....I wonder should I put myself in this challenge. I'm 4 inches away from BSL....

I hope this doesn'tjinx me, but I'm IN! lol I want to be BSL by the time I graduate!! Wooo HOO!
Still hoping to make BSL by the end of this year. I'm now about 3 inches away from BSL instead of 4 inches. Feels like I've been stuck at APL forever.
I've decided to remove myself from this challenge. It was going to be a stretch from the beginning but after my 3 month progress check, I think a more realistic goal for me is APL. Good luck everyone!
ohh, I've been gone for a minute!!! But I'm almost there. I did a little bit of snipping in January, but it's definatly growing back, stronger, longer and healthier!! I gotta get some pics up ASAP!!! Good luck ladies!!
Okay ladies, I am really :sad: that I have to do this but I have to drop out of this challenge. I am newly texlaxed and experiencing a lot of breakage at the demarcation line as a result so I will have to do some major cutting over the course of the next few months as the bone straight hairs grow out. I am not happy about this:nono: but I know that I have to do it this way. So good luck to all remaining BSL challengers in reaching their goals.

I will be attempting to keep my hair at shoulder length for a while.
I think I am almost there. When I stretch my natural hair it looks like I am grazing the top of my brastrap....i will straighten my hair next weekend and take pics because my goal was to be BSL by April 4 (the 1 year anniversary of my big chop)
I've decided to remove myself from this challenge. It was going to be a stretch from the beginning but after my 3 month progress check, I think a more realistic goal for me is APL. Good luck everyone!
BSL or not, you have beautiful healthy looking hair. Good luck on reaching ASL.

I don't know if I joined this challenge or not...but I need about 4 inches to BSL i think. I am hoping to get 4 inches by November 09.
I forgot to post my update. This pic is from February 13. I'll have more updates in April.


Here's my 7 month comparison


I think i'll make it plus a nice trim by December:yep:
Okay ladies, I am really :sad: that I have to do this but I have to drop out of this challenge. I am newly texlaxed and experiencing a lot of breakage at the demarcation line as a result so I will have to do some major cutting over the course of the next few months as the bone straight hairs grow out. I am not happy about this:nono: but I know that I have to do it this way. So good luck to all remaining BSL challengers in reaching their goals.

I will be attempting to keep my hair at shoulder length for a while.

sorry to see you go Aggie but you made the right choice for your hair. We'll miss you:sad:
Okay ladies, I am really :sad: that I have to do this but I have to drop out of this challenge. I am newly texlaxed and experiencing a lot of breakage at the demarcation line as a result so I will have to do some major cutting over the course of the next few months as the bone straight hairs grow out. I am not happy about this:nono: but I know that I have to do it this way. So good luck to all remaining BSL challengers in reaching their goals.

I will be attempting to keep my hair at shoulder length for a while.

Aw Aggie, I'm sorry to her that the demarcation line is giving you troubles. Are you positive you have to cut it off? Either way, I know your hair will grow in no time because you take such good care of it and you seem to have a fast growth rate.
Ok, now ur pressing it... :lol: But thank you MG for the hair support :hug2:

I'm down for '09. Junonia, please add my name to the new list of challengers.

Oooh...I know I did not say this....

*scratching out this post..*


I will never do this again...I swear I think it jinxes me everytime I join a length challenge...

...will take each month as it comes with no deadlines. It will happen when it happens, if at all.

Watching from the sideline and cheering all the super fast growing & hair retaining folks on.

I'm going to join this challenge. I've been a scissor addict for the past year which has left me stuck between APL & BSL :ohwell:.
I'm going to resist cutting and make BSL and beyond this year, finally.
Oooh...I know I did not say this....

*scratching out this post..*


I will never do this again...I swear I think it jinxes me everytime I join a length challenge...

...will take each month as it comes with no deadlines. It will happen when it happens, if at all.

Watching from the sideline and cheering all the super fast growing & hair retaining folks on.


I said I was going to stop putting deadlines on myself too, but I am a sucker for challenges :giggle:
Has anyone made it yet? I will have do a progress update in a couple of weeks. I won't be BSL yet but I should be at least 1/2 inch closer.
I think i'ma stop making deadlines for my hair also. Something bad always happens like a bad shedding accident or something. I'll just stick with Bootcamp....