Ayurveda Support Thread

Wow, this (the bolded) sounds brilliant. And I thought that you were always suppose to rinse the teas out?? :perplexed

I ONLY do this with the moisturizing powders & AFTER a good DC. I haven't had any problems with dryness because I'm always DC & cowashing. Also a lot of the dryness that most people get from the powders can be combated by mixing them with cond. instead of water:yep: I love this method. It's like a cond. mud pack.:lick:
Okay, so I tried to make a paste, but it's never pasty; it's always runny. Does that make sense? Then if I use less water, then the mixture definitely won't be enough to go over my whole head. :spinning: I dunno, I like the way this ayurvedic stuff make my hair feel, I'm just making sure I'm on the right page.

Maybe you may need to slow down a little when you pour the water. For me, it takes a lot of water for the pasted to turn runny. And even then, adding a tiny bit more powder will make it pastey again. Try adding a bit of water then stir, more water, stir ... etc ... until you have the right consistency.

I'm doing a cassia treatment later today, let me know if you want me try and video the mixing (it's the exact same way I mix all my powders).
Maybe you may need to slow down a little when you pour the water. For me, it takes a lot of water for the pasted to turn runny. And even then, adding a tiny bit more powder will make it pastey again. Try adding a bit of water then stir, more water, stir ... etc ... until you have the right consistency.

I'm doing a cassia treatment later today, let me know if you want me try and video the mixing (it's the exact same way I mix all my powders).

I use like 3 tblspoons of powder... maybe i will just use a little more. Also, I will experiment with the conditioners too.
Last time I did it I used the powders in conditioner. Next one I thinkI will use the powders straight and then DC afterwards. I didn't find the powders drying though on their own and if my hair can handle it I may not DC afterwards. Anybody use it straight and not DC afterwards? I know I have read some bad experiences with this...any good experiences?
ladies I read this whole thread lots of helpful info...still a lil confussing I plan on buying alma & vatika oil for pre oiling night before using powders I plan on buying amla brahmi bhringraj & maybe aritha powders...i am looking for a thickening,stregthenting & growing effect...jet black hair is a BIG PLUS if it will have that effect..so I know how to preoil my question is can I dissolve the powders in hot water and put on my scalp and ends leave 10 - 15 min then DC or is it better to use it in my DC? the powders I plan on buying will it give me the effect I'm lookin for I have 4b hair and I'm 12 weeks post...i use jason biotin condi as a DC mixed with EVOO and castor oil...any feedback will help thanks ladies!!! I have a full sew in I plan on taking out this weekend so I want 2 use this for at least 3 weeks cause I will be putting my weave back in..fav protective style :) last question if I make it as a tea can I rinse my scalp with it when I get the weave reinstalled?
ladies I read this whole thread lots of helpful info...still a lil confussing I plan on buying alma & vatika oil for pre oiling night before using powders I plan on buying amla brahmi bhringraj & maybe aritha powders...i am looking for a thickening,stregthenting & growing effect...jet black hair is a BIG PLUS if it will have that effect..so I know how to preoil my question is can I dissolve the powders in hot water and put on my scalp and ends leave 10 - 15 min then DC or is it better to use it in my DC? the powders I plan on buying will it give me the effect I'm lookin for I have 4b hair and I'm 12 weeks post...i use jason biotin condi as a DC mixed with EVOO and castor oil...any feedback will help thanks ladies!!! I have a full sew in I plan on taking out this weekend so I want 2 use this for at least 3 weeks cause I will be putting my weave back in..fav protective style :) last question if I make it as a tea can I rinse my scalp with it when I get the weave reinstalled?

I prefer to use the powders on their own because I don't know how other chemicals in the DC will affect them. But other ladies here use it in their conditioners and it seems to work for them. I suppose the mixing method takes less time ... I'd suggest you try it both ways and see what works best for you.

I've used the teas weekly/ 2x weekly in a net weave and it worked just fine.

