Coffee and/or Tea Rinse Challenge 2012

Today I made a tea spritz (with lipton which is too damn weak to drink these days :lachen: ) and nettle extract, horsetail extract & orange EO. Will try it out tomorrow morning before school to refresh my hair before leaving out.
My Saw Palmetto Tea Bags came today, but I had already brewed a gallon of Horsetail & Nettle Teas.:lick:

I allowed it to sit overnight and transferred into a Gallon Jug. After I get 1/2 way through the Jug, I'll brew some Saw Palmetto and add to it.:yep:

Will Tea Rinse with the Horsetail & Nettle Blend Saturday.
I ordered a couple packs of:

Dried Hibiscus Flowers
Dried Calendua Flowers

They were like a buck a pack. The shipping is the thing. :ohwell:

My Blue Malva Flowers should be here Saturday.:lick:
IDareT'sHair, can you just put the tea in an applicator bottle and apply it to your scalp? It's more about the scalp versus the hair right?

I've tried tea rinses a few times but it has yet to wow me. But I have lots of tea to use up so willing to try it again.
@IDareT'sHair, can you just put the tea in an applicator bottle and apply it to your scalp? It's more about the scalp versus the hair right?

I've tried tea rinses a few times but it has yet to wow me. But I have lots of tea to use up so willing to try it again.


Right.:yep: It's all about the Scalp and Hair. I did put my Coffee Rinse in an Applicator Bottle, but just prefer to pour.:lol:

The Pre-Made Spritzs are good too. Mostly a Tea/Herbal Blend.

Yeah. Once again, consistency is key for this as well.:yep:

It's really made a Huge Improvement in my hair.
I may try this again with the applicator bottle. I don't know why I don't like pouring stuff over my head :lol:
Hi ladies! I used my tea spritz again today and I'm liking it so far. :yep: It's so great to be able to just take something natural in my cupboard and have it feeling dee-lish on my hair/scalp. :lick:

Today's supposed to be wash day, but I hennaed on Wednesday and don't feel like washing, nor do I feel like dealing with wet hair and detangling. :p So I guess I'll wait a day or two. My hair is in two french braids at the moment and that's how it will stay for now. The ends have already unraveled smh but that's where my looser texture is so *shrug* :lol: I'm looking forward to doing a coffee rinse this weekend and I may make another coffee oil since I'm nearly done with mine! :yep:

*Goes through IDareT'sHair 's cupboard for some coffee* :lachen: Kidding, don't kill me! :blush:
Oh yeah...Speaking of "Coffee" I received a 1 ounce 'sample' of Hairitage Hydrations Coffee Hair Creme.

SMH.:love: That stuff is A-Maz-ing! :lick:

She hasn't calculated a price for it or listed it yet, but it's coming soon. :look:

It feels like a million bucks.:grin:

She 'thinks' it smells a bit strong, but I like it.

She said she thinks she may add some Vanilla to it to cut the Coffee Smell.

But it's mighty fine with Me.:heart: *drool x2*
@IDareT'sHair, can you just put the tea in an applicator bottle and apply it to your scalp? It's more about the scalp versus the hair right?

I've tried tea rinses a few times but it has yet to wow me. But I have lots of tea to use up so willing to try it again.

faithVA, thanks for the love! Try using the tea and putting dc over it or you may just need to find the tea right for your hair. Most use tea to stop or reduce shedding. Black tea have more caffeine so if you try some with less caffeine it may work.
Today I put my coffee/tea/oil rinse on right after the trader joes tea tree tingle condish.

The tingle was a-may-zing!!!!!! I never get that much tingle with just the condish... Now I know where in the wash routine to put my rinse :yep:

I want to try a new dc. Can any one recommend one? I've been using ORS hair mayo.
I used my fav Shi Naturals Tea Rinse for Growth. I poured it on and slapped some Marie Dean Coffee & Kokum over it. Fantastic!

I assume you mean Haitiage Hydrations Coffee Hair Creme. It's sooooooo nice. Not heavy at all. Creamy/Slightly Whippy. A "Perfect" Hair Creme.:lol:

It does have a heavy Coffee Scent. It doesn't linger at all in your hair, but you can definitely smell it on your hands. And my Scarf had a whiff of it last night.

I 'convo'ed' her last night and told her maybe she could do an: "Original Coffee Scent" AND....Coffee w/Vanilla, because I don't mind that Coffee smell.:lick:

It's excellent. She is also listing that Hair Creme/Lotion that I kept saying smelled like "Bergamont" It's a light creme/lotion.

She said the listed one will have a different fragrance from the 1 ounce sample I received.

And she is also listing some sort of new "Blossom Butter".

Hairitage is on the move. That Coffee Hair Creme is Excellent Indeed.
:grin: :love: :grin: <-----Represent how my hair and scalp felt on CONTACT with the tea. :yep: I put the coffee-ayurvedic tea on my hair and then applied MD Seaweed & Rice DC on ends (can't believe I STILL have this; I use it every week-it's lasted a while and still some left)! My hair feels fantastic. Overall it was a GREAT hair day for me and I think I've found a rhythm in my wash day which I'm going to upkeep from now on. :yep: Oh and earlier I was itching to dye my hair, but my ayurvedic pre-poo darkened my edges so I'm pretty set for now. I may get some indigo in the future though-especially for the area from my crown and halfway down-it's REALLY light there.

*Raises tea cup* :grin: