Ayurveda Lovers Unite!!!

Hey ladies, I did a cowash with kapitone, fenugreek, hibiscus with some cheap conditioner I found, still soft.

The site is suppose to go back to regular forum week of Nov 5.
Hey guys, just poppin to to touch base with everyone. If you haven't seen me much lately I'm getting soooo frustrated coming here because the pages are loading slow. When I try to get on the site it keeps tmiming out. I have left several times for this reason. Yesterday I tried for oven an hour to get in before I finally gave up.:sad:

Oooh I thought it was only me. I didn't see anyone else talking about it but here you are voicing my exact frustration. I knew it had to be this site and not my computer because I wasn't having any issues with any other site. I have not been posting like I wanted to for the same reason - wayyy too slow.
Did you all get Erica (ayurveda natural) email on Hesh products delay in US? Well she looking to switch and there will be delay in rhassoul clay, there will be price increase. Mountainrose herbs has these herbs/powders for those that need them.
Did you all get Erica (ayurveda natural) email on Hesh products delay in US? Well she looking to switch and there will be delay in rhassoul clay, there will be price increase. Mountainrose herbs has these herbs/powders for those that need them.

Yeah she's no longer using Hesh brands. She was buying it from another source instead. I got that email too. I hope her next shipment makes it through customs w/ no issues..
I refuse to let tomorrow pass without finally doing some sort of Ayurveda treatment to my hair! My scalp is still pretty clean from the previous week using the Sandu brand shampoo/conditioner.

I'll more than likely do my brahmi, maka combo..hmm may add a bit of shikakai in there as well.
Oooh I thought it was only me. I didn't see anyone else talking about it but here you are voicing my exact frustration. I knew it had to be this site and not my computer because I wasn't having any issues with any other site. I have not been posting like I wanted to for the same reason - wayyy too slow.

It's much faster for me now. I know Nikos has an announcement post about downtime. There is a thread on the complaints. in the suggestion thread.
Did you all get Erica (ayurveda natural) email on Hesh products delay in US? Well she looking to switch and there will be delay in rhassoul clay, there will be price increase. Mountainrose herbs has these herbs/powders for those that need them.

Yep I got it. There are a few they don't have, like I know Bhringraj, for sure. I do love them though.
Did you all get Erica (ayurveda natural) email on Hesh products delay in US? Well she looking to switch and there will be delay in rhassoul clay, there will be price increase. Mountainrose herbs has these herbs/powders for those that need them.

I got Ekua's email and I must admit she really keeps on top of things as much as possible. I do love the Hesh powders so much though. I guess I can try other brands as long as they aren't terribly expensive.

I did an ayur-tea rinse this morning and cowashed it out with Tresemme Gelatin with B5 Conditioner. My hair as usual, is very soft, strong and manageable. I am loving it!
Did a paste treatment (fully from root to tip). It's been at least a year since I applied so thoroughly.

I did my usual shikakai, maka, brahmi mixture. Sitting here with Giovanni Tea Tree Condish on right now. In about 15min I'm gonna rinse out. Henna application is tonight! Woot woot!
Still using my oils, I plan on doing a paste with the powders tonight. I have my Hesh powders that haven't caused me any problems so far, so I plan on using them up before I start on something new.
I did a paste treatment today instead of the tea rinse. I mixed it with some Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor Conditioner, water and gelatin. It came out pretty good too. My hair had so much elasticity in it that I also did a black tea rinse and Jason Natural Jojoba Conditioner treatment for almost an hour and that fixed it. Now my hair feels soft AND strong again:yep:.
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I did a paste treatment today instead of the tea rinse. I mixed it with some Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor Conditioner, water and gelatin. It came out pretty good too. My hair had so much elasticity in it that I also did a black tea rinse and Jason Natural Jojoba Conditioner treatment for almost an hour and that fixed it. Now my hair feels soft AND strong again:yep:.

