not, want not. :grin:

I'm such a hill billy about these things, lol. (Psst! I water down the kids o.j so that it goes further, too. But don't tell them...)
IDareT'sHair said:
@Lita Don't think I'll be gettin' any.:sad: (Unless there's a Sale) A little too 'steep ' ($).

So is Hairitage's, but I did get a Jar. She hooked me with that 'sample':lol:

I hope Claudie's Coffee Line isn't as pricey.:perplexed

IDareT'sHair thanks to your post about this I picked up the Hairitage hydration one too and have been using it on my scalp daily for the last 3 days or so and so far so good. I will see what my results are with it after using it for a while but I like it so far.

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IDareT'sHair said:

I love it! :love:

Now, I just have to 'budget' it into my $. It's so nice & creamy!:lick:

Shay72 said:
It sure is :yep:. I will be using mine today or tomorrow for the first time.

I know right!!!, so just so I am sure that I am doing things right how are you both using it, meaning moisturizer, conditioner?..I've been parting my hair and putting it directly on the scalp and messaging it in.

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@bign 17
The only thing I've put on my scalp in a while is oil but I am contemplating with this one. If not, I will just use it on the length of my hair.
IDareT'sHair said:

The same. Part & apply to scalp. I also massage it in. I love the consistency.:lick:

I re-upped on a 4 ounce last night.:perplexed

Shay72 said:
@bign 17
The only thing I've put on my scalp in a while is oil but I am contemplating with this one. If not, I will just use it on the length of my hair.

Thanks so much ladies (big hug)......looks like I am doing it right,

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After reading Shay72 inspiring post, I decided to make some Coffee Oil in my Crock Pot.:look:

Here's where I messed up::blush:

1) Used Coconut Oil. Didn't have enough Olive Oil so used Olive & Coconut. Forgot Coconut will Solidify.

2) I dumped the grounds into the Oil (instead of putting them in a Cheese Cloth Tea Bag) which I have plenty now I think Imma have a mess on my hands.

So, after it sits, how easy/hard is it going to be to Strain?

Lawd...Why didn't I remember to put that Coffee in a Tea Bag?

PART 2 of my Epic Fail at making Coffee Oil:lol:

I ended up, taking a Nylon Knee-High, placing it over a Coffee Cup & Pouring the Oil into the Cup.

I'll let it sit overnight and try to remove the Knee-High in the morning.

Next time:

I will use Olive Oil. I will put the Coffee in the Cheesecloth, place it in the Oil and allow it to sit for at least 2 weeks.
Ladies, thought I'd share some herbal hair recipes I found while researching tea rinses. I like that you're provided exact measurements and herbal blends targeted to different hair and scalp issues. Enjoy!

1 tsp blue malva
1 tsp irish moss
1 tsp hibiscus powder

1 tsp neem powder
1 tsp white willow bark
1 tsp burdock root

1 tsp stinging nettle
1 tsp horsetail
1 tsp peppermint
1 tsp basil

1 tsp horsetail
1 tsp stinging nettle
2 tsp hibiscus powder
1 tsp coltsfoot
1 tsp parsley

1 tsp irish moss
1 tsp marshmallow root
1 tsp stinging nettle
1 tsp coltsfoot
2 tsp hibiscus powder
1 tsp blue malva

*add your favorite EO (lavender, rosemary, lemongrass, tea tree) to the mix.
I think my last black tea rinse was a little too strong (used 2 tea bags instead of my usual 1) and my hair shrunk really really tight - almost to my scalp - not pretty :pullhair:.

It was so wierd because my henna treatment has this exact effect on my hair:perplexed: - maybe it's the tannins.

Tomorrow, I am going back to using 1 teabag with some caffeine powder added. I don't mind all the strengthening nor how well it nukes shedding, but the shrinkage was ridiculous:nono:.

It still works very well with 1 teabag so I have no idea why I used 2 the last time:look:.
I did a tea rinse of(burdock, nettle,horsetail,saw palmetto, peppermint, chamomile)

I picked up box of tea from TJ Max, black tea with rose hip and hibiscus. They have the bet of tea mixes and cheap.
I just finished my black tea/caffeine powder rinse and I'm back to 1 teabag again. My hair still shrunk but only a tiny bit - I can deal with that!

Now I'm Dcing with AO HSR mixed with SD VSC because the HSR by itself did not feel moisturizing enough.

I knew that would happen after a moderate to hardcore protein treatment (used Duo Tek mixed with AO Swimmers conditioner). This turned out quite nicely by the way.

I can't wait to finish up my hair today - feeling a little lazy. Anyway 25 more minutes to go and I'm done with it for the day.
Today was brew day! My usual coffee and nettle, peppermint and fennel tea mix with some honey and castor, avocado, rosemary and clary sage oils. Added just a smudge of AO HSR to help the oils mix better... Can't wait to wash tuesday!