Black Women's Stereotypes about Black Men


Well-Known Member
My dad is speaking at his church's Men's Day. In preparation for his speech/sermon, he asked me: what are Black women saying about Black men that could be considered stereotypical?

Any thoughts?

No job
Bad credit
have a baby mama
has a girlfriend on the side
Not faithful
has Jungle fever
Well endowed

Placing blame for their shortcomings on "the man" "the baby mama" and "slavery"

No dirve

Scared to be with a woman who has self confidence and knows how she is supposed to be treated.

Wants to be a leader but don't want to put in the work
no ambition
over sexed
disease ridden
on the DL or homophobic


Placing blame for their shortcomings on "the man" "the baby mama" and "slavery"

No dirve

Scared to be with a woman who has self confidence and knows how she is supposed to be treated.

Wants to be a leader but don't want to put in the work

No job
Bad credit
have a baby mama
has a girlfriend on the side
Not faithful
has Jungle fever
Well endowed
They're so caught up in their elementary days of being called "too" black, skinny, fat, ugly, etc that they try to make up with it by being with a white woman...or the black equivalent.

I second the going down south thing too...
Drugs dealer
have a criminal record
no family values
bad credit
don't go to church
grew up without a father
chip on shoulder
only attracted to "video model" type of women
Thanks, ladies!! I've passed this info to my dad (some steretypes may not make it into the final speech :blush: - lol!).
My Grandmother says They're good lovers but don't wanna marry you. For a majority, I'm sad to say its true with all the things the ladies here said.
Not all of course!
The biggest problem with black men is that they are weak-minded and insecure. They try to hard to be macho in all the wrong ways.