What kind of gelatin are you using?
What kind of gelatin are you using?
I am using Kroger's gelatin. I did the microwave directions for melting it and use this mixture as my base, I added the Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor and plastered it on my scalp and hair. It looked a bit gooey for lack of a better word but it worked.

FYI: I especially liked the black tea rinse. You have to use a moisturizing DC either right on top of the BTR or use it afterwards to combat any dryness -the tannins in the BTR act like protein on the hair strands.
I pooed with my Shikakai bar last night then followed it up with a ACV rinse from Hairveda. After that I dced with Aussie Moist and LTR. My hair felt like pure silk when I was done.
I did another ayur-cowash this morning followed by some cowashing with the last of my bottle of Tresemme Gelatin with B12 Anti-Breakage Conditioner. Now I am moving on to P.M. Instant Moisture Conditioner
Hi guys! I'm new to ayurvedic's... I just ordered some powders and I'm expecting them any day now. Though i've done my research on which powders work best together and which ones should not be mixed.. I must admit that I am still a bit nervous. Do you ladies use the powders as a prepoo? and then follow up shampoo or do you use the powders and follow up with a DC? Any suggestions would be greatly apprciated!
@ http://www.longhaircareforum.com/members/141024-missjae09.htmlMissjae09Welcome to the world of Ayurveda. There is no need for a shampoo after the powders. This could leave your hair too stripped. This includes the moisturizing powders.

The actual purpose of use them is so you DON'T have to use commercial poos with sulfates. All the powders no matter whether they are cleansing or moisturizing should be done on preoiled hair and followed up with a dc.

Thank you soooo much for this advice! I'm definitely going to try this next time. This time i lightly shampoo'd after rinsing the powders out because I wanted to be sure that I got all of the powder out and I dc'd with my steamer for 25 mins. I 2strand twisted my hair afterward and it doesn't seem dry I lost virtually no hair during detangling and life is good.. but never time I will be sure not to shampoo in addition to the powder.

One more question do you put this on wet hair?

The actual purpose of use them is so you DON'T have to use commercial poos with sulfates. All the powders no matter whether they are cleansing or moisturizing should be done on preoiled hair and followed up with a dc.[/QUOTE]

Thank you soooo much for this advice! I'm definitely going to try this next time. This time i lightly shampoo'd after rinsing the powders out because I wanted to be sure that I got all of the powder out and I dc'd with my steamer for 25 mins. I 2strand twisted my hair afterward and it doesn't seem dry I lost virtually no hair during detangling and life is good.. but never time I will be sure not to shampoo in addition to the powder.

One more question do you put this on wet hair?

The actual purpose of use them is so you DON'T have to use commercial poos with sulfates. All the powders no matter whether they are cleansing or moisturizing should be done on preoiled hair and followed up with a dc.

They can be done on dry preoiled hair.
I am giving myself another ayur-cowash with a mixture of powders. I am using shikakai (luckily I have not been experiencing any dryness from the shikakai powder maybe because I have been mixing it with quite a bit of bhringraj and hibiscus petal powders). I have also been using kalpi tone, brahmi, and amla powders.

My hair has been doing very well with these powders sice I have been using them twice a week for the last month or two. I plan to give myself a henna treatment a day or two before my relaxer a month from now. I realized with my last relaxer, that my hair turned out wonderfully texlaxed without any effort when I did this.

I had read on the Mizani BB (mild/lye) relaxer container that you should not relax the hair within 3 days of doing a henna treatment and I did it anyway. Now I know why you shouldn't IF you want bone-straight relaxer results - but because I DON'T want bone-straight results, this method will work wonders for getting me perfect texlaxed results everytime. The next time I try it, I will see how much I like it and will most likely put it in my blog with some pics.
Thanx for the bump FL.

I conditioned my hair using henna, kalpi tone, and bhringraj powders on Sunday past and tomorrow I intend to another ayur-cowash, don't know what I'll be using yet though.