Be Bold-- Date Yourself! :)

I do this a lot. I simply enjoy my own company.

I've taken myself to restaurants, plays, movies, foreign countries, parks, you name it.

Sometimes you just want to be
Im recently single again..
I really think this "date yourself" thing is
Going to be my first step of focussing on myself.
I've never been to places by myself except for shopping ( hate shopping anyway)
This thread really encourages me to be bold and date myself..
Am a bit scared but am just going to do it..
Keep you posted!!
This really is a good thread! I used to "date myself" all of the time. I had no idea that there was a term for it, lol. I started pretty young. The first time I ventured out alone, I caught a bus and went clothes shopping and to eat (sitting alone) I was in 8th grade. I had such a good time and felt so liberated! I sometimes hated the hassle of being with my friends and compromising on which activities we did. By myself, I could do exactly what I wanted for as long as I wanted with no discussion about it.

I never felt like a loser. EVER. It always made me feel independent, mysterious and glamorous, like a Bond Girl. Like people were wondering, who IS she?, lol! Although in reality people were probably paying me no mind.:grin:
I've done this before and it was great...I really NEED to do this now more than ever. I gotta get out of this slump. So I took the initiative and joined the gym. I've never joined one before and not only do I need it for health reasons, but I know this will definitely help me to rebuild my confidence within myself and for myself.
I've been dating myself for a while now. Heck just this past weekend I made sure to go to a tree lighting and movies on the lawn at the park by myself. The next day I took myself to a parade and festival. I really do enjoy my own company. It's also very freeing doing things on my own.

For those of you scared of going to places alone because people might be judging you, think about this. Who was the last woman you saw eating out by herself, or at the club by herself? Chances you don't remember where or even what she looks like. My point is no one is looking at you, judging you, or even remembering you when you're out and about. People are so wrapped up in their own issues that they don't even notice yours, much less care about them. Go out there and do your thing. No one cares.
I make it a point to take myself to one nice restaurant each month. I go for dinner and try to pick a new restaurant each month or I go to ones that I like.

Once I went to dinner at the Russian Tea Room and I was for a good portion of the dinner the only person in that section of the dinning area. The maître d' put me smack in the center of the place. the waiting staff were very attentive. I felt like a Queen (the décor of the place is Plush to say the least) being attended to...

Awkward or alone were not even on my radar.
Truth be told I feel like the BAWSE lol
I make it a point to take myself to one nice restaurant each month. I go for dinner and try to pick a new restaurant each month or I go to ones that I like.

Once I went to dinner at the Russian Tea Room and I was for a good portion of the dinner the only person in that section of the dinning area. The maître d' put me smack in the center of the place. the waiting staff were very attentive. I felt like a Queen (the décor of the place is Plush to say the least) being attended to...

Awkward or alone were not even on my radar.
Truth be told I feel like the BAWSE lol


I live in NYC and would love to start going to restaurants more solo, but it's the one thing I haven't ventured out to do as yet. I plan to start doing this. Even if it's for brunch, whatever... go by myself and enjoy my food, my thoughts, and people watching.
I used to go out to eat by myself all the time without thinking anything of it. Not sure why I stopped. I started traveling by myself but I want to try to do more things locally by myself.
TwoSnapsUp what things do you want to do solo locally? I'd like some ideas. For one, I know I love outdoor type cafes/eateries, so when the weather gets warmer I'll start going to have brunch/dinner at these places alone. I'd really like to start going to after work bars/etc, that's where the men will be :yep: :lol:.... that I might need some more courage to muster up and go solo. Do I just get a drink and sit at the bar.. I'll feel out of my element but I'll get use to it and I'm sure someone will come over to speak to me. I can use it as an opportunity to step out of my comfort zone.

I don't want to do bars solo, because I'm sure men are hip to it and I don't want the wrong man to approach me, thinking I am desperate. I do have a bar partner though...

I love to eat so I want to try out some restaurants, but that may be more of a monthly or bimonthly thing. I don't drive and rely on public transportation so my options may be limited...

I also may look up events on groupon or living social for ideas

I don't want to do bars solo, because I'm sure men are hip to it and I don't want the wrong man to approach me, thinking I am desperate. I do have a bar partner though...

I love to eat so I want to try out some restaurants, but that may be more of a monthly or bimonthly thing. I don't drive and rely on public transportation so my options may be limited...

I also may look up events on groupon or living social for ideas

TwoSnapsUp this would be my apprehension. I'd truly prefer to go to a bar or have a drink with a friend.

Same here, I don't drive so I figured I'd start doing brunch solo this way it's early in the day. Going out at night solo might be more challenging. I'd rather go out at night with friends, and if anything share a cab bk to bklyn. We'll see, we'll see what the new year holds.
TwoSnapsUp, who cares what some random dude thinks? You shouldn't let that deter you at all.

I'm in the same boat as you, I don't drive. But years ago, I decided I wanted to find a spot around my way that I could go to now and then. Walked right into this one place by myself, met a bunch of people and 8 years, 2 failed bars later, we have a new spot and still hang every week.
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I notice that I get much more attention when I'm out alone... I'm going to start going out solo more often... I used to do it a lot when I lived in Saint Louis.
I notice that I get much more attention when I'm out alone... I'm going to start going out solo more often... I used to do it a lot when I lived in Saint Louis.

Yeah it's more challenging to do in Florida if you don't have a car. That stopped me for years. We need a better public transit system.