Can you really claim to be SL when you have no neck?

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Another hilariously sad thread @ LHCF!!!! lol im at a professional conference about to choke on my coffee

Can I get a PM to the link??? :sekret: I need it for research purposes.....
Thanks for the link Cream Tee and Teysmith. I can't watch it until I get home though :wallbash: I hope no one is leaving mean comments, I don't want her to delete the video before I can watch it.
Yeah...cough....that appears to be the problem...if she was skinny it wouldnt look like that ya'll...the hair would still be on its way to SL

Maybe she just has a chubby neck and shoulders... that way it would appear to be no neck...:lachen:
^^^ I know. These comments are crazy. I need a link, please. :)

ETA: Thanks for the link!
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All helz if thats the case can folks really claim to be bsl when they are leaning backwards pulling that one strand of hair down to their bra.:lachen: You still have shoulders with or without a neck right?:look: What about folks with slumped shoulders, what about those with high waist that start under there brastrap? questions questions questions:wallbash:

I chalk it up to those wanting to reach their goal real bad and quicker than quick.
this is to whoever left the comment "fabulous":hardslap: because you know you are wrong:lachen:
Cream Tea, maybe you should delete the info. All signs point to her being a member of this board - at least it seems very likely. Wouldn't want anyone's feelings to get hurt :ohwell:
I wonder how some of the heavier women on this board feel about not trying to be a debbie downer, its funny at first, but i also think it's a bit tactless. Like what is the girl supposed to say? if it's at her shoulder it's at her shoulder.

Although i do think its a fair assessment to say that measuring the actual length of someones hair can't be done by APL, OR MBL. That doesn't tell you how many inches of hair someone has, it just tells you where it falls on the body.

and we have a winner. I've seen people on here who are like 5 ft tall and claim mid back length. Sure someone who is 5 ft tall will reach midback length before someone who is 6ft tall. All hair measurements are relative. I don't see the pleasure in making fun of someone's features that they can't do anything about.
and we have a winner. I've seen people on here who are like 5 ft tall and claim mid back length. Sure someone who is 5 ft tall will reach midback length before someone who is 6ft tall. All hair measurements are relative. I don't see the pleasure in making fun of someone's features that they can't do anything about.

ITA...I hope those with a neck have a waist like this )( cause that's a waist not () or []. Those with () or [] shall not claim WL because the don't have a waist "line". :lachen: It goes either way ladies. :rolleyes:
Honestly Even though she dont have much of a neck...she still doesnt even look shoulder length at all. My hair was about the same before i BC and there was no way in hell i was claiming shoulder length..and mines was probably longer than hers.

I was going to say she and I have about the same inches of hair on my head. In that case I can claim sl.
Cream Tea, maybe you should delete the info. All signs point to her being a member of this board - at least it seems very likely. Wouldn't want anyone's feelings to get hurt :ohwell:

Yeah I didn't really feel to comfortable having the info there so I have deleted it.
How tacky. :perplexed

Locking so thread can be referred to later as to why some are hesitant in posting pictures.
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