Today I went to my local Indian store to buy myself some henna and asked the woman who owned the store if she suggested anything else. She suggested aritha and shikakai powder to me also. She told me they're great for hair growth and all I need to do is take both powders and put it on damp hair, leave on for a few minutes and wash out. I bought the powders because I thought the names sounded familiar but before I did anything with them I wanted to consult the forum to see what other peeps' regimes were and if they were in fact using these powders. So I was lead to this thread. I read all the posts and I'll tell ya, I'm even more confused than when I started! Some people's regimens seem like they are very laborious and I'm already spending too much time on my hair (at least according to my bf) so does anyone just apply the powders to their hair, co-wash or deep condition and keep it moving or is it imperative to do a whole process with these powders in order to see results? PLEASE HELP cuz I'm about to just say *** it!!! :)
Today I went to my local Indian store to buy myself some henna and asked the woman who owned the store if she suggested anything else. She suggested aritha and shikakai powder to me also. She told me they're great for hair growth and all I need to do is take both powders and put it on damp hair, leave on for a few minutes and wash out. I bought the powders because I thought the names sounded familiar but before I did anything with them I wanted to consult the forum to see what other peeps' regimes were and if they were in fact using these powders. So I was lead to this thread. I read all the posts and I'll tell ya, I'm even more confused than when I started! Some people's regimens seem like they are very laborious and I'm already spending too much time on my hair (at least according to my bf) so does anyone just apply the powders to their hair, co-wash or deep condition and keep it moving or is it imperative to do a whole process with these powders in order to see results? PLEASE HELP cuz I'm about to just say *** it!!! :)

I'm so glad you didn't listen to her!!! First off Aritha & Shikakai are 2 of the most drying powders of all. Second all SHE may need to do is put these powders on damp hair. This was surely a recipe for disaster. I will say it again. PLEASE read the Ayurveda threads before experimenting, The powders are wonders for adding strength, promoting growth, cleansing the scalp, some even add moisture, but make sure YOU know what the powders do & what mixture is best for your hair. I know some of the threads are long, but they have a wealth of info. that can keep anyone from having setbacks, if done properly.:yep: I Will copy & past a few of my posts, but keep in mind you might have to tweak to fit your own needs. Good luck.

Ayurveda's most potent Hair Vitalizer

Hesh Brahmi Leaves Powder comes as a succour for those with chronic problems with hair. Hair loss, hair thinning, premature greying have become part of the metro life. But nature has a solution for every problem. Hesh Brahmi Powder may help to make hair dark, dense and lustrous. It also strengthens the hair roots, thus controlling hair thinning and hair loss. Regular use leads to control of premature graying. When massaged on the scalp, the product clears dandruff.

Briefly, 'Hesh Brahmi Powder' has the following advantages:

- May help to make hair dark, dense and lustrous
- Strengthens hair roots
- Stops premature greying
- Controls dandruff

Ingredients: Brahmi Leaves Powder (Thyme Leaves Powder / Herpestis Monniera)


Dirt Buster for your Scalp

Hesh Shikakai Powder acts as a natural astringent for hair enhancing its binding properties. It clears dandruff and cleans the dirt accumulated in the scalp. Being a natural conditioner for hair, Shikakai strengthens hair roots and promotes luxuriant growth. Hesh Shikakai Powder has certain vital proprieties that act as coolants for the scalp. This powder has to be mixed with appropriate quantity of water and used as a paste on the hair, instead of the soap.

Briefly, 'Hesh Shikakai Powder' has the following advantages:

- Provides new life to hair strands
- Strengthens hair roots
- Clears dandruff
- Keeps the scalp clean and cool

Ingredients: Shikakai Acacia Concinna


Dark and Healthy Hair Naturally.

Hesh Amla Powder is a natural astringent and skin toner that works on both hair and skin. In botanical terms it is known as Emblic Myrobalan. The paste of this powder helps promote black and luxuriant hair. Even as it controls hair loss, it stimulates roots and promotes hair growth. This apart, it prevents scalp infection and controls premature greying of hair. When used on skin, the paste of this powder brightens the complexion and removes pimples and grime.

