Before you met you SO/DH was he clean? *HIS HOUSE*


Well-Known Member
My SO isnt the cleanist man ( his house) is sometimes a world wind :lachen::lachen:..he hates to wash dishes :nono:....but he can keep the living room and hall ways half decent.

Before him, i use to see a guy whos house was :blush: scary...

now i can sit comfortably in their homes..but maybe its not clean to my standards..and just to their man standards :look:
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My SO is very, very clean, and always has been. I think sometimes he uses cleaning to relieve stress. According to his mother, he has been like this since he was a child. When he has a lot on his mind, or was stressed out, he will clean. I love it because our house is always neat, and while I am a clean person also, I do not have to spend all of my time cleaning. He helps me a lot, and I appreciate him for it.
thats really nice....SO like i said is "ok"..not clean like me....he def is a stereotypical man :perplexed..... lawd hammercy....he makes up for it in other ways i guess :lachen:

My SO is very, very clean, and always has been. I think sometimes he uses cleaning to relieve stress. According to his mother, he has been like this since he was a child. When he has a lot on his mind, or was stressed out, he will clean. I love it because our house is always neat, and while I am a clean person also, I do not have to spend all of my time cleaning. He helps me a lot, and I appreciate him for it.
My husband was a slob when I first met him in college. When we got married, he was still a slob-- but now, almost 6 years into the marriage this guy is a neat freak beyond neat freaks. He gets on me now for leaving stuff around. If you place a glass on the countertop, and walk more than 3 ft away from it-- you will hear his MOUTH. :lol: He throws away EVERYTHING to the point where if I am looking for something, I will look in the trash first. :lol: I guess be careful what you wish for, b/c this fool is off the chain now.
:lachen:..i feel better now.....

sometimes when i go to his house he cleaning right now so its nice and neat when you get here...when i get there im like :ohwell: :look: :rolleyes: :lachen:...its aight..

he is adorable

My husband was a slob when I first met him in college. When we got married, he was still a slob-- but now, almost 6 years into the marriage this guy is a neat freak beyond neat freaks. He gets on me now for leaving stuff around. If you place a glass on the countertop, and walk more than 3 ft away from it-- you will hear his MOUTH. :lol: He throws away EVERYTHING to the point where if I am looking for something, I will look in the trash first. :lol: I guess be careful what you wish for, b/c this fool is off the chain now.
To a degree. His mother never MADE him clean up. So, with that said (please don't make me post pics), there are clothes and shoes on his side of the room, he has the guest/baby bedroom for HIS clothes...scattered. He puts glass on the coffee table after I had just cleaned/dusted, and leaves dishes on the LR floor. When I clean, I get this feeling like ants are crawling all over me and I will clean for hours, but WILL NOT pick up after him (clothes). I keep telling him, people come by they'll see your stuff all over the place...not mine.
My husband was a slob when I first met him in college. When we got married, he was still a slob-- but now, almost 6 years into the marriage this guy is a neat freak beyond neat freaks. He gets on me now for leaving stuff around. If you place a glass on the countertop, and walk more than 3 ft away from it-- you will hear his MOUTH. :lol: He throws away EVERYTHING to the point where if I am looking for something, I will look in the trash first. :lol: I guess be careful what you wish for, b/c this fool is off the chain now.

That's so me, LOL if something's out of place, into the trash it goes. It drives my son nuts. But my SO keeps his house clean, he's like me we clean the entire house every Friday night while doing laundry.
My babe is a bachelor and he lives like one. LOL He isn't nasty...but his place is not neat at all. LOL Clothes everywhere. I often help him out by folding them when I come over...and he has the nerve to be anal about how stuff is folded. LOL He is good for it tho... that's my sugar.
He'd clean up before I came over. :laugh: If there was some food left out or something he'd be like, "Whoops, you didn't see that!"

I stayed with him in a hotel once and he'd throw his clothes everywhere. I'd end up packing them up in a whirlwind while he was in the bathroom or something. It was funny because I'd go to hop in bed and trip over a case of Mt. Dew that was on the floor. :laugh:

I really don't mind though; he's not one of the disgustingly messy people.
Not so much- however I’m a clean freak so nobody measures up. But now that he knows what I like he tries to keep the house organized. He's learning.