Cardio for Your Hair Challenge

All you have to do is post a starting pic on April 1 and post what you did at the end of each week. That way we keep each other motivated and accountable. However, I will start a separate thread on March 31 for that stuff.
I'm in... to get in shape. I dug a garden for my mom today (let's just say by body IS. NOT. HAPPY.). If my hair grows extra, then that's a plus.
Shut UP!!! This is brilliant!!

3 days a week, I can do - I'm SO in. I have to take pics for the end of Bootcamp, and I'll use those as my starting pics.

Heck. Yeah.
I wish all you ladies much success. And remember... exercising daily should not be a special event but a part of your lifestyle!:yep:
Count me in:yay: (thats me starting my cardio:grin:) I just got a YMCA membership last night so I was planning my get right for the summer plan anyway but what more motivation I could get from my hair family could only help. Lets Get It Ladies:dance7:
Please count me in... I just started to up my cardio in the last two weeks (kickboxing and jogging), so this challenge is perfect timing. Sign me up pls!!
I'm in! But, how are we going to motivate each other to work out?

Oftentimes, the challenges are motivation enough. That accountability is enough to keep lots of people going. Also, if someone needs a kick or lifting up they have somewhere to go. That's what I mean, can anyone else think of something?
Oftentimes, the challenges are motivation enough. That accountability is enough to keep lots of people going. Also, if someone needs a kick or lifting up they have somewhere to go. That's what I mean, can anyone else think of something?

For me my hair is going to be my motivation. I know that when I'm at my healthiest my hair grows the best. Plus, the more I go to the gym, the more I get to use the sauna to help DC my hair :grin:
3/25- 45 mins- elliptical 2 miles,5 mins boat rowing machine, 1 mile walk on track
3/26- 45 mins- elliptical- emphasis on the glutes, boat rowing on resistance 5
I'm in too. I just started back walking yesterday so hopefully I can drop some pounds and grow some hair.:grin: I will post my beginning shots later.
Tomorrow is the end of the challenge ladies and thus the reveal!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plz post pics (tongue twister) here :grin:
I'm not in the challenge but I do work out everyday. I really think that exercise plays an important part in hair growth. I will be cheering you ladies on in the sidelines!
Here are my results: May 13 to April 1(six weeks)
The split down the middle of my hair is because I air-dryed in pigtails and then flatironed each section wihout brushing, thus a split.

In the first picture I was trying to capture the hair that was touching my bra-strap. Second picture is from further away and because of it I will continue to reach for BSL by the end of June, no claiiming it yet. The third picture is the starting pic.
Here are my results: May 13 to April 1(six weeks)
The split down the middle of my hair is because I air-dryed in pigtails and then flatironed each section wihout brushing, thus a split.

In the first picture I was trying to capture the hair that was touching my bra-strap. Second picture is from further away and because of it I will continue to reach for BSL by the end of June, no claiiming it yet. The third picture is the starting pic.

congrats! thats good growth