Cardio For Your Hair Challenge!!!!!


New Member
Anyone want to join me for an Cardio for Your Hair Challenge??

As we all know, exercise is an important part of any healthy hair care regimen. But sometimes its just so hard to do! Lets try to motivate each other to do some form of cardio 2 to 3 times per week.

Some Ideas for this challenge:

1) Walking outside or on a treadmill for 20-30 mins

2) Walking on the treadmill at the highest incline for 15-20 mins

3) Taking a group fitness class like tae-boe, kickboxing, yoga or weight-training alone or with a buddy :)

4) Jogging, brisk walking, elliptical or running

As it gets warmer its also much easier to co-wash, wash n' go or wash more frequently. So the hair will benefit is more than one way!
I'm in!!! I'll be doing weight training 3x a week with my bf, and cardio kickboxing with a friend of mine. The days that I have kickboxing, I'll be stepping into the steam room with some conditioner!
Girl I am definitely game! Not only is it good for my hair, it's good for my heart and it'll help me get rid of this tractor tire around my waist. :eek: :lol: :p
Well, since weight loss is not really motivating me to get on the treadmill right now, maybe my hair will.

So I'm in. :)

I don't like exercising around people though.
So, no classes for me. Just me and the treadmill, with Trey Songz playing on my headphones.
I'm in!! I have a treadmill that's doubling as a *hanger* right now :lol: besides I can stand to lose more than a few pounds. :ohwell:
I'm in. Yay, I've got workout buddies! Can someone please check-in on me every week to make sure I'm still on the wagon? I lack discipline when it comes to working out.:ohwell:
Argghhh -I am such a lazy A$#. But I pay for it in the mornings when I have NO energy. I'm definitely in.
I am in. I am on a mission to lose some weight. I have been walking for an hour everyday and doing yoga but if I can do this three times a week and still get in shape then I would be so happy because a sista is getting a little burnt out.
jwhitley6 said:
I'm in. Yay, I've got workout buddies! Can someone please check-in on me every week to make sure I'm still on the wagon? I lack discipline when it comes to working out.:ohwell:

We are here for you. :thumbsup:

I work out on my treadmill so I am in.
Awesome!!! Do you guys wanna start with a modest goal, see how we do and then extend the challegne?

How about a 6 week challenge???

At 3 times a week, thats 18 "exercises". That's not too bad!

Im gonna just write the number 18 in bold on a post-it note, leave it on my mirror, comp or steering wheel and just cross the number out as I exercise :)

If we all make it, we can try for Labor Day and be looking FLY at the next BBQ:grin:
Wildchild453 said:
I'm in, I work out 6x a week so this is a breeze

6x a week, You go!! I get in 4 or 5. But I am to lazy to do anything on the weekends. You are doing great!
I'm in!

I did 40 minutes of cardio today. I walked/jogged on the treadmill for 20 minutes and did 20 minutes on the stairmaster. I finished up with weight training and abs.

Will do the same tomorrow.
I'm in! :yep:

I don't exercise on the weekends and my doctor told me not to do it when my monthly "visitor" comes. I'll be walking on the treadmill
and lifting weights.
For the good of the mission, I will do it!!!!!

I will use my Jump Rope routine (15 minute workout) 3 times a week.

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I'm in. I've been slacking lately on my excersize.

I was up to 5 times a week...need to get back on the wagon.

So I'll do 3 times and then get back to my 5 times per week.
Great timing...I just kicked off my workout (5x/week)-wash (3x/week) personal regimen on Saturday. I'm in :)

I have tap class on Thursdays (ends in 2 weeks) and Kickboxing starting in July (which wil be 2x/week) I'm starting yoga next week (3x/week). So some form of activity M-F.
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jwhitley6 said:
I'm in. Yay, I've got workout buddies! Can someone please check-in on me every week to make sure I'm still on the wagon? I lack discipline when it comes to working out.:ohwell:
Me too...I lack discipline for hair regimens as