Briefly, 'Hesh Amla Powder' has the following advantages:

- Promotes hair growth
- Controls hair loss
- Cures scalp infection
- Controls greying of hair
- Removes pimple and grime

Ingredients: Amla Powder (Indian Gooseberry)



Bhringraj is ancient Ayurveda herb used for
  • Treatment of Hair loss and hair fall.
  • Bringraj also prevents premature graying.
  • Bhringraj acts like a multivitamin for Hair. Bhringraj can also be used along with other herbs such as Amla, Shikakai, and Neem or it can be used along with Coconut, Amla or Shikakai oil and for hair care and conditioning.
  • Bhringraj oil when massaged on to the scalp gives a calming effect and promotes a good sleep.
  • Ayurveda studies have shown that Bhringraj helps to conceive and is a ray of hope for many couples who have tried unsuccessfully to conceive with medicine but have been unsuccessful.
  • Bhringraj is used in Ayurvedic treatment for the prevention of repeated miscarriage and abortion.
  • It is also used to relieve post delivery uterine pain.
  • Bhringraj also helps to reduce uterus bleeding in women.
  • Bhringraj has excellent anti aging properties.
  • Used as a general tonic in case of debility.
  • The juice of the leaves of Bhringraj is given for children for the treatment of respiratory tract infections and worms.
Vatika oil

<DIV class=detailprice>Vatika - Enriched Coconut Hair Oil - Dabur

By: Dabur
Ref: HBE008-p

Available in 150ml and 300ml bottles.

Pure Coconut Oil with Henna, Amla and Lemon

Vatika is a premium Coconut Hair Oil enriched with Henna, Amla, Lemon and six other trusted herbs. Vatika's unique natural formulation ensures deeper oil penetration to give your hair and scalp complete nourishment for problem free, healthy hair.

HENNA, along with other herbs, coats your hair, protects it from oxidation, maintaining its natural colour.

AMLA, strengthens the roots of your hair to help maintain their health and natural thickness.

The astringent action of LEMON control sebum grow.

Directions for use:
Apply Vatika hair oil regularly on your scalp and hair. For best results, leave it on overnight.

Coconut Oil, Neem, Brahmi, Fruit extracts of Amla, Bahera and Harar, Kapur Kachri, Henna, Milk, Rosemary Oil, Lemon Oil, TBHQ, Fragrance.

copy of a previous post)
I try to keep it as simple as possible, I cowash 2 to 5 times a week, depending on my mood , weather, schedule, etc. although I have been trying to commit to a least 4 days since joining the 4 month Ayurveda challenge. I usually do he powders in my cond. (Any cheapie of your choice) for my cowash. It helps to already have the powders premixed to save time and once again make it easier, I'm all about simplicity:yep: I have a canister with 1 part (box) Amla, 2 parts or boxes Bhrami, Bhringraj. This also takes the guess work out of measuring. I just add a teaspoon to my cond. Sometimes I add a few spoons to make more of a cond./paste. These powders give AMAZING moisture & strength. For this reason I tend to use them more than the others. However I do have a container with Shikakai, Neem, Amla, 1 part (box) each. I use this when I feel like I want my hair a bit cleaner. Shikakai strengthens the root wonderfully, but can be drying if misused, sometimes I add a spoon of it to my previously mentioned mixture. I do tea rinses whenever I feel like it , maybe three times a month, sometimes more. followed by my dc with the powders. The tea really does stop shedding it it's tracks. I do pastes mixed with water only when it's easy for me to rinse REMEMBER SIMPLICITY:grin:, so this is only when I'm no more than 4 wks. post. After that piont I mix with cond only. MAKE SURE you do the pastes on oiled hair. And DONOT manipulate the hair when they are in. I have homemade oils from these powders also, I use them for daily scalp massages & overall maintenance. I do believe the pastes mixed with water are more potent, but doing the powders in your cond. can help tremendously without the risk of overdrying, plus rinsing is easier when you have a lot of ng. especially for beginners!!! My daily style is a bun
Ayurveda is only difficult as you make it:yep: HTH

