:( Buh-bye BSL

Girl, I just went through something similar.

I cut off about 4 inches of hair a week or two when it became apparent that many hairs from my recent press (with the InStyler) were never going to revert back to their tight pencil curls.

I made the sacrifice of curly armpit length/straightened bra strap length hair in order to avoid having stick-straight hairs sticking out of my mane of curls.

I'm not even that interested in great length (thickness is what I crave), but it was still very regretful.

Everytime I look in the mirror and see the curly hair around my face shrunk up in the air several inches above my shoulders (forming an unflattering 80s triangle silhouette), I sigh.
I think it looks a lot healthier too. It grew to BSL once and it will grow there again. Just protect those ends next time.

I have to do this soon and I am dreading it......but I am also looking forward to the thickness. Keep your head up, it will grow back in no time.
I wouldn't stress it, sl styles are very pretty too, you did what you felt will be more beneficial for your hair in the end, and actually i'm thinking of going sl, I kind of want a change and a blunt cut bob.

you'll be back to bsl in no time.
I think it looks so good now.. It will grow back in no time!! R you still MN'ing? With all that new growth you get in a month you will be back in about 3 or 4 months, lol
Yeah that must have been hard. But you're right, health before length :yep: no sense having MBL with thin, scraggly ends.
awww....you'll be back sooner than you think..I've been known to have a scissor problem and been there time and time again. As long as I keep my ends dusted after every touch-up which is about every 8-10 weeks and keep them moisturized, my hair grows like a weed...

You will be fine...and it will grow back thicker and healthier..hugs..

I started out with 4 inches all over so I have layers. Don't worry about where you start it's where you finish.:yep:

I cannot air dry, it tends to make my ends too dry I always check the sink to make sure I don't see broken ends.

I use leave-in hair mayonaise from Walmart with the green top and a little Coconut oil for some slip I set my hair every wash day. Try setting your hair.
I did a APL - SL cut in may so I feel your pain, but I know it will grow back as will yours. At least you were honest and brave enough to get rid of what had to go, as many have stated already "health before length". Maybe you could do a healthy ends challenge for 2010?