I'm hoping to get to bsl, by my birthday by April, I have an inch to go..It won't be full bsl though, but it doesn't matter, as long as the back touches it, i'm claming it.....
I'm still in! I haven't had a touch up since November, so I need to post pics when I do. It's hard to tell if I've gotten any length since I have lots of shrinkage. I fell off my regimen with DC, so I am not too happy with myself. Also lost alot of hair around the temples and sides from glue and front lace wigs :wallbash:
I will get back on the bandwagon with DC, MT/OCT, and Ayurvedic oils/powders. Bunning will be my new protective style.
I'm still hoping to get to BSL by December.
I've been so lazy lately-- abandoning part of my moisturizing regime. I've also been falling asleep w/o a scarf, which was impossible before... I used to wake up if I didn't have one on! However, I'm getting back on the bandwagon otherwise there's no way I'll reach my goal. I'm barely approaching APL with roughly 1.5 inches of growth total for 4 mos. Oct-Feb. I haven't trimmed & don't plan to for awhile. Also, I'm trying to eat healthier. Everyone's hair looks great.

Constance, are you natural?
gettin a little longer and slightly thicker :look: my hair is damp in this pic tho


a couple more in my fotki...
I'm natural, Phyl73. The last time I relaxed was early 2004 and all the relaxed hair has been cut off. I really need to do better with my hair though (still falling asleep w/o a scarf), but I'm gonna change starting tonight. :)
Hey. - I want to join if I haven't already. I'm like 2 inches away from apl and I think once I reach that I will be roughly 5 from bsl I have decided to baggy nightly until at least Easter. That's when I plan to straigthen and hopefully I will be. APL n then I will measure again to see how much I will need to BSL.
Just checking in!! Another month past, and still hanging in there with washing 2 times per week. DC'ing with heat after every wash. Air drying, bunning. All this is gonna get me to BSL by December 31st 2009!!!:yep:
I'm in! My first challenge:) Long time lurker and new member here. I'm currently about an inch or so away from APL, but I think I might be able to reach BSL by December. My hair is currently in twists and I will be switching to braids next week, so I will post pics hopefully on Monday.
hi everybody! i'm also a newbie and I would like to join this challenge. I'm apl right now. I co-wash 3 times a week, dc once a week, and poo biweekly!
Was praying for BSL in 2009 but a wek from l last Saturday I had to get a 3 inch cut , my left side has been healthy and flourishing , about 2 1/2 from BSl. My right side was breaking (looked like something took a bite out of the right back side) and slower to grow. After getting my hair flat ironed for my sisters 40th BD party, the stylist showed me the drastic diffrence in length:nono:. I had to do a big chop:cry3:. I'm now back to somewhere between SL and APL . I'm praying and pulling out all the big guns to have back APL by August 2009. When I achive that, then I can continue with you ladies. Please keep me and this stress spot in your Hair prayers. God's best to you all that are close to achiving BSL :yep:
Here is my starting pic,
YEAH um....I hope to be APL by APRIL EASTER SUNDAY the length check was done in december I have roughly 4 inches to APL and roughly 5 inches from there to BSL....IT could HAPPEN LOL


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Checking in also. I've been doing much better with covering my hair before sleep, but I did not take care of my hair while out of town. I was just so tired I skipped moisturizing and paid for it yesterday when I shampooed & dc'd. It was a mess. I have "learnt" my lesson. :)
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I want to join too ladies! Ive been trying to reach BSL for EVER.. I think this is my year I have aprox 2 inches. So I think Nov 2009 for my bday i should definately be there God willing.

Jun 08


Here's my update, this was taken at the end of Feb. I had a setback from Dec-Jan. due to slacking on my regimen. But I'm focused now. I plan to reach my goal of BSL this year.
I'm BSL when stretched now, but I wanna be BSL without stretching my hair. I'm not sure if that's possible, but I'm joining and we'll find out! Here's where I am as of yesterday:


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Just checking in ladies. Been catching up with the posts. Even though I've signed up, usually I just lurk in here. After plenty of setbacks, I'm just now finally approx. an inch past APL. My goal is to be BSL by my b-day. However, I probably will only be skimming by then.

However, I'm definitely not giving up - if not BSL by 09/24, def BSL for the Christmas holidays.

Just wanted to say good luck to all of the ladies in this challenge. Be encouraged!!!!
I want to join this challenge. Right now my hair in the back is APL and the sides are a nice full SL, possibly longer than that. I bun all the all time, whether its your normal bun or I use some hair accessories. I just know that 2009 is going to be a great year for me on so many fronts and I believe that I can reach my hair goals.....
i am still in this in spirit even though i will not make it as i wil probably chop before i reach it. good luck to all the REAL challengers though lol
I wanna join! I am very new to LHCF having been introduced to it when I was stuck in England in December for almost a month! My starting length is in my signature below and I am 10.5 weeks post relaxer. I plan to relax in about 2.5 weeks at which time I will post an update pic. I bun 90%+ and have been doing so for years. My hair is probably 4a/b/c? dunno.....I want to have full, healthy BSL hair this year, preferably by the end of August for the 2009 Miss Universe pageant which we will be hosting here in the Bahamas this year:yay: can't wait (and I am not even a pageant watching person it's just a once in a lifetime deal that I don't want to pass up!).....Pray for me during my 2009 hair journey:crossfingers:
I'd like to try this challenge. I don't know how realistic that is for my hair length at the moment....But I LOVE a good challenge!!!!!!!!! Below is my starting point:


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since i was able to pinpoint the cause of the raggedy ends (pony puffs, sadly) i put my hair away in senegalese twists. ideally i would like to keep it like this till the end of april, and somewhere in there i will have to redo these twists. i am hoping to be fullish APL when they come out, then i will reassess my aim of being BSL at some point this summer once i see where i am.
Here's an update:
I trimmed back to APL due to severe breakage. It's even now...if everything goes right, I might make BSL by fall this year.
Currently APL and hoping to be BSL by the end of the year (end of the summer would be great).


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