~*~*Break Out Your Castor Oil - 2010 Edition~*~*

I've been mixing regular drug store castor oil with Amla oil and evoo. I've been applying it every night to my roots and the length of my hair up until this past Monday (2/8). I washed, did an Aphogee hardcore condition then a moisturizing deep condition on Sat., air dried and flat ironed on Monday in preparation for my texlax touch-up this coming weekend. Currently I'm coating the length of my hair everyday until touch-up day (I'm staying away from my sensitive scalp until then). After touch-up day I will go back to wearing braidouts and applying my castor oil mix every night to scalp and the length of my hair. Below is my starting picture (I'm a little over 3 months post).


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I've been applying my JBCO 2x a week with the For Roots Only applicator bottle. That thing makes the process so fast! I found it at walmart for 3 bucks. Thanks Traycee!

I need one of these in my life for when I need to apply quickly. :yep:

here's my starting pixs.

I will use JBCO on my scalp 2-3x's a week

Wow your hair is beautiful! Can't wait to see your progress.

Man I love Castor oil so much I want to put it in everything, my contioners in mixes, just everything. I still have about 4oz of the orginal left but I am going to be picking up some Lavender this month too. 8 oz. can't wait to smell that. Anyone tried the Lavender and know if it works the same?

You should put it in everything I do in my conditioners, my DC, my special mixes, my cereal. :lachen: lol j/k about the cereal.

I CO every Sunday and Wed like clockwork. Can't wait to try JBCO and compare it to CO.

me too! we have the same oiling schedule! :lachen:
OK Thanks!!! I was applying it with my fingers! Just rubbing it in; but I was mizing it a bit with jojoba oil! I just ordered 3 of those rootsonly applicator bottles which I am thinking are going to help a great deal!
This is my starting pic and no my hair does not grow in a "V" I just tugged it down a bit.....tried a different pose too :ohwell:

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i applied jbco last night before poo day and will apply it again before poo day at the end of this week.

promise to have a starting picture up, hopefully soon!
(still working on making space on my hard drive to download my pics!)
I am having a lot of problems trying to download my starting picture. :( Because of this, I will drop out of challenge officially; however I will continue unofficially and post at a later date. Good luck ladies!!! :)
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I am having a lot of problems trying to download my starting picture. :( Because of this, I will drop out of challenge officially; however I will continue unofficially and post at a later date. Good luck ladies!!! :)
You should not drop out because of the pictures, you just won't be able to show progression. BG should let you stay for support that is what these challenges is about:grin:
I oil my scalp last night after a co-wash and my hairs was so soft. I'm almost out I think I'm going to try some Jamaican Black
Here are my two pics (still in time I hope, I procrastinate horribly):
My hair is in braids right now but this is what it looked like the day before I added them in:

and I this is the length of one my braids I took down:
Hey Ladies, here are my starting pics for the ~*~*Break Out Your Castor Oil - 2010 Edition~*~*. I took these pics on February 4, 2010 but forgot to post them up until today. As of February 1, 2010 its been 1yr and 6 months since I did my big chop and went completely natural. Best of luck to everyone:yep:


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Hey ladies just checking in. Yesterday I washed and air dried and applied my JBCO mixture to my scalp once dry. Today my scalp is itching.. I hope thats a sign that its working...