Can You Post a Link 2 Your Fotki or Blog or Tumblr?

I have a fotki and blog. The link is in my siggy. I am not consistent with posting though. I am transitioning and I refuse to take pictures until I bc or to (transition out)
I'm finally trying out this whole tumblr thing. It was either that or blogger. Mine is mostly nail stuff right now but I'll be doing some hair stuff as well. I'm new so I'm not really getting the whole re-blogging thing?....I'm always confused as to what pictures are of the actual owner of the blog. Anyway I'm feeling my way around still.
My blog is

I'm currently moving my natural hair pics from my 4 fotkis lol over ,give me a week and I should have all the pics up!
Mine is

My tumblr has nothing to do with hair but its: