~*~* Break Out Your Castor Oil Cycle 3 ~*~*

Hey Kitty,
I don't know about the CVS Castor oil but the one at Walgreens is a small bottle, looks brown in color with a red and white label. It can be found in the laxative section.

Here you go for Kitty:


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Yes you can apply it like your greasing your scalp, another way is to use an applicator bottle with a fine tip. I will post that info later.

Oohhh yeaah, now I like that idea. I used to apply my MegaTek like that last year actually. I am thinking the bottles used for color might have the spiget too big though so I am awaiting the info she posts l8r.
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Hey BG! Sign me up!!! I haven't had access to the computer lately, but I'm in this one for the long haul. No starting pics for me, I can't provide one at this time, but I'll submit one at another time.
I'm not in this challenge officially but I still use castor oil on my scalp and to seal. But I have a question. Is it just me or does anyone else's scalp itches after putting the oil on ur scalp. I add lavander oil, Rosemary oil, and cedarwood oil to the castor oil. So I'm not sure if the extra oils are causing the itchness. But I can't stop itching for 2 days straight after I put in the oil on my scalp. Any advice. I don't want to stop because I'm stretching and the oil actually keep my new growth really soft and blend them in a bit with the rat of my hair. I put it on 1-2x a week
Add me for round 3 :yep: Hi BlackGeisha :wave:

ETA: this is my ending pic from challenge 2, that I am using for my starter pic this round. I decided not to trim my lead hairs :yep:

I have a curious case of lead hairs too, and I'm not trimming 1 millimeter, I'm hanging on to every last strand! :lol:

Can I join? I'm using HAITIAN Black Castor Oil but I'm thinking about mixing it with Cold Pressed Castor oil because I'm having crazy itchies when I use it on my scalp. I like the way it makes my hair soft, though.:look:
So im gonna be using jbco mixed with rosemary and lemon essential oils 3 tines a week. Lets see how this goes
Thick but absorbs well and yes can be used on relaxed hair. Works wonderfully for air drying.

It's helping my edges. I massage it into my edges a few times per week.

Like BlackGeisha said, you can mix with other oils. I once had a sore scalp and mine came from scalp massaging. I was agitating the scalp a little too much. I use a fine tip (small tip) applicator bottle to apply the JBCO to ensure my hair isn't overly saturated with oil. I massage it in really good to allow the scalp to absorb it and end result, soft hair. Hope this works for you.

I going to try and mix it I really hope this works.....Thank you Divachyk
I have a curious case of lead hairs too, and I'm not trimming 1 millimeter, I'm hanging on to every last strand! :lol:
I do also! I don't trim myself so I am gonna make sure my stylist doesn't trim them off because ITA, I'm hanging on to every inch.
Thank You Afrochique, Evallusion & LovinLocks for the descriptions and photos.

I know I said I would post my pics but the site won't allow me to. Apparently attachments have been disabled & I don't have the time to start a photobucket simply for this purpose. So once the issues is fixed I will post my pics.

*question* I don't really care about the growth unstretched since I don't plan to straighten till Feb, so should I take my starting pic unstretched?

Can I join? I'm using HAITIAN Black Castor Oil but I'm thinking about mixing it with Cold Pressed Castor oil because I'm having crazy itchies when I use it on my scalp. I like the way it makes my hair soft, though.:look:

Platinum where do you buy your Haitian oil from? Can I get it online?
Platinum where do you buy your Haitian oil from? Can I get it online?

I purchased it from a young lady on LHCF. I'm not sure if she's still a member here. As soon as I find her email address, I'll be sure to pass it on to you so you can get more information on how to order it from her.:look:
Count me in. I'm ordered my JBCO 2 weeks ago from Amazon (the cheapest I found) and it seems they don't have it in stock :ohwell:. I'll be getting my money back but in the meantime where are you ladies getting your JBCO? And how much? I might just end up using the CVS brand if it doesn't fit into my budget. :ohwell:

Starting pics:
When I first started using jbco, it was a misleading product. It was all thick and was gripping my hair when applying and I thought -- ut-oh, this is not gonna work but I kept working it in and love how absorbs into the hair and makes the hair nice and soft.
Been faithful with my 2Xweek JBCO/sulfur mix to my scalp. The smell isn't all that bad to me. I"m thinking of buying the case from Sams247 website but my hubby will think I lost my mind. LOL! It is cheaper than buying one bottle at a time and paying all that shipping. HMMMM!

I'm 2 weeks post, and have new growth already. Can't wait to reveal my progress at the end of this challenge.

Umm can I be added plzzzzzz :grin: this is gonna be my first time trying it and will submit a starting photo this weekend.
Castor oil is making my hair plump :woot: & I love it!! I took these today.
How I'm using CO (cold pressed): apply 3x wk at night, co-wash the next morning. I also use it in my DC treatment.




please add me. i ordered my jbco off of amazon today. hoping to be full apl by next july.

Starting picture in sig.
I mixed my JBCO with lemon and lavender essential oils. Only been using it for a couple of days and already my twa feels thicker.
I greased my scalp twice this week with my JBCO followed by a massage... I love how it's making my hair feel...I'm 9 weeks post relaxer and my NG is so soft........also the soreness is gone....
Still using it 2-3x a week JBCO on scalp and a little on ends/for my DC I use the Red Pimento oil on my scalp/conditioner on the length....So far I like how SOFT & Strong my hair is....

Happy Hair Growing!
I want to join this challenge as well. I've been using it on my scalp and to seal my ends. I will post a pic as soon as I figure out how to from my phone.

Any experts out there posting pics fm their phones I would greatly appreciate some assistance. Btw I have a Iphone if that helps.
