Well-Known Member
Ok, so after I took out the rollerset, my hair looked thick and it was frizz free and my scalp felt really clean (hopefully this would last for a while). However, my hair feels a bit different but I think it's because I just used 2 tablespoons of Shikakai and cold water. I did pre poo with Vatika oil but I think I'll change it a bit. Here's what I'll do next time:
Mix 1 tablespoon of Shikakai, 2 of Alma (or Amla as I have seenerplexed), 1 of Bhrami and warm water.
Normally, I pre poo with Vatika oil but I'm thinking of skipping this step and just adding it to my mixture, I'm still not 100% sure. What do you ladies think of that?
Finally, I think I'll wet my hair before applying the paste because when I did it on dry hair, it was a bit difficult getting through 11 weeks of new growth and I think I even missed a spot.
Please don't skip this step! Preoiling your hair protects it from the harshness of the powders. Even when mixed with cond. They can be strong. PLEASE don't underestimate the strength of these powders.