Can we talk about relaxing bone straight and why people do this??

mango387 said:
I was an earlier poster in the thread who mentioned relaxing bone straight. For the record, although I relax bone straight, I do not use blowdriers or flat-irons except for special occasions (about eight or ten times per year).

:clapping: LHCFers know better than to relax and abuse heat, but the people I know IRL don't get it. Your method is how it should be done and if I relaxed bone straight I'd try to do it your way or Machieramour's. :grin:
Now that is making sense...well not making sense, but you know what I mean!

I'm glad you mentioned super, because NOBODY needs super. Thats the second baffling thing to me :confused: Another marketing lie...

I've used super and my hair does not come out bone straight. It's more texlaxed, in that when it's wet it's wavy, but it still very thick and has alot of body...maybe that's just my head :ohwell: I've contemplated using Regular, but I'd rather use Super for 15 mins than Regular for 25.
I relax bone straight and have seen no damage since I found the boards and know how to care for my hair. Right now I'm stretching, but after my touch-up I can airdry and the result is straight hair. I really don't need to flat iron or rollerset or any of that.
Relaxing bone straight is easier for me. If you know what you are doing, it does not have to = damage.

ITA, I relax bone straight and it's just easier for me to style my hair. In fact, I was texlaxed for many years and had a much more difficult time styling my hair. Of course, that was before I learned to roller set, so I don't know if that would have made a difference. But I find that my hair is healthier now than it has ever been.
OT: your growth is bananas!

ITA, I relax bone straight and it's just easier for me to style my hair. In fact, I was texlaxed for many years and had a much more difficult time styling my hair. Of course, that was before I learned to roller set, so I don't know if that would have made a difference. But I find that my hair is healthier now than it has ever been.
I relax bone straight and have seen no damage since I found the boards and know how to care for my hair. Right now I'm stretching, but after my touch-up I can airdry and the result is straight hair. I really don't need to flat iron or rollerset or any of that.
Relaxing bone straight is easier for me. If you know what you are doing, it does not have to = damage.

I try to relax my hair as close to bone straight as I can get it. I've had texlaxed hair for some time now and it is so much harder for me to deal with. So for my last touch-up, I mixed a little super with my regular strength relaxer and my hair came out so good. Since I don't like to use heat, this works better for me because I don't have to try to get the roots straighter after my hair dries. No heat, plus regular deep conditioning and treatments should prevent my hair form excessive breakage. So far so good. :yep:
I've been texlaxing for over a year and have not used heat for over a year. I stretch 12 weeks between relaxers. I LOVE my hair! I can get very very straight by rollersetting and airdry if I want. Most of the time I just airdry hanging lose and tie down for enough "straightness" with enough texture, fullness, shine and body that makes me happy. Bone straight just too flat for me and I used to hate my freshly relaxed until about the 3 week afterwards. I like BIG hair. LOL!

I think successful texlaxers are those who don't mind sporting the textured look. For those who prefer a super straight look all the time, then seems relaxing bone straight is the way to go, otherwise, to much texture in the hair will cuz more heat use in order to achieve desire look.

I think either way, the key to success is to know what you want and then do what it takes to have the healthiest hair possible with your choice. Easier said than done cuz took me couple of years to get here where my routine is simple and my hair is growing and I love my hair. Took a lot of trial and error, at least for me.

It was very interesting reading this entire post, great insights for the different choices. Thanks Ladies!
I'm texlaxed and texturized(about 40% of me hair) and I occasionally think about going bonestraight.

I have very few strands that are bonestraight and with the right products(SILICON MIX or Humectress) I can airdry them super sleek very similar to a rollerset or even being flatironed.

If you want to wear your hair straight alot I guess it would make sense for some because you can achieve straight hair more easily by rollersetting or airdrying.
Also detangling can be a mess with texturized hair.:lol:

That's just my two cents

Just a question if you were to get your texlaxed hair bone straight how would you do it? As you are already texturised, relaxing again would cause over processing right?
Until recently, I don't think Black women knew they had "options"...many still don't. I mean hair stylists have always been "in charge" of Black hair and they were lye-ing it BONE straight. Once I got tired of being perm-burned, I realized my hair did not need to be permed bone straight in order to "relax" my hair. It's that simple. Learning to self tex-lax has been liberating. Thanks to LHCF, many more Black women know that they have options, but there are still loads that don't.:perplexed
Im not sure If my last relaxer made me have bone straight hair or not. However, I know that Im no longer texlaxed and I couldn't be happier about that. My fully relaxed hair seems healthier and easier to style and manage.
Im not sure If my last relaxer made me have bone straight hair or not. However, I know that Im no longer texlaxed and I couldn't be happier about that. My fully relaxed hair seems healthier and easier to style and manage.

This is why I want to stop texlaxing. I think I am having more problems than I'd like. My rollersets are not looking the way I want. The straighter hair looks great, but the texlaxed hair still needs a flatiron. Defeats the purpose - I am trying to avoid direct heat.
4z needs 2 understand

I'm probably 1 of those who needs to be educated. My hair is 4z and I am not relaxing to loosen waves & curls, it's my only means of managing my hair, unless I want a brick city twa. Textlaxing 4 me would look like most people pre-textlaxing. I have not had a relaxer for 3 months, since following LHCF & I have some anxiety about what I should use for my next relaxer. I think I have read enough to have good ideas about the self-relaxing technique, but I think some of this board may not have a real understanding of what it takes to get 4z hair straight enough to manage.
Re: 4z needs 2 understand

I'm probably 1 of those who needs to be educated. My hair is 4z and I am not relaxing to loosen waves & curls, it's my only means of managing my hair, unless I want a brick city twa. Textlaxing 4 me would look like most people pre-textlaxing. I have not had a relaxer for 3 months, since following LHCF & I have some anxiety about what I should use for my next relaxer. I think I have read enough to have good ideas about the self-relaxing technique, but I think some of this board may not have a real understanding of what it takes to get 4z hair straight enough to manage.

I completely agree. My taxlaxed didn't look like I had a relaxer at all. :ohwell:
I want my hair bone straight again but I'm still debating on doing a corrective relaxer. I'm not texlaxing on purpose but I think my 5-6 stretches have something to do with it. The hair closes to the root gets straight (body heat) but the rest still has a little wave. So I have straight and wavy hair all the way down the hair strand. And I use Mizani sensitive. I may have to use Mizzani regular to get is straight. It just burns my scalp (started doing that a few years ago). So I may just correct the hair strands and not the roots. I don't know!!! Help.
This is why I want to stop texlaxing. I think I am having more problems than I'd like. My rollersets are not looking the way I want. The straighter hair looks great, but the texlaxed hair still needs a flatiron. Defeats the purpose - I am trying to avoid direct heat.

I will agree too. Being texlaxed gave me major breakage problems.

I'm guess that my hair is textlaxed... I don't think it's ever been super straight after a relaxer until i well use heat on it.
So that's texlaxed right?

what relaxers are used to get bone straight effects?
I used to relax bone straight, but it lead to major breakage problems. I still needed heat for my hair to look right, so there was no real benefit to it. I was natural for a few years, and now I'm texlaxed. For me texlaxed is a happy medium.
Re: 4z needs 2 understand

I'm probably 1 of those who needs to be educated. My hair is 4z and I am not relaxing to loosen waves & curls, it's my only means of managing my hair, unless I want a brick city twa. Textlaxing 4 me would look like most people pre-textlaxing. I have not had a relaxer for 3 months, since following LHCF & I have some anxiety about what I should use for my next relaxer. I think I have read enough to have good ideas about the self-relaxing technique, but I think some of this board may not have a real understanding of what it takes to get 4z hair straight enough to manage.

ITA! I designate myself as "4b" really am a 4zzzzz, really. So understand exactly what you're saying about getting hair "straight enough" to manage. That's why I texlax up to 80-85% cuz anything less I might as well be natural. The thing is to find what works for you, some can get by at 50%, I wouldn't even try that with my hair. Some do better bone straight. I've learned to learn from others, not necessarily to do what they do, if that makes sense . . .
I want my hair bone straight again but I'm still debating on doing a corrective relaxer. I'm not texlaxing on purpose but I think my 5-6 stretches have something to do with it. The hair closes to the root gets straight (body heat) but the rest still has a little wave. So I have straight and wavy hair all the way down the hair strand. And I use Mizani sensitive. I may have to use Mizzani regular to get is straight. It just burns my scalp (started doing that a few years ago). So I may just correct the hair strands and not the roots. I don't know!!! Help.

I'm in the exact situation but I don't want my hair bone straight I just want to make it even some parts look very natural
I've never relaxed bone straight. I like the fullness I have when my hair is not bone straight. I like seeing my natural roots and I like the texture of my hair when it's not bonestraight. It's more 'Me'. I also never blow out my roots or flat iron them. As long as you keep your edges and NG well moisturized it will look very least I have no problem myself.
My hair is straight but not bone straight but I had to find a relaxer that straighten without going over the time that is allowed. I use to have to do that with Silk Elements. Texlaxed did do it for me. I dealt with too many knots then.
I think some of us view texlaxed and bone straight differently.

To me, “bone” straight is just too straight bordering on loss of body and elasticity.

I think you can get straight enough to avoid that stuff.

But, at the same time, I have seen some pics of those that say they are texlaxed and it is much straighter than mine – more like what I want.

My texlaxed hair more like being underprocessed, in my opinion. I think if I had an even, workable texture it would be easier. Mine causes me to use more heat and does not look all that good in a wash and go (like Sareca’s, for example.)

Meanwhile, my ends are just right. They are relaxed straighter AND with a lye relaxer. I can do a rollerset and those Lye relaxed straight ends look so good, while the no-lye relaxed length still needs more heat to get sleek.

