BSL Barely but I'm claiming it!!! (pics)


New Member
It's my 2 year HHJ Anniversary and I actually made BSL...barely b/c only a few strands have made it there but I'm claiming it :lol: I never dreamed my hair would be this length but now I actually believe my ultimate goal of MBL is achievable, whereas, I didn't before. I also got married this year and to my pleasure I wore my own hair w/o any extensions! This year my hair reggie has become very simple basically from lack of time to do much to my hair. However, I have maintained to be true to stretching relaxers, protective styling, low manipulation, minimizing direct heat, and moisturize/seal/baggy almost faithfully which has all helped me to maintain my progress. Enough on to the pics (click on image to enlarge)

Start pic 10/08

1st year progress pic--APL achieved 11/09

Start pic for year 2 after having trimmed off majority of thin ends

APL achieved again 5/10

after trim

2nd year progress pic--BSL achieved...barely (look closely :lol:)

I'm really itching to trim my ends even but I'm going to resist and only dust until I reach my ultimate goal of MBL.
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oooo your hair is toooooooo pretty! love it!
also in your siggy it says your hair is texlaxed? just a legitimate question... but how can you tell the difference between texlaxed and relaxed hair?

(congrats on such a successful HHJ thus far!)
I inspected your BSL hair pictures... grabbed my LHCF stamp and approved your pictures! LMAO

oooo your hair is toooooooo pretty! love it!
also in your siggy it says your hair is texlaxed? just a legitimate question... but how can you tell the difference between texlaxed and relaxed hair?

(congrats on such a successful HHJ thus far!)

Thanks. Texlaxed hair is just relaxed hair that it underprocessed intentionally. I'm texlaxed b/c I don't relax my hair bone straight. I only leave the relaxer on a fraction of the time so my hair still has alot of its original texture but it straightens very easily w/ heat. Actually some people think that I am natural and I have to explain to them that I do relax but just not completely. Of course they look at me as if I'm crazy : ) There is a large range when it comes to texlaxing tho. Also others may texlax by adding other things to the relaxer mix such as conditioner or oils to slow processing time.
congrats! :drunk: ur progress is great! i especially liked hearing about you getting married sans extensions! that is actually one of my goals, and seeing how i'm not dating anyone, i have plenty of time to get there! :lachen:
you have accomplished great progress. I would say claim it if it will motivate you even more and allow to celebrate your hard work. For the trimming if you are not going to wear your hair out I would say don't trim it, if you are going to wear it out then do if you care about that blunt look.

Have a great and much success on your hair journey.
I think your hair looks great! It inspired me to keep on reaching out for my next goal of BSL. I'm RIGHT there, just need about two inches. :) I'm excited and happy for you!