I wanted to post my starting pic for this challenge. My goal is to focus on retention, moisture and protein balance and to do this I will be taking my vitamins and drinking more water.


HHG to all my fellow challengers.
I'm getting a little discouraged as far as my progress and decided to make a plan. I've been stuck at the same midpoint between SL/ APL for about while now. I've had no luck keeping much length in the back and its mainly because I got a least 3 unneeded trims last year. I'm getting a sew in Wed. with the hope of retaining every last inch this year. I'm going to wear it in 6 weeks, then out for 2-3 weeks and keep that routine until July.
Other Changes:
-I'm only leaving hair in the front out with the hope that my nape will finally grow since protected.
-Washing every 10-12 days instead of every 7.
- No Trims
Please add me!!!! This won't be an easy goal--but I believe it is doable.

PLAN: (what has been working)
Rollerset 1x per week
Wash and Moisture DC weekly
Protein weekly

STARTING PIC: I need ~5 inches!!
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I'm joining! :yep:

I think I'm about APL now ( My camera was dead when I took my install out so I don't have any pics :sad:)

I plan on wearing weaves until summer and then maybe going back to braids for awhile...But I want to mostly protective style this year in a bid to retain as much growth as possible and to stay away from heat!

I think APL to BSL on me is 4-5"
Please add me!!!! This won't be an easy goal--but I believe it is doable.

PLAN: (what has been working)
Rollerset 1x per week
Wash and Moisture DC weekly
Protein weekly

STARTING PIC: I need ~5 inches!!

I'm in! I am so focused this year, NOTHING is hindering my growth in 2009

Great positive attitudes ladies, keep this up and your hair will you both:yep:. Happy hair growing.
I'm joining! :yep:

I think I'm about APL now ( My camera was dead when I took my install out so I don't have any pics :sad:)

I plan on wearing weaves until summer and then maybe going back to braids for awhile...But I want to mostly protective style this year in a bid to retain as much growth as possible and to stay away from heat!

I think APL to BSL on me is 4-5"

WOW Soleil, if that you in your avatar, your hair looks great!
I am officially starting my pursuit of this goal tomorrow. My starting pic is in my siggy, but I will try and post a better picture tomorrow after I wash and condition my hair.

*Did I post this already?* :perplexed: I'm too young for my mind to be going bad lol
I'm in.

My hair goals this year are
- growing the top & front to my chin
- growing the back to BSL
- improving the health of my edges

The first time that my hair will be straight enough to get a decent starting pic is inauguration week.
I'm in!! will post pic soon...

In need of better hair care for longer thicker hair. I need some help on what to buy, how to start, when and what to do... PLEASE HELP IM LOOSING MY HAIR.. :(
I'm hanging in there though my hair growth appears to have slowed. I could see clear differences between Oct and Nov, but not so much between Nov and Dec. I'm hoping I'll see a little gain later this month.
I think I joined this challenge! If I didn't, I had every intention of joining! I took down my weave this weekend and my hair is APL. Not full but I have plans to make it to BSL by my birthday which is 9/24!
I would really like to join but I'll need a few weeks to post my before pic. Is that okay? I'm APL now and would love to be BSL by 12.31.09.
Hi, I wish 2 join the BSL, even though I am in the SL challenge I need

knowledge on the proper care of my hair as it grows longer. :grin::grin::grin:



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A quick update.
Since my touch up on 12/23 it looks like I have acquired 1/4" of growth or more. I'm cheating and using my gray to measure since I got a color rinse alongside my touch up. I also already have wavy newgrowth making it's presence known in the back area. I'm taking this as a positive sign and hoping that I will be able to squeeze out a full half inch of new growth come my 4 week mark. I'll update with a newgrowth pic at week 4.

I've been sticking to my original goals of using the mega tek (via my megatek and aloe vera juice mix) on my scalp twice a week and I've been doing Post po treatments with the vatika frosting (shampooing, rinsing and then using vatika frosting and letting it sit for at least 1 hr before rinsing and condtioning) and so far, every single time I've done this my hair has been very well moisturized and soft when I get out of the shower to airdry. I've been using a bit of Giovani Direct and a little bit of Cocasta oil as my leave in and my hair has been feeling soft and light when dry. I'm not going to change any of that! I did do one tea (a mix of nettle, black and green) rinse and I loved the result, it's just hard for me to remember to steep the tea before I wash my hair. I gotta work on that.

I'm trying to stick to my daily vites (multi, omega, garlic,msm) but I am a chronic skipper. One thing I do have to add is, I've been drinking lots of tea and I really think it's benefiting my hair. I've been drinking Mothers Milk which contains fenugreek and marshmallow root and I've also been drinking a lot of Republic of Tea's "Get Growing" and "Get Gorgeous" teas which contain things like nettle, horsetail, burdock root, hibiscus and other stuff. The teas are delicious! Check them out...|utmcmd=referral&__utmv-&__utmk252983818

Well, that's my update for now. I'll check back in at 4 wks post relaxer.
Everything has been going alright so far. I just averaged my growth over the past seven months (transitioning), and I realized that I get about .60 inches every month. I just started using MT a few weeks ago, and I started vitamins (a Hair, Skin and nails vit. and flaxseed oil) about two weeks ago. Hopefully those give me the boost I need to get a full inch next month.
I think i'm about an inch and a half away from bsl so I should make it by march or april, i will post a pic later
I think I am going to join this challenge, I am going to increase my water, vits and hair protection, I am going to try the baggie on just my ponytail I will do it for a month and see what happens, I post my results with that as well, but I mostly plan to do buns and wigs, wigs will be something new but I really need to hide my hair from this winter freeze. I only have maybe four inches to BSL, so I think I might stretch it out the full year. You never know I might be Midback by Dec09, I truly hope so. Well its January and I am just starting now, so I will post a updated picture in April. Good luck everyone.
Count me in too. This will help to keep me motivated. My current length is a little bit past shoulder. Since I have some heat damaged areas I want to lay off the direct heat until at least March. I'll be wearing braidout and buns until them.
:yay::yay:Hi there! I hope I'm not too late to join your challenge. I just joined LHCF yesterday and I am ready for change! My goal is to be BSL by June 09. I found this site looking for products for my type of hair. I learned so much on this site yesterday--- I am truly inspired. I am no that good at getting around the site, but I am very excited about the possibilities for my hair. I have 4a/4b texture hair (I think, and I know it doesn't looked relaxed, but it is). I am trying to get a handle on a daily routine, so far I' ve decided to wash 2x's a week, deep condition with one wash and protein treatment with the other wash; no heat, I wear my hair up and I take it down when I get home; Silk Elements Revive and Restore Anti-Breakage Hair Repair Creme every night; Silk Elements Root Penetrating Oil every other day; and 64 oz of water a day (woooo that's been a task). I hope that I am on the right track because I am determined to get this thing right.
BSL Bound Baby... June 2009!:amen:


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Count me in !!! BRASTRAP by December 31, 2009. I'm already taking my vitamins and DEEp conditioning 2 times a week. Here's my picture:


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