ETA : I have also included Fenugreek, Horsetail, & Nettle to my list of herbs, soon to add Hibiscus.
Aritha proved to be too drying for my hair, even when mixed with other powders. I now use it to wash clothes.
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Thanks so much for sharing this wealth of info Flowinlocks, it sure does help reiterate the important points. I agree about thorough research before trying ayurveda, as doing it wrong could set one back big time. The first time I used henna, I swore to never ever touch that stuff again. Now, 3 years later, I LOVE it so much and can't imagine not using it as I love it's strengthening and colouring properties. FL, do you have a blog/fotki? What is your ayurvedic regimen, if you have one? I just use stuff randomly at the moment, lol, no plan to it.....
Thanks so much for sharing this wealth of info Flowinlocks, it sure does help reiterate the important points. I agree about thorough research before trying ayurveda, as doing it wrong could set one back big time. The first time I used henna, I swore to never ever touch that stuff again. Now, 3 years later, I LOVE it so much and can't imagine not using it as I love it's strengthening and colouring properties. FL, do you have a blog/fotki? What is your ayurvedic regimen, if you have one? I just use stuff randomly at the moment, lol, no plan to it.....

Thanks Jaxhair, Yeah before I even THOUGHT about using Ayurveda or Henna/Indigo I subscribed to all the associated threads for knowledge. This is how I knew what NOT to do based on setback stories, when I decided to jump on board I felt so much more confident that I wouldn't mess it :yep: I suggest this for anyone starting out. I don't have a Fotki, just my photo album in my profile. My reggie is pretty much what I posted below. Although the frequency of it depends on how my work week is going. I try to Dc a least twice a week with whatever is on hand. I haven't committed to one favorite cond. just yet, so I usually mix them. I have Queen Helene Cholesterol, Ntm,ORS,Silicone mix, Jason's natural Biotin cond., & Joico K PAK. I usually mix the powders with 2 or more of these conds. (mainly because I'm trying to use some of this stuff up) For in a hurry cowashing, I use Suave Humectant (this is my fav.):yep:. I just started TJ Nourish spa also. It along with Silicone mix seem to help me stretch my relaxer when I'm past 9 wks. These 2 seem to (melt) my ng for a few days. I mix in the powders whether I'm cowashing, or dcing. I don't shampoo at all anymore, except when I relax. My hair has taken on new life since doing this. My scalp is still clean & I don't have build up. When I mix these powders in my dc, I usually make a paste with the cond. & powder only, maybe a little oil. No water. Kinda like conditioning mud pack. :lick: I oil my scalp nightly with Vatika or Bhrami oil. Sometimes I use one of my homemade oils. I don't mind my hair being oily because I bun daily. HTH, Let me know if you have anymore questions.
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Hey has anyone else noticed that the powders seems to (swell/expand) when moisture is added? I mean 1 spoon of powder doubles or triples itself when wet.:look:
Question for you hibiscus ladies. Would using hibiscus be like using Rose powder? The Indian stores here do not have hibiscus but I did see Rose petal powder. Is it similar?
I have been reading so many ayurveda threads and it's all running together. I plan to mix powders in my cowashes, dc's, and do tea rinsing. I like to dc with heat, will that be an issue? I will most likely buy a hair steamer in May. Will that be okay to use also? I rarely use direct heat: blowdryer & flatiron but when I do anything to keep in mind besides the usuals? TIA.
Hello I recently tried Shikakai powders two weeks ago. I used it as a paste on my scalp and hair. I admit I was scared b'c of the dryness of the powders. I thought "Oh boy how could this help" I did in fear use other stuff afterwards like honey and my oils. Needless to say my hair turned out fine. My scalp was clean, my hair was thick. I did have the scent left in my hair however I too can suck it up , if it's helping my hair stay healthy.

So today I'm going to use all Ayurvedic treatments. I will use the Shikakai paste, add alma powder to my tea rinse and add to my oils.

I will check in later with feedback...
Thanks Jaxhair, Yeah before I even THOUGHT about using Ayurveda or Henna/Indigo I subscribed to all the associated threads for knowledge. This is how I knew what NOT to do based on setback stories, when I decided to jump on board I felt so much more confident that I wouldn't mess it :yep: I suggest this for anyone starting out. I don't have a Fotki, just my photo album in my profile. My reggie is pretty much what I posted below. Although the frequency of it depends on how my work week is going. I try to Dc a least twice a week with whatever is on hand. I haven't committed to one favorite cond. just yet, so I usually mix them. I have Queen Helene Cholesterol, Ntm,ORS,Silicone mix, Jason's natural Biotin cond., & Joico K PAK. I usually mix the powders with 2 or more of these conds. (mainly because I'm trying to use some of this stuff up) For in a hurry cowashing, I use Suave Humectant (this is my fav.):yep:. I just started TJ Nourish spa also. It along with Silicone mix seem to help me stretch my relaxer when I'm past 9 wks. These 2 seem to (melt) my ng for a few days. I mix in the powders whether I'm cowashing, or dcing. I don't shampoo at all anymore, except when I relax. My hair has taken on new life since doing this. My scalp is still clean & I don't have build up. When I mix these powders in my dc, I usually make a paste with the cond. & powder only, maybe a little oil. No water. Kinda like conditioning mud pack. :lick: I oil my scalp nightly with Vatika or Bhrami oil. Sometimes I use one of my homemade oils. I don't mind my hair being oily because I bun daily. HTH, Let me know if you have anymore questions.

Thanks so much for adressing my questions FL. This gives me an 'AHA!' moment, re DC and co-washing. Another question please if I may.... I'm natural and due to the kinks and spirals on my hair, I do all my washing, conditioning and deep conditioning in braids and twists to avoid excessive knotting and the resulting splits as I detangle (oh, what a painful exercise!). So far, so good, I've even eliminated the use of combs/brushes and just use my fingers. Is there any other way I could incorporate my powders into my conditioners/deep conditioners other than making pastes out of them? I'm guessing any mixes I do will have to be more watery rather than thick espesh if I make teas instead of pastes. Now, how concentrated can I make these teas? I suppose I ought to try mixing up pastes first, see how it goes.... I do anticipate tiny twigs being trapped within the braids/twists though, lol. Imagine trying to release those as well as shed hair whilst finger detangling... yikes!!! I may have answered my own question it seems - learning does come with trying out stuff. Okay, tomorrow I try my first ever DC with ayurvedic powders mixed into my conditioners.....
I'm so glad you didn't listen to her!!! First off Aritha & Shikakai are 2 of the most drying powders of all. Second all SHE may need to do is put these powders on damp hair. This was surely a recipe for disaster. I will say it again. PLEASE read the Ayurveda threads before experimenting, The powders are wonders for adding strength, promoting growth, cleansing the scalp, some even add moisture, but make sure YOU know what the powders do & what mixture is best for your hair. I know some of the threads are long, but they have a wealth of info. that can keep anyone from having setbacks, if done properly.:yep: I Will copy & past a few of my posts, but keep in mind you might have to tweak to fit your own needs. Good luck.

Ayurveda's most potent Hair Vitalizer

Hesh Brahmi Leaves Powder comes as a succour for those with chronic problems with hair. Hair loss, hair thinning, premature greying have become part of the metro life. But nature has a solution for every problem. Hesh Brahmi Powder may help to make hair dark, dense and lustrous. It also strengthens the hair roots, thus controlling hair thinning and hair loss. Regular use leads to control of premature graying. When massaged on the scalp, the product clears dandruff.

Briefly, 'Hesh Brahmi Powder' has the following advantages:

- May help to make hair dark, dense and lustrous
- Strengthens hair roots
- Stops premature greying
- Controls dandruff

Ingredients: Brahmi Leaves Powder (Thyme Leaves Powder / Herpestis Monniera)


Dirt Buster for your Scalp

Hesh Shikakai Powder acts as a natural astringent for hair enhancing its binding properties. It clears dandruff and cleans the dirt accumulated in the scalp. Being a natural conditioner for hair, Shikakai strengthens hair roots and promotes luxuriant growth. Hesh Shikakai Powder has certain vital proprieties that act as coolants for the scalp. This powder has to be mixed with appropriate quantity of water and used as a paste on the hair, instead of the soap.

Briefly, 'Hesh Shikakai Powder' has the following advantages:

- Provides new life to hair strands
- Strengthens hair roots
- Clears dandruff
- Keeps the scalp clean and cool

Ingredients: Shikakai Acacia Concinna


Dark and Healthy Hair Naturally.

Hesh Amla Powder is a natural astringent and skin toner that works on both hair and skin. In botanical terms it is known as Emblic Myrobalan. The paste of this powder helps promote black and luxuriant hair. Even as it controls hair loss, it stimulates roots and promotes hair growth. This apart, it prevents scalp infection and controls premature greying of hair. When used on skin, the paste of this powder brightens the complexion and removes pimples and grime.

Briefly, 'Hesh Amla Powder' has the following advantages:

- Promotes hair growth
- Controls hair loss
- Cures scalp infection
- Controls greying of hair
- Removes pimple and grime

Ingredients: Amla Powder (Indian Gooseberry)



Bhringraj is ancient Ayurveda herb used for
  • Treatment of Hair loss and hair fall.
  • Bringraj also prevents premature graying.
  • Bhringraj acts like a multivitamin for Hair. Bhringraj can also be used along with other herbs such as Amla, Shikakai, and Neem or it can be used along with Coconut, Amla or Shikakai oil and for hair care and conditioning.
  • Bhringraj oil when massaged on to the scalp gives a calming effect and promotes a good sleep.
  • Ayurveda studies have shown that Bhringraj helps to conceive and is a ray of hope for many couples who have tried unsuccessfully to conceive with medicine but have been unsuccessful.
  • Bhringraj is used in Ayurvedic treatment for the prevention of repeated miscarriage and abortion.
  • It is also used to relieve post delivery uterine pain.
  • Bhringraj also helps to reduce uterus bleeding in women.
  • Bhringraj has excellent anti aging properties.
  • Used as a general tonic in case of debility.
  • The juice of the leaves of Bhringraj is given for children for the treatment of respiratory tract infections and worms.
Vatika oil

<DIV class=detailprice>Vatika - Enriched Coconut Hair Oil - Dabur

By: Dabur
Ref: HBE008-p

Available in 150ml and 300ml bottles.

Pure Coconut Oil with Henna, Amla and Lemon

Vatika is a premium Coconut Hair Oil enriched with Henna, Amla, Lemon and six other trusted herbs. Vatika's unique natural formulation ensures deeper oil penetration to give your hair and scalp complete nourishment for problem free, healthy hair.

HENNA, along with other herbs, coats your hair, protects it from oxidation, maintaining its natural colour.

AMLA, strengthens the roots of your hair to help maintain their health and natural thickness.

The astringent action of LEMON control sebum grow.

Directions for use:
Apply Vatika hair oil regularly on your scalp and hair. For best results, leave it on overnight.

Coconut Oil, Neem, Brahmi, Fruit extracts of Amla, Bahera and Harar, Kapur Kachri, Henna, Milk, Rosemary Oil, Lemon Oil, TBHQ, Fragrance.

copy of a previous post)
I try to keep it as simple as possible, I cowash 2 to 5 times a week, depending on my mood , weather, schedule, etc. although I have been trying to commit to a least 4 days since joining the 4 month Ayurveda challenge. I usually do he powders in my cond. (Any cheapie of your choice) for my cowash. It helps to already have the powders premixed to save time and once again make it easier, I'm all about simplicity:yep: I have a canister with 1 part (box) Amla, 2 parts or boxes Bhrami, Bhringraj. This also takes the guess work out of measuring. I just add a teaspoon to my cond. Sometimes I add a few spoons to make more of a cond./paste. These powders give AMAZING moisture & strength. For this reason I tend to use them more than the others. However I do have a container with Shikakai, Neem, Amla, 1 part (box) each. I use this when I feel like I want my hair a bit cleaner. Shikakai strengthens the root wonderfully, but can be drying if misused, sometimes I add a spoon of it to my previously mentioned mixture. I do tea rinses whenever I feel like it , maybe three times a month, sometimes more. followed by my dc with the powders. The tea really does stop shedding it it's tracks. I do pastes mixed with water only when it's easy for me to rinse REMEMBER SIMPLICITY:grin:, so this is only when I'm no more than 4 wks. post. After that piont I mix with cond only. MAKE SURE you do the pastes on oiled hair. And DONOT manipulate the hair when they are in. I have homemade oils from these powders also, I use them for daily scalp massages & overall maintenance. I do believe the pastes mixed with water are more potent, but doing the powders in your cond. can help tremendously without the risk of overdrying, plus rinsing is easier when you have a lot of ng. especially for beginners!!! My daily style is a bun
Ayurveda is only difficult as you make it:yep: HTH

ETA : I have also included Fenugreek, Horsetail, & Nettle to my list of herbs, soon to add Hibiscus.
Aritha proved to be too drying for my hair, even when mixed with other powders. I now use it to wash clothes.

I just went back and read this again and have a question about the red bolded.... is it 1x amla, 2x brahmi and 2x bringraj? Might try this to start with rather than the random amounts I add lol...

I've used a few times a tea rinse with fenugreek, nettle, sage, rosemary and peppermint and loved how moisturising it left my hair. definitely something to get into a habit of doing.

I'll definitely be coming back to this post for recipes - thanks again FL for sharing!
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When I do a tea rinse I usually mix together whatever powders I chose in the strainer to my tea pot. It's usually 2 or more of the following: Amla, Bhrinjraj, Bhrami, Fenugreek, Horsetail, Nettle, Shikakai, or Neem. I boil my water in a separate pot, then pour it over my herbs & let it brew for about 30mins. because I like it nice & strong. Then I pour the strained mixture into a gallon plastic pitcher & fill the rest of the way up with cool water, this cools the mixture, dilutes it , and stretches it. How long I leave it on depends on what I'm using & the time of day. If it's early I'll do Horsetail in my final rinse along with other herbs, I NEVER do this one at night cause it hypes me up. If cleansing is my primary concern I'll do Shikakai, Amla, & Neem. Rinse & follow up with a DC with the moisturizing herbs Bhringraj, Bhrami, Fenugreek, (Hibiscus if I had it) since Aggie raves about it:grin: If it's strength, moisture, condition, I will DC FIRST THEN do a final rinse with the latter herbs I just mentioned. I don't rinse this out. I usually plug my kitchen sink, pour my rinse over my
head, swish my ends & dunk whatever part of my head (usually just the crown) in the mixture. I then use a cup to scoop up what's in the sink & pour it over the back & sides repeatedly. Then i gently wring out my hair & put on a plastic cap (only if I plan on rinsing) I let this sit for about 30. mins then rinse. If I DON'T plan on rinsing I just towel dry gently detangle & air dry. When I'm done my hair feels SOOOOO strong & it does stop shedding in it's tracks:yep: I'm sorry for the long post, I thought it might help some of the Newbies to tea rinsing.

Thanks. I was just thinking of adding a tea rinse for a cowash since it is strarting to warm up around here :grin:.
Thanks so much for adressing my questions FL. This gives me an 'AHA!' moment, re DC and co-washing. Another question please if I may.... I'm natural and due to the kinks and spirals on my hair, I do all my washing, conditioning and deep conditioning in braids and twists to avoid excessive knotting and the resulting splits as I detangle (oh, what a painful exercise!). So far, so good, I've even eliminated the use of combs/brushes and just use my fingers. Is there any other way I could incorporate my powders into my conditioners/deep conditioners other than making pastes out of them? I'm guessing any mixes I do will have to be more watery rather than thick espesh if I make teas instead of pastes. Now, how concentrated can I make these teas? I suppose I ought to try mixing up pastes first, see how it goes.... I do anticipate tiny twigs being trapped within the braids/twists though, lol. Imagine trying to release those as well as shed hair whilst finger detangling... yikes!!! I may have answered my own question it seems - learning does come with trying out stuff. Okay, tomorrow I try my first ever DC with ayurvedic powders mixed into my conditioners.....

Teas are def. easier on natural tightly coiled hair or hair with lots of ng, however someone suggested making a runny paste that would rinse easier, also another member posted the picture of a mini wire whisk on sale at Sally's, that made her mixture super smooth. I don't make the cond. paste all the time, If I'm cowashing it's usually a creamy,loose consistency. Kinda like cake batter. As far as the strength of the tea, here's what I do.

copy of previous post
When I do a tea rinse I usually mix together whatever powders I chose in the strainer to my tea pot. It's usually 2 or more of the following: Amla, Bhrinjraj, Bhrami, Fenugreek, Horsetail, Nettle, Shikakai, or Neem. I boil my water in a separate pot, then pour it over my herbs & let it brew for about 30mins. because I like it nice & strong. Then I pour the strained mixture into a gallon plastic pitcher & fill the rest of the way up with cool water, this cools the mixture, dilutes it , and stretches it. How long I leave it on depends on what I'm using & the time of day. If it's early I'll do Horsetail in my final rinse along with other herbs, I NEVER do this one at night cause it hypes me up. If cleansing is my primary concern I'll do Shikakai, Amla, & Neem. Rinse & follow up with a DC with the moisturizing herbs Bhringraj, Bhrami, Fenugreek, (Hibiscus if I had it) since Aggie raves about it:grin: If it's strength, moisture, condition, I will DC FIRST THEN do a final rinse with the latter herbs I just mentioned. I don't rinse this out. I usually plug my kitchen sink, pour my rinse over my head, swish my ends & dunk whatever part of my head (usually just the crown) in the mixture. I then use a cup to scoop up what's in the sink & pour it over the back & sides repeatedly. Then i gently wring out my hair & put on a plastic cap (only if I plan on rinsing) I let this sit for about 30. mins then rinse. If I DON'T plan on rinsing I just towel dry gently detangle & air dry. When I'm done my hair feels SOOOOO strong & it does stop shedding in it's tracks:yep: I'm sorry for the long post, I thought it might help some of the Newbies to tea rinsing.

This is what works for me, and I ONLY do the non rinse with the moisturizing herbs, NOT the Shikakai, Amla, Neem mixture. and even then just once a month, the rest of the times I rinse. I imagine doing the teas too strong and too close together, can cause dryness so be careful.
I just went back and read this again and have a question about the red bolded.... is it 1x amla, 2x brahmi and 2x bringraj? Might try this to start with rather than the random amounts I add lol...

I've used a few times a tea rinse with fenugreek, nettle, sage, rosemary and peppermint and loved how moisturising it left my hair. definitely something to get into a habit of doing.

I'll definitely be coming back to this post for recipes - thanks again FL for sharing!

Yes this is it.:yep:
Super! Thanks for clarifying (no pun, lol) FL. Now I'm even more clear about what I ought to do... Taking notes and making my shopping list.
Joib, which kind of paste were you referring to? regarding your question on how long to leave your paste in. It depends on which paste and recipe you are using and what you want to achieve.
Anywhere from 30 mins to up to 6 hours.

Flowinlocks, I really like your avatar. It looks so relaxing. Have any of you ever had an indian head massage. It is amazing! I recently went for a body detox treatment and the head massage was part of it.
I did a co-wash tonight. First I applied my ovation, left it on for a few minutes, rinsed than applied the shikakai powder to my hair and scalp. I left it on for a few minutes because I was a little nervous about the powder since I thought it would be drying, but I went ahead rinsed it and than washed with Giovanni smooth as silk deeper moisture on and rinsed. I than moisturized my hair and now am letting it hair dry. It didn't seem too dry but we'll see the results tomorrow after I blow dry on cool. I'll have to post the results.
Well ladies, I tried the fenugreek and it was a good experience. It gave major slip and I had no issues rinsing everything out. My only issue was I smelled of curry afterwards and the thing is I used other products afterwards (Aveda DR IRT, Lacio lacio, Heat protectant) and still the smell lingers. Any ideas how to cut that smell a bit?