~*~* Break Out Your Castor Oil Cycle 3 ~*~*

Can I still add my pic? Also .. Do I have to straighten or can I take a starting pic in my cornrowed pigtails??
ETA: starting pic is in my sig :)

That's fine

Also .. does the lavender black castor oil have the same effect as the reg JBCO?

It should, I believe they add lavendar just make the scent more pleasant.

Still using my cold-pressed...as a pre-poo & in DC treatments. My schedule will change so my regi will need to change accordingly...we shall see next week.

Caution: Put your shades on :cool2:



I forgot to add a pic. Can I add one after I straighten my hair for my 6 month post BC length check in a few weeks? Still sealing with HBCO and regular castor oil every other day. Also using a homemade Sulfur Mix with both oils every day on my scalp.:look:

Ok I purchased Home Health cold pressed castor oil. It gives me a headache for a while after application then my scalp absorbs it nicely. I rubbed a bit down the shaft of my hair & I like the way it feels. Hopefully I keep up with it, I'm also trying to rollerset my hair once a week then bunning rather than WnG's.

I have a question to I have to cut my SSK's or can I just leave them to hang out till my trim??
I am using my JBCO at least 3 times a week my hair loves it. I just recieved 6 bottles in the mail today so I am well stocked up I even got the rosemary kind too. HHG
Did my weekly JBCO scalp oiling on last Friday. For some reason, my hair scalp is absorbing faster than it did last week. For 3 days, the oil sat on my scalp. I put it on Friday, woke up Saturday, and - none :look:
gadgetdiva, your shine is blinding! Beautiful hair!

I'm still applying my JBCO/sulfur mix and I have a significant amount of new growth at 3 weeks post. The JBCO absorbs so well into my scalp and does not give me the itchies like the regular castor oil did. Since I'm working out now (pray for me). I will try to apply to scalp more often and wet bun during the weekdays. We will see. I'm trying to grow 2 more inches of hair and lose 2 inches of hips by Christmas. LOL!
gadgetdiva, your shine is blinding! Beautiful hair!

I'm still applying my JBCO/sulfur mix and I have a significant amount of new growth at 3 weeks post. The JBCO absorbs so well into my scalp and does not give me the itchies like the regular castor oil did. Since I'm working out now (pray for me). I will try to apply to scalp more often and wet bun during the weekdays. We will see. I'm trying to grow 2 more inches of hair and lose 2 inches of hips by Christmas. LOL!

Thank you!! I can't wait to finally try my JBCO which should be in my mailbox tomorrow (I tracked it and should've gotten it Saturday BUT my mailbox was full...don't like using usps)

Congrats to you on your new growth!! Don't ya love it?
It's nice to see all of the positive updates. I am using my jbco several times per week on my scalp and I always run a little over my length if I have to do a wet bun or similar style. I have noticed that even the area at my nape that suffered with my thyroid imbalance seems to be doing better.
Still going strong with my JBCO/mix 2-3x a week all over scalp & straight JBCO on my edges every night....

Happy Hair Growing!
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I'm still applying my JBCO 2x's a week on my scalp and every night on my edges and nape area..... I have to say JBCO is the TRUTH..I have so much NG and my edges are coming in nicely and thick. I want to start appling it 3x's a week to my scalp but my hair gets oily once its dirty so it may be to much.
I am still using my cutenss castor oil mixture 2-3x a week. I tried the realqueens "hot house method" by adding the castor oil on hair overnight and baggying with it. I think I am going to incorporate this in my weekly regimen. I have also started to use this to seal my hair immediately after a wash. I am loving that too. It does not leave my hair greasy or heavy at all. And it defines my curls when I wear a pony. :yep:
I learned that jbco does not penetrate the hair strand...but how does it make the hair so soft? Anyone know the answer to this? I'm still learning the ins and outs of hair care so just curious all this works since I'm in love with jbco.
FINALLY got my JBCO I have been using Home Health. My JBCO seems thicker than the cold pressed. Anywho I'm doing a 'hot' treatment with it right now!!

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I'm not in this challenge cause I can't submit a pic, I'm in a weave right now. Anyway, I'm def following it and I found that I LOVE castor oil, I have the home health cold pressed one though, it makes my hair sooooo very soft and I didn't think anything could do that to MY hair. To you ladies who use JBCO is there a real diff from using the cold pressed clear one? If so what exactly cause I'm contemplating purchasing the Tropic Isle JBCO. TIA
i'm using a mixture of jbco and mt 3x per week. i can't say that i'm noticing anything yet, except that the part of my scalp i'm most consistant oiling is a bit tender.
I am still using my cutenss castor oil mixture 2-3x a week. I tried the realqueens "hot house method" by adding the castor oil on hair overnight and baggying with it. I think I am going to incorporate this in my weekly regimen. I have also started to use this to seal my hair immediately after a wash. I am loving that too. It does not leave my hair greasy or heavy at all. And it defines my curls when I wear a pony. :yep:

I do this too.....apply the castor oil to my scalp at least 2x a wk and baggy every night! It definitely helps retain the moisture. And my hair is uber soft. I seal with it as well, but I incorporated what I had left from an old challenge Wheat Germ oil! Doing wonders.
I used my jbco to seal one day without diluting it with anything else. won't do that again. but i only have an 8oz bottle and have already mixed half of it with mt, and really don't want to use it too fast because the shipping cost almost as much as the bottle.

I'm still using it on my scalp mixed w/ avocado, EVOO & EVCO....since its so heavy for my daily styles I, do a treatment before I co-wash and when I DC...I put on a plastic cap then sit under the dryer and let the heat & oils do its thing....My hair is feeling great and my 4a NG is softer...no dryness issues on hair or scalp. :woot:
I've been massaging my JBCO into my scalp twice each week after cowash/deep cond and wash/deep cond. My 6 week old new growth is really soft. I can't tell if my hair is getting thicker though.
Still using Home Health Castor Oil. Applied it to my scalp and to my 18 wk old growth then baggied. Ordered JBCO which should arrive in a couple of days. Will mix it with Home Health to stretch it out.
I'm still going strong...applying my JBCO 2x's a week to my scalp and every night to my edges my hair loves this stuff.
I'm watching & participating from the side line!!! Just order my first bottle of JBCO and I can't wait for it to arrive!!!!