Cardio Challenge Journal


Well-Known Member
Cardio for Your Hair Challenge Check-in Journal

Alright Ladies, the challenge begins tomorrow!

So, post a starting pic and at the end of the week come back and tell us what you did for your cardio this week!

Have fun and thanks for joining me!
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My starting pic:

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I'll upload my photo later. I ran 3 miles yesterday, and did yoga today (even though I really wanted to be lazy).
I just did 30 minutes on the treadmill even though I was totally exhausted before. My starting pic will have to be my March 28 pic in my fotki which I think is too big to post on the this thread but I'll try


ok here is my starting pic! Today I did 20 min cardio on stair climber and the Boxing class after that for about a hour and a half!
So far so good. I ran 3km yesterday and am going to a 45min step class at lunch time. I will upload my picture tomorrow.
I will be posting my starting pic this weekend. This week has been so hard for me to get into the gym, but I'll make it up I promise :grin: On Sunday I spent 45 mins on the bike and then did some strength training.:drunk:
I did 30 minutes on the elliptical today, but I will have to post another starting pic this weekend (I'm thinking about BC'ing)
I've been doing 1 hour a day on either the treadmill or the elliptical. I start weight training this week.

I have a starting picture and will post when i figure out how to.:look:
So this week I jogged 30 minutes and did weight training 30 minutes for a toatal of an hour 4 days a week. Hope to do the same this week!

Week 1 down. Only a few more to go, keep up the good work ladies! :grin:
Today I am going to a 15 min ab class followed by 30 mins on the treadmill and another 30 mins on the treadmill after work this evening.
I'll have to post a pic later, my puter messed up :perplexed.
Anyway, I go to the gym 4x per week (M-Th) and I have a personal trainer :grin:. I do 30 minutes strengh/toning and 30 minutes cardio.