Best Marriage/Relationship Resources Ever!!


New Member
Hey everyone, if you all know I have been married for 9 months now, and we have had our share of woes getting to know each other as husband and wife and learning to work together as a married unit. I truly accredit much of our success to listneing to Jimmy Evans of Marriage Today Ministrys. He was a pastor who was actually on the brinks of divorce with his own wife, and with God's help has stayed married for ove 30 years. This man speaks the straight up truth about marriage and the problems that most marriages face, how you can succeed in marriage 100% of the time, how to pray for your husband, and how to prepare for marriage, how to deal in blended family situations with stepkids, ex- spouse, in laws, etc. I love his messages, and just wanted to hopefully bless some of you guys who may be GOIN THROUGH IT!!! with your husbands with a powerful resources, that can give you hope, in a society, where for most divorce is an option, and most don't REALLY believe that marraige CAN work, and be a happy place to be!!! Check out his website or google/bing marriage today
Amen. I've seen this couple on a televison program about year ago when I got married last Feb. 28...yes, embarking on the first year anniversary. I dont believe in "over doing" marriage "conseling" but it is necessary to seek advice... and it's necessary to make few of your own mistakes and learn from them. I enjoyed the website and even got my husband involved in it. May God continue to bless your marriage.