Cardio For Your Hair Challenge!!!!!

I'm actually still on this challenge! I'm so proud of me!:yay:

I walk 3-5 miles everyday, depending on which route I take. It's funny to see the people in the bus stare at me walking like that all the time instead of getting in the cool air conditioning with them.:lol:

Also, I got one of those McDonald's core and yoga excercise DVD's. You get em free when you order a salad I think.They're perfect for me - just 15 minutes, so I do them at my convenience. I've noticed my 40 oz stomach slimming down a lot now! And I can't eat as much as I used to.

Co-wash today!:woot:

How'z it goin laydeez?
I know i'm probably too late, but i just wanted to let you all know i plan on starting this myself this week!!! ;) I really need to shed some pounds. Getting into some of my clothes......lets just say it ain't pretty girls, it ain't pretty at all!!!:lol:
whew, ok i'm down another one. i was so bloated today it felt like i was dragging weights on the treadmill :cool: i'm going to try for another one tomorrow or friday at the latest
I'm in too, Macheriamour. What do you do to your hair when you wash and go. I'm trying to find a low maintenance regimen and hair style for the summer. :confused:

This is just the motivation I need! I'm in. I know I'm late but I'll put in the extra time to keep up with your guys!
Doing ok- on exercise 10.

Me and my bf went and played racquetball over the weekend. Great bonding exercise and I got a great work out.

To maintain my hair, I do something bad:spank:

After I work out, I spray a diluted leave-in on my roots and scalp and then blowdry the roots.

I KNOW, thats so bad for your hair but it keeps my scalp happy and my roots straight for the rest of the week:ohwell:
I'm in! I do kickboxing Tues/Thurs/Sat which all happen to be days that I wash/co-wash so its perfect. I may start going back to the gym (which I've been paying for since april and haven't gone to) on Monday and Wedneday mornings. So, that's 5x a week for me. Hopefully my hair will grow and I'll lose some weight.
Well my hair couldn't motivate me..I thought it would. BUT my increasing belly made me get I'm doing a light jog Mon-Sat for 30 minutes. Which is good considering all I used to do was a 1hr tap class 1x/week (not much).
How are ya'll doing? I've been consistent to the point of others recognizing my weightloss :yay: but don't know how much it's helping my hair yet,:perplexed shrinkage is a mutha :ohwell:

My exercise of choice is the treadmill. :)