New Member
Sistaslick said:I don't think LHCF is a good representation of hair care in black America. I mean, here you'd find people who deep fry their hair in monkey doo faithfully each night with tailbone length hair.Then the average josephine stumbles upon it and says, well if X can do it then obviously I can too. That's the only danger we have to look out for when we promote certain things. Macherie, and many others, are always good about posting disclaimers about practices that they do that they feel might not be "healthily accessible" to the average josephine (or goes against the traditional LHCF school of thought) but happen to work amazingly for them.
On LHCF, some of us get away with a lot things that aren't "healthily accessible" to the majority-- and that's because our regimens tend to be a lot more solid in other important areas. We can often afford to take those liberties, where the average lady on the street might not have the resources or state of hair to pull it off as successfully.
ITA: This is a category I fall in to. I leave braids in my hair for 5--7 months but I would never tell someone to do the same. I only told one person to do it because i believe her hair can handle it. Most don't realize what goes into leaving braids in that long. IMHO most can't handle doing what i do because it goes against almost everything they learn here. This is why I'm not so quick to tell people to do what i do.