Before I try a corrective, I am going to do one more thing. I am going to do a rollerset and saran wrap treatment to see if that can help me eliminate the flat-iron step.
I think some of us view texlaxed and bone straight differently.

To me, “bone” straight is just too straight bordering on loss of body and elasticity.

I think you can get straight enough to avoid that stuff.

But, at the same time, I have seen some pics of those that say they are texlaxed and it is much straighter than mine – more like what I want.

My texlaxed hair more like being underprocessed, in my opinion. I think if I had an even, workable texture it would be easier. Mine causes me to use more heat and does not look all that good in a wash and go (like Sareca’s, for example.)

Meanwhile, my ends are just right. They are relaxed straighter AND with a lye relaxer. I can do a rollerset and those Lye relaxed straight ends look so good, while the no-lye relaxed length still needs more heat to get sleek.

Before I try a corrective, I am going to do one more thing. I am going to do a rollerset and saran wrap treatment to see if that can help me eliminate the flat-iron step.

HD, what pecentage texlax are you? I know for sure my "texlax" is a result of underprocessing when I self-relax. LOL!

Now I SAY I'm 80-85% and that's just my guesstimate, but it's definitely not 100% straight and difinately more than 60% and when I squeeze dry freshly wash hair, there's like 4 or 5 different textures which I love. Not for everyone, but I like the thickness and fullness and the different textures and when i just wash and go, my hair is a hanging mass of different wave patterns, all heathy and shiny.

Having a zillion different textures difinitely not for everyone! Some folks want hair straight from roots to ends, period. If you prefer wearing hair straighter, then relaxing for longer/straighter hair without going all the way to bone straight may be your answer? Just a thought.
Babydall818;2619177 I'm guess that my hair is textlaxed... I don't think it's ever been super straight after a relaxer until i well use heat on it. So that's texlaxed right? [U said:
what relaxers are used to get bone straight effects?[/U]

Relaxers that straighten to me are : Mizani (lye) and Fabulaxer (back in the day it got my hair really straight and my beautician used it)
HD, what pecentage texlax are you? I know for sure my "texlax" is a result of underprocessing when I self-relax. LOL!

Now I SAY I'm 80-85% and that's just my guesstimate, but it's definitely not 100% straight and difinately more than 60% and when I squeeze dry freshly wash hair, there's like 4 or 5 different textures which I love. Not for everyone, but I like the thickness and fullness and the different textures and when i just wash and go, my hair is a hanging mass of different wave patterns, all heathy and shiny.

Having a zillion different textures difinitely not for everyone! Some folks want hair straight from roots to ends, period. If you prefer wearing hair straighter, then relaxing for longer/straighter hair without going all the way to bone straight may be your answer? Just a thought.

I would say I am at about 50%. It is getting to be a pain.

When I was younger I used to relax my own hair and it was bone straight. Now I am always scared to leave it in longer. That is my problem - the fear of over processing. I do think I need to leave it in longer. I was even thinking of getting it professionally done and just doing my own hair in between.
I would say I am at about 50%. It is getting to be a pain.

When I was younger I used to relax my own hair and it was bone straight. Now I am always scared to leave it in longer. That is my problem - the fear of over processing. I do think I need to leave it in longer. I was even thinking of getting it professionally done and just doing my own hair in between.

I feel the same way as you.

I texlax about 70-80% and the longer my hair gets the harder it is to deal with especially when it is wet cuz it curls up and tangles easily. It was so much easier and funner (<~~ I know thats not a word) when I had my telaxed bob. I would wet it everyday with no hesitation just to see my coils:yep: But now, yeah right!

I am in twists now and I am in the HYH til Xmas challenge but when I get my next relaxer in Dec I think I am gonna do a corrective:ohwell:

Here are some pics of my texlax from back in June (I think). Please excuse those ends:blush::

I feel the same way as you.

I texlax about 70-80% and the longer my hair gets the harder it is to deal with especially when it is wet cuz it curls up and tangles easily. It was so much easier and funner (<~~ I know thats not a word) when I had my telaxed bob. I would wet it everyday with no hesitation just to see my coils:yep: But now, yeah right!

I am in twists now and I am in the HYH til Xmas challenge but when I get my next relaxer in Dec I think I am gonna do a corrective:ohwell:

Here are some pics of my texlax from back in June (I think). Please excuse those ends:blush::

Girl, I like your curl pattern there, though. It looks pretty.

Here is my hair at 3 weeks post:

There is NG there, but I can't tell sometimes.
Girl, I like your curl pattern there, though. It looks pretty.

Here is my hair at 3 weeks post:

There is NG there, but I can't tell sometimes.

Thankx :-)

Your level of texlaxness (i just made that up) is where I wanna be. Although I am in braids now and I have 6 more weeks to go I am very anxious to see my growth but I am so not looking forward to washing and detangling my hair:ohwell: