BF wants lovin while Aunt Flo is in town...


Well-Known Member
:whyme:i just have to rant, cause my Bf is irkin the ish out of me! this is my personal week and he wants to make 'sexy time':kissing4: and he does not care about 'ketchup on his hotdog'!:ohwell: i dont like to really be bothered during this period of time , not even cuddling. and every morning this whole week AS SOON AS HE WAKES UP, he asks me if its off yet! he asked me this morning and i told him no, and he told me he didnt believe me cause of the panties i had on. i sarcastically offered if he would like me to show him my bloody tampon for proof .i had to get this off my chest cause he does this all the time and it bothers me how insensitive he is. on top of it all he is coming down with a damn cold. so im doing my best to stay away from his arse. anyway, ladies, do your men do this ish? do they seem to 'try' you more when that time of the month comes around? what is UP with that?
Honestly I'm the horniest around that time! He has to tell me no...but if I'm on an lite flow day its on! I'm just sure to shower immediately before or during! :grin: And of course afterwards!
Me and my ex used to actually do it a couple times during this period. Some times when flo is visiting I am soo randy and i'm the one who wants it! Also some times doing that helped to relieve cramps for me. We didn't like to do it when the flo was really heavy cuz its a mess but during the last couple of days we were in the clear...just put a towel down and you're good to go.
Me and my ex used to actually do it a couple times during this period. Some times when flo is visiting I am soo randy and i'm the one who wants it! Also some times doing that helped to relieve cramps for me. We didn't like to do it when the flo was really heavy cuz its a mess but during the last couple of days we were in the clear...just put a towel down and you're good to go.

Glad I'm not the only one :drunk: and I'm sure there are plenty more!
LOL... i was in this type of situation with an ex of mine... i used to turn off my cell phone the first two days (for me, the first two are the roughest), and for the rest of the time, i'd turn his ring tone silent.

oooooh he was mad!
No, my DH does not ask me for sex around that time. Our religion forbids it. But even if it didn't....:nono:. I have zero interest in sex during my period. And I think my husband learned long ago NOT to bug me about anything when I have cramps.
lol @ some of ya'll horny arses!! :grin: i mean, im not saying i wouldnt do it, im just saying i am not in the mood for it and he seems to really latch on to me when im going through it. i guess its the hormones :)
Ewww, I couldn't do it. And it seems he always seems more affectionate when its time and I tell him to that I gotta clean my body out and I don't like to do anything at least 48 hours after either. Just to make sure any odors and particles are completely gone.

Irritating thing is that I've had to come up with other ways for him to leave me alone and not have him suffer from "blue balls"...."Mic check" anyone?
SO is all over me when flo comes around. He's even told me he's oddly drawn to me more around that time-pheromones maybe...but what's funny is when its that time of month I get sooooo many other guys barking at me too LOL Anyone else notice this?

I usually hate SO on the first day, but the seconnd day all the sudden I'm in as long as it aint niagra falls, a towel will do. Other than that maybe in the shower:grin:
Ewww, I couldn't do it. And it seems he always seems more affectionate when its time and I tell him to that I gotta clean my body out and I don't like to do anything at least 48 hours after either. Just to make sure any odors and particles are completely gone.

Irritating thing is that I've had to come up with other ways for him to leave me alone and not have him suffer from "blue balls"...."Mic check" anyone?

lol. me too. mine has been sick so its a good thing ( i mean bad that hes sick ,po baby, but hes so tired and cranky that he doesnt bother me lol) so i dont have to do anything special but keep his tummy fool of food . but that distraction is now over and he is pestering me again. i'll probably give him a 'massage' :look: and lie and say i have cramps for a few more days lol
SO is all over me when flo comes around. He's even told me he's oddly drawn to me more around that time-pheromones maybe...but what's funny is when its that time of month I get sooooo many other guys barking at me too LOL Anyone else notice this?

I usually hate SO on the first day, but the seconnd day all the sudden I'm in as long as it aint niagra falls, a towel will do. Other than that maybe in the shower:grin:

that happens to me too! thats how you know men are animals!

i kid :)

yeh, i think its definitely a hormone thing. i just dont understand why around this time? weird
Ewww, I couldn't do it. And it seems he always seems more affectionate when its time and I tell him to that I gotta clean my body out and I don't like to do anything at least 48 hours after either. Just to make sure any odors and particles are completely gone.

Irritating thing is that I've had to come up with other ways for him to leave me alone and not have him suffer from "blue balls"...."Mic check" anyone?

Mic Check 1, 2...:spinning:
Ewww, I couldn't do it. And it seems he always seems more affectionate when its time and I tell him to that I gotta clean my body out and I don't like to do anything at least 48 hours after either. Just to make sure any odors and particles are completely gone.

Irritating thing is that I've had to come up with other ways for him to leave me alone and not have him suffer from "blue balls"...."Mic check" anyone?

Mic check 1,2 1, 2 :look:

and The breast squeeze....he loves that!
Nothing to add really, just wanted to say that your post was funny as heck.

LOL @ ketchup on his hot dog!:lachen:
LOL... i was in this type of situation with an ex of mine... i used to turn off my cell phone the first two days (for me, the first two are the roughest), and for the rest of the time, i'd turn his ring tone silent.

oooooh he was mad!

is this why he's your ex? :lachen::lachen::lachen:
you're gangsta
i can't imagine doing this to someone i'm in a relationship with
he'd just have to deal
I did it accidentally once when I was married.

I didn't know I had started and I guess all that thrusting just made it come down.

He went into the bathroom to wipe off and I heard him scream.
He thought HE was bleeding...

I ran into the bathroom like what what what...!!!

he said...omg...I look like I was just in a massacre...

it was 4 in the morning...

he was ALL done after that..

i'm sure fluorescent lights in the bathroom didn't help. :nono:

I'd have never done it on purpose though. :ohwell:
LOL buy him a blow up doll or something. But seriously I used to love having sex when my period was on. :spinning:It seemed like i had more orgasms that way?! :drunk:Maybe it's just me?! :look:
I did it accidentally once when I was married.

I didn't know I had started and I guess all that thrusting just made it come down.

He went into the bathroom to wipe off and I heard him scream.
He thought HE was bleeding...

I ran into the bathroom like what what what...!!!

he said...omg...I look like I was just in a massacre...

it was 4 in the morning...

he was ALL done after that..

i'm sure fluorescent lights in the bathroom didn't help. :nono:

I'd have never done it on purpose though. :ohwell:
