Ayurveda Lovers Unite!!!

i just got my bhringraj powder in the mail yesterday. this weekend will be my first time using it. im going to use it as a co wash mixed with amla and trader joes nourish spa conditioner.
I have a huge bottle of Dabur Amla oil (mineral) that I just found in the back of my cabinet. It's about half full. I'm thinking about doing a scalp massage with it, and applying a paste tomorrow.

Paste for tomorrow will be: shikakai w/ brahmi
Tea Rinse of Maka (leave in)
Ladies, i have been enjoying using my amla and Brahmi powders.. well last night I decided to try something different (for me) and I added it to my conditioner with a little wgo and I steamed with it... BAD IDEA because I straightened my hair and it's so heavy! there's absolutely no swing.. it's as stiff as a board! lol lol now the flip side is that it feels so healthy and I like the growth progress that I'm seeing but I'm used to my hair having body and swing with it's straight.. so needless to say I have to do it all over!
Im officially ready to dabble in the world of ayurveda! Just got back from the local indain store with my first mini hall: amla powder, brahmi powder and 2 bottles of darbur amla oil (one with jasmine) and I already have vatika.

i ordered from the indianfoodstore. my stuff came pretty fast and i didnt have any real problems except my henna wasnt in foil it was in plastic and when i opened the box all this powder feel out like this box was open.
I ordered vatika from indianfoodstore. good prices but i remember shipping being kinda high. I got my stuff within 5 business days. overall a good transaction. I am reading through this thread right now and learning so much :):) thank you all who contributed
i just did my 1st ayurveda treatment! it didnt go as planned but i still liked the results... my intentions was to mix brahmi, shikakai, and maka together with condish & oils and cowash with it, but i got over excited and put triple the amount of powder i planned on using so i had to add way more conditioner...then it was too thick to put it in the bottle i was gonna use, so i said forget it i'll just make a paste...i have enough left for 3 or 4 more applications and i freezed it. i think ill do paste treatments everyweek with conditioner and vatika oil...it wasnt hard to rinse out at all...and my hair wasnt dry, but it wasnt as moisturized as it could be...i think b/c i only prepood for 20 minutes instead of overnight with vatika oil...i was too excited...but now my hair feels really resistant and strong...like if i ran a rake through it not one hair would break lol...im DCing overnight with vatika oil and aussie moist 3 min miracle.

by spring i plan on having a 90% natural/organic &ayurvedic regi going...

today i bought:

-maka (and i spent so long looking for bhringraj after i got this and couldnt find it, but i didnt realize they were the same thing)
-castor oil (its so cheap at my indian grocers...2.99)
-vatika oil
-rosewater (idk why...just sounded fancy)
so many oils looked so good in that store but 90% of them were mineral oil based or i couldnt read the ingredients so i didnt know and didnt wanna take a chance. i love vatika oil though. it makes my hair so soft and i dont hate the smell anymore. i wasnt sure if the brahmi oil i saw had mineral oil in it, but i looked on ayurnaturalbeauty and it doesnt, so i'll be going back and getting that soon too.

i was looking for fenugreek and i only found seeds so i didnt get it...but when i got home i saw it was the same thing as methi, which i saw...so im goin gonna go back and get it when i recieve my hibiscus from ayurnaturalbeauty that i orderd tonight (they also have amla, bhringraj, and amla-brahmi oils that dont have mineral oil...and some other goodies i will stock up on in january)

i'm scared of henna so i dont think i'll be trying that anymore like i planned...i might try cassia, but im not sure yet & if i do it wont be until spring.

im really impressed with ayurnaturalbeauty.com it looks so professional and the prices are good and i like the way info is organized..its way better than butters-n-bars, and the prices are cheaper and a better bargain. most of the stuff i need i can get on the ground, but for those oils and hibiscus i'll be ordering from her...and the shipping isnt bad either
@ iri9109 welcome to the wonderful world of Ayurverda!! I don't have time to elaborate on this right now because I'm on a call. I just wanted to say that you don't experience the moisture to the fullest when adding Shikakai to the mix. That's why I choose to use it strictly for cleansing. I'll be back with more a bit later..

Edited to add: that you DON'T experience the moisture to the fullest with the Shikakai in the mix...
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@chrisanddonniesmommy I just ordered my ayurvedic powders from them... I recieved my shipment pretty quickly and everything ran smoothly. I will definitely order from them again.

I just ordered some brahmi, amla, and maka powders from theindianfoodstore.com. Does anyone have any experience with them? They seem pretty reasonable.
Please elaborate when you have time... I'm all ears!

@ iri9109 welcome to the wonderful world of Ayurverda!! I don't have time to elaborate on this right now because I'm on a call. I just wanted to say that you experience the moisture to the fullest when adding Shikakai to the mix. That's why I choose to use it strictly for cleansing. I'll be back with more a bit later..
I ordered vatika from indianfoodstore. good prices but i remember shipping being kinda high. I got my stuff within 5 business days. overall a good transaction. I am reading through this thread right now and learning so much :):) thank you all who contributed

I believe I ordered by first bottles (3 bottles for $20) of vatika oil from them about 6 yrs ago. I think it was actually called the "asian food store.com" at that time because I can't find the same site and they both offer the same types of goods. I received my products quickly...shipping is a lil expnsv but I now order my ayurvedic oils from Ebay or Amazon, depending on what deals I can find.
Still loving Ayurveda! The products I use currently are:

Kapoor Kachli Herbal Hair pwdr
Brahmi Hair pwdr
Dabur Amla Oil
Dabur Vatika Oil
Ancient Formulae Mahabringaraj Oil

So far, so good. Brahmi was hell trying to get out of my hair, it has a sandy consistency so I steeped it and made a tea to spritz on instead...my hair is stronger and seems less prone to breakage. I mixed the tea spritz with condish in a spray bottle...the rest I have made is refrigerated. I was able to use the Kapoor Kachli mixed as a pasty condish with some Nexxus Babassu Mud condish...it worked well...hair felt strong and moisturized, not just coated. This is a treatment I will try to do each time I re-braid my hair. The oils I mix together with others like Hot 6 Oil, sulfur, EOs, and make my own growth concoctions (i.e. my own MTG mix). LOVE LOVE LOVE the way Ayurveda is changing my hair and body...I also use Ayurvedic soaps and supplements
Finally got around to using my Swastik Shikakai poo bar. I really liked the way my hair felt. I made sure I did a really good pre-poo before though. I think I'm going to start using this 1-2x weekly.
Still loving Ayurveda! The products I use currently are:

Kapoor Kachli Herbal Hair pwdr
Brahmi Hair pwdr
Dabur Amla Oil
Dabur Vatika Oil
Ancient Formulae Mahabringaraj Oil

So far, so good. Brahmi was hell trying to get out of my hair, it has a sandy consistency so I steeped it and made a tea to spritz on instead...my hair is stronger and seems less prone to breakage. I mixed the tea spritz with condish in a spray bottle...the rest I have made is refrigerated. I was able to use the Kapoor Kachli mixed as a pasty condish with some Nexxus Babassu Mud condish...it worked well...hair felt strong and moisturized, not just coated. This is a treatment I will try to do each time I re-braid my hair. The oils I mix together with others like Hot 6 Oil, sulfur, EOs, and make my own growth concoctions (i.e. my own MTG mix). LOVE LOVE LOVE the way Ayurveda is changing my hair and body...I also use Ayurvedic soaps and supplements

That mixing the tea spritz with conditioner in spray bottle is unique, got to try that one.
I received my first order of Amla, Brahmi, and Maka powders from theindianstore.com. Whoo-hoo! I'm going to mix some Amla into my deep conditioner tonight.

I ordered another box of Amla as well as a box of Shikakai. I can't wait to get it!!
you said your were gonna come back and elaborate! lol

Lol!! You are correct, I'm very sorry. I've been poppin in and out. I have copied and pasted my response to someone who asked for assistance using Ayurveda and what purpose the oils served and why I do a double tea rinse. It will give you clearer understanding what I meant by adding the Shikakai to the mix not giving maximum moisture.

"No problem I don't mind. The oils serve 2 purposes. Number one as a way of reaping the benefits of the herbs without doing a whole lot of extra work for those who don't care to use the teas and the pastes.

The second thing is to form a protective barrier between the hair and the teas/pastes. I do not rinse the oils from my hair before tea rinsing. I do it on dry peroiled hair.

As far as me dcing on top of the tea, it's because I prefer to do a double tea rinse.
I will say this method is not for everyone. The reason I choose to do it this way is because some of the powders are for cleansing and some are for moisture and conditioning. All of them strengthen.

Now the general rule is most ppl use the cleansing powders cut with the moisturizing powders. To lessen the drying effects. For example most ppl will use 1 part Shikakai 1 part Amla and 1 part Bhringraj/Maka.

They do this on dry oiled hair as a tea or paste. The problem is at some point the powders start to cancel each other out. In other words they are not getting the full benefit from either buy mixing them together. But hey, to each his own...

I came up with the idea of using the cleansing tea first 1 part Shikakai and 2 parts Amla. Shikakai , Neem, Amla, and Aritha are drying to the hair AND WILL STRIP IT. For this reason I don't leave it on longer than 15 to 20 mins. tops.

Now for the second tea. I rinse out the cleansing tea. There is no need to reapply oil at this point Because believe it or not there is still a trace of it in my hair, usually because I oil VERY heavy before tea rinsing. And also because I'm going in with the moisturizing teas along with cond. on top.

I usually rinse with Bhrami, Maka/Bhringraj, Hibiscus, Fenugreek tea. Keep in mind ALL of these leave the hair SUPER soft and moist. I wring out my hair gently towel any excessive wetness, then slather with a MOISTURIZING cond. Don't use your protein cond. when tea rinsing, because the tea acts as a protein and your hair will be too hard and dry.

I have found when I mix the 2 types of powders together.(Cleansing and moisturizing), I can't leave it on long as I like to maximize the benefits moisture because the dryness from the cleansing powders still takes over. I hate to say it but to me it just makes more sense to do it my way. But don't tell anyone I said that.

It's like you are cleansing first then cond. except it's just with teas instead of shampoo and cond.

This way I get the maximum benefit from each powder. I don't have to worry how long I keep on the second tea because I've used nothing drying.

I usually leave it on for about 2 hours and rinse. Although you can do less time if you choose. OMG my hair is soooo soft I can't keep my hands out of it.
Like I said this method is not for everyone, but when I sit back and read over and over again about how drying the teas are, Shikakai made my hair hard, I tried it and my hair came out too rough,

It's usually because either ppl didn't read first, didn't oil first, tried the first recipe they saw and ran with it, let the paste dry in the hair then tried to manipulate, didn't dilute the teas and they were too dang strong, the list goes on....

Sorry to drag this out, but knowing is half the battle. Once you learn WHAT the herbs do, then that will gauge how long you leave them on.
So in a nutshell. Shorter time on the cleaning herbs 15 to 20 mins. although some ppl say overnight because they have cut it. I say more power to them. Do what works for you.

And longer with the moisturizing herbs. I have gone up to 4 hours. I don't go longer because my get to soft. I hope this helped clear up any questions you may have had, Feel free to pm if you need more info...

I have maybe a dumb question, but please share your thoughts :s

what do you think if I let my hair in cornrows for one month, and every week, do my ayur (amla/brahmi/cassia) treatment?
Some girls do the same by cowashing weekly and letting their hair in corwnrows for the month,
but as in my case it will be powders, I was thinking will I have major build up?

what do you think?
I have maybe a dumb question, but please share your thoughts :s

what do you think if I let my hair in cornrows for one month, and every week, do my ayur (amla/brahmi/cassia) treatment?
Some girls do the same by cowashing weekly and letting their hair in corwnrows for the month,
but as in my case it will be powders, I was thinking will I have major build up?

what do you think?
In your case, I wouldnt' do powders but instead tea rinses. You dont want the powders to get stuck into the braids.
Ok ladies! I need to get into some serious overdrive on the hairgrowth for the remainder os 2010-2011. Just got about 2in of hair cut off last night. *sigh*

So yeah, soon as I get home, I'm back to infusing my oils and doing scalp massages. I may even go back to doing 2-3x weekly ayurveda sessions as well.