I'm pretty sure I will be BSL by the end of the year. :yep: Just did a touch-up, and only have a few more inches to go! So exciting!!! :grin:
i probably won't make it because when i finish chopping off my relaxed hair in august, i will probably be just a little past shoulder length. so...APL maybe? but hey, i will still try! lol
I'm relaxing in 7 weeks and I should be APL by then.

The only thing that would stop me is a trim I have scheduled for the touch-up.

But it looks like I should still make it for my December touch up.
I dropped out of the MBL challenge because I had my hair cut back to APL and will be doing a lot more mini chops until all this ugly bone-straight hair is gone. I still want to stay in some type of challenge like this to keep me encouraged so I'm staying with this one for a while even if I don't make it this year. I will keep with it until I get to full BSL with my texlaxed hair.
I had to trim my hair ladies, I was hoping to be BSL by this summer. So now I am hoping to be there by December!
I think I hit APL with this relaxer and I'm going to flat iron tonight to make sure. I don't plan to relax again until August because I'll be wiggin it. Hopefully I will be BSL by then.
I am still in - but I don't know if I'll make it :sad:
I just had a much needed trim and I'm now CBL. BSL seems like a far stretch but I will keep hope alive and maybe I'll still get there in December. :pray:
Updating...Still in the challenge although I've fallen off the routine wagon a bit. Getting back on the horse, so to speak. I think I've gotten a decent amount of new growth. I'm at week 9 since my last touch up and it's getting thick in there! Comparison shots below.

This one was taken 3 days post touch up/color

This one taken 1 week post touch up/color. You can see the new growth by looking at the gray. :perplexed:

And taken exactly 9 weeks post touch up/color...measure growth by gray.

And this was the length shot taken after my last touch up. I can't really do a current length check because of shrinkage from air drying and the fact that I always have my hair bunned so it's never straight enough.

I got 3-4 more weeks to squeeze some more growth out...I'll update again right before I do my touch up.
I'm still in, I think that I have finally made APL I just recently relaxed my hair and I had a lot of growth (I've been using Mega-Tek!). I hope to be touching BSL by July 09 .
Since I reached APL recently, I might as well try to get to BSL by 12/31/09. The only thing hindering me is being lazy with my conditioning treatments.
I still haven't posted photos sorry. I'm APL now and getting relaxed on Thursday. I should have another inch, unless I get a trim -which I shouldn't need.

I'll be sure to post pics ASAP.
I've been so lazy lately-- abandoning part of my moisturizing regime. I've also been falling asleep w/o a scarf, which was impossible before... I used to wake up if I didn't have one on! However, I'm getting back on the bandwagon otherwise there's no way I'll reach my goal. I'm barely approaching APL with roughly 1.5 inches of growth total for 4 mos. Oct-Feb. I haven't trimmed & don't plan to for awhile. Also, I'm trying to eat healthier. Everyone's hair looks great.
Hey guys! I'm barely touching APL but I have faith that I can get 2 BSL by DEC 31 '09!!!! Let's get it....I'M IN!!! :yep:
Hey guys! I'm barely touching APL but I have faith that I can get 2 BSL by DEC 31 '09!!!! Let's get it....I'M IN!!! :yep:

Hey and me both!!! I'm only just at SL, but I'm pushing for BSL by Dec. 31st. So wishing us both some luck...and lets get crack-a-lackin' :210:
Well ladies I hope I can make bsl by july 09 I just added surge to my reggie and will be using it everyday for two months so we will see...pray for me thanx
I think I'm APL but I'm not sure because I haven't checked my length in a minute. If I'm not APL I''m pretty darn close.
I'm going to have to get more serious with my DC's if I plan to even graze BSL by December. I've gotten lazy lately. My one year anniversary is at at the end of April and I plan to be full APL at that point (my siggy pic is 2 months old). Each goal is taking me longer than I thought. It will pretty much have taken me a year to go from CBL to full APL. :ohwell: I'm definitely learning patience in this process. I hope to be touching BSL by the end of December though.