Can you really claim to be SL when you have no neck?

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HAHAHAHA @ the title.
This goes to show that everything is relative and you can't compare your SL to another's SL.

What gets me is people who claim their length too early..but hey, whatever floats you boat.
The inches ARE there. :grin: I was trying to be funny, but I was also serious. Your neck doesn't just evaporate... it gets sucked up into your head. Shoulder Length on a person with the same proportions with a smaller head and more neck would be the same. Right?

Where do y'all think fat people's necks go? :lachen:
lol i swear some people on this board are ***** IGNANT.

If she is shoulder length, then she is shoulder length. Whats the issue? The terms were never one size fits all in the first place.

someone needs to take chill pill because I think they're all just having fun :look:
this is why people don't like posting progress pics :nono: At least she's brave enought to have her face and hair all over the internet
I ask because I saw a girl on youtube ( i won't out her in case she's on this board) claiming to be SL when she had no neck. She was a lil thick so I guess SL was a lot easier to reach. While I'm happy that she felt she had reached SL, she was being a tad unrealistic. What she called SL was probably 5 inches of hair and on an "average" person, it would be neck length.

It just got me thinking about my own goals and trying to tell myself my hair has grown 3 inches when it's probably two, telling myself my hair doesn't need to be cut off when it really does.

I guess I'm wondering if anyone else lies to themselves about their hair...

:lachen::lachen:Sorry but that's funny. I wish I could see that video. I'm going to google it on youtube:sekret: Anywho, I don't lie to myself. When I was APL, I claimed it when I could tuck my hair under my armpit:spinning::yep:
I seen the video :nono:.
I totally get your observation thats why I measure my hair according to my own body and in inches.
I wonder how some of the heavier women on this board feel about not trying to be a debbie downer, its funny at first, but i also think it's a bit tactless. Like what is the girl supposed to say? if it's at her shoulder it's at her shoulder.

Although i do think its a fair assessment to say that measuring the actual length of someones hair can't be done by APL, OR MBL. That doesn't tell you how many inches of hair someone has, it just tells you where it falls on the body.
The title along had me laughing hard...why?? Because I'm only 5'0 tall and I have a short neck...which of course I can't help that :) And I'm SL...and of course it's because I have no neck :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Girl you are too funny.

With that train of thought I should be claiming APL already. Have you seen my long neck & torso?
:lachen::lachen:Seriously [FONT=&quot]![/FONT] I'm 5'9'' with a very long neck - if only i suffered from short, no-neck syndrome I'd be mbl by now dammit [FONT=&quot]![/FONT] :rolleyes::lachen:
How can skinny girls with no boobs who don't wear bras claims BSL?

Thank goodness I don't have a neck like this


I'd never get to WL! :look:

Ok....lemme stop!!! :lachen:

:lachen::lachen:Seriously [FONT=&quot]![/FONT] I'm 5'9'' with a very long neck - if only i suffered from short, no-neck syndrome I'd be mbl by now dammit [FONT=&quot]![/FONT] :rolleyes::lachen:

Oh man, this thread right chea:lachen::lachen:
I don't know if this is serious or a joke.
If she's shoulder length, she's shoulder length, whether she's built like a giraffe or built like a snowman.


No like seriously I know some one who does not have a neck. Its just a head sitting on her shoulders. Just like when you were a lil kid and you use to smash your Barbie's Head down lol. She looks just like that!

Why!???!? :dead:

....Got any pitchas? :sekret:

She still has shoulders...

^True. Quite... true. So, allegedly she could never have been neck length is all.
thats why i asked the board if i was WL so I could claim it. i didnt want to lie to myself. so im glad i have about 4,000 women to tell me.

This is not true. Torso length matters more than height. A person that is 5'7 with a short torso would reach mbl faster than a person that is 5'1 with a long torso and short legs.

Agreed! I made a similar comment today in Ediese's post.
My girl made it to WL in a few months and I've been at it for years.
I think my torso, leg proportion is average but my neck is long. My girl has an average neck lenght and really short torso and she permed so....she beat me hands down!
A lot of height is in your legs. Notice that pants are the things we size by length, and not as much shirts. No one is having to hem up their shirts.

People with short necks often have big ol' melon heads.
People with long necks often have round little pea heads.

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