Ayurveda Lovers Unite!!!

I am so excited by this e-mail. I won't need to buy anything for a minute. I just love when all of my needs can be met in one place and by a black owned business. Shoot I wouldn't need to buy anything from Anita Grant (black also) but overseas so more expensive in terms of shipping. I am determined to buy all of my hair products from black owned businesses.
I have to rave about something I did over the weekend:
2tsp Brahmi/1tsp Maka

I left this tea rinse on my hair and scalp overnight (actually 12hrs). When I rinsed it out, a nice amount had been absorbed. When I went to rinse my hair felt amazing. I co-washed, did my moisturizing and sealing as normal. My hair (after 3 days) is so moisturized, yet strong! I plan on doing this more often. I doubt this is just a fluke! Try it and tell me what you think.
Nice thread! Subscribing so I can read through later. I'm not a 'hard core' Veda Head. But I do use Vatika oil, Bringraj oil, and I just started doing Cassia treatments. Can't see myself ever doing tea rinses, but I'm looking forward to learning other ways I can incorporate Ayurveda into my regimen.
i am so hooked on henna since this sunday. i cant wait to do another treatment with coconut milk and henna or coconut milk and amla.
im so excited to see how my hair thrives with these products. right now im using dulhan mehendi henna but i have a box of jamila on the way so who knows which one i will like better. at least i get the mehendi locally.

and i have gotten more compliments on my hair this week and its only day two, than i have ever gotten on my hair. so im attributing it to the henna.

i barely use leave in anymore(unless im doing twists). i usually co wash and just go. or i might take a dab of something and scrunch in my hair but for the most part my hair is doing amazing things by itself.
Nice thread! Subscribing so I can read through later. I'm not a 'hard core' Veda Head. But I do use Vatika oil, Bringraj oil, and I just started doing Cassia treatments. Can't see myself ever doing tea rinses, but I'm looking forward to learning other ways I can incorporate Ayurveda into my regimen.

LaidBak where do you get your cassia please?
Did you do your hair? How did it turn out?

I did! Cassia is interesting stuff. My hair feels stiffer and drier. But not in a scary way like when I had protein overload. It feels stronger; but like I really have to find a way to get moisture in to it after I do the treatments. Last night, in an effort to do that, I oiled my hair, shampooed, and then DC'd with steam. My hair still felt tangly so I conditioned twice more. I had minimal breakage afterward. If I can master the moisture side of this process I'll probably do these treatments twice a month. I just have to be careful cause Iam using sulfur too. Don't want to dry my hair out too much.
I did! Cassia is interesting stuff. My hair feels stiffer and drier. But not in a scary way like when I had protein overload. It feels stronger; but like I really have to find a way to get moisture in to it after I do the treatments. Last night, in an effort to do that, I oiled my hair, shampooed, and then DC'd with steam. My hair still felt tangly so I conditioned twice more. I had minimal breakage afterward. If I can master the moisture side of this process I'll probably do these treatments twice a month. I just have to be careful cause Iam using sulfur too. Don't want to dry my hair out too much.

What did you use in your mix? I tried it once so far and I added oil and cond. just like I do with regular Henna. That seemed to help a lot.
What did you use in your mix? I tried it once so far and I added oil and cond. just like I do with regular Henna. That seemed to help a lot.

EVOO, water, and a few pumps of Nexxus Humectress. Today my hair is even stiffer than it was right after the treatment. I've cowashed, DC'd with steam, loaded up on the jojoba moisturizer, and baggied overnight. My hair is coming out in small clumps. Yeah...don't think I'm messing with this stuff anymore.
EVOO, water, and a few pumps of Nexxus Humectress. Today my hair is even stiffer than it was right after the treatment. I've cowashed, DC'd with steam, loaded up on the jojoba moisturizer, and baggied overnight. My hair is coming out in small clumps. Yeah...don't think I'm messing with this stuff anymore.

Saturate your hair with a warm tea of moisturizing and mucilaginous herbs e.g. hibiscus and fenugreek. Add a tablespoon or two of honey and saturate your hair. Other good herbs are kelp, marshmallow. HTH
Thanks, but I live in Turkey. I can't get that stuff locally. I'll just tuff it out. I've lost hair before. Luckily it grows back :)
I'm sorry I'm responding late. I forgot I posted it. Do you still have any of the recipes from the spritz that you made? I'd love to try them.

I tried the spritz method a while back and I loved it but there is one draw back. It always clogged up the nozzle of the spritzer bottle I used even though I strained it like a couple of times. I tried different types of spritzer bottles and the same thing always happened. Good luck with it though.
Thanks, but I live in Turkey. I can't get that stuff locally. I'll just tuff it out. I've lost hair before. Luckily it grows back :)

Turkey exports hundreds of spices & herbs including cassia, henna. HTH

Doruk Tarim Urunleri exports fenugreek and other spices.
1337 sok. No. 1 kat 8/803 Kemal, Ozsoy Ismerkezi 35240 Konak Izmir, Izmir, Izmir, 35240, Turkey
Telephone: +90 232 446 8429 +90 232 446 8429.Fax:+90 232 446 8430.Web:Doruk Tarim As is an Exporter & Manufacturer of Dried Aromatic Culinary Herbs and Spices
EVOO, water, and a few pumps of Nexxus Humectress. Today my hair is even stiffer than it was right after the treatment. I've cowashed, DC'd with steam, loaded up on the jojoba moisturizer, and baggied overnight. My hair is coming out in small clumps. Yeah...don't think I'm messing with this stuff anymore.

Oh my goodness. I'm sorry to hear this. Was your hair preoiled?
im sitting here right now with a mix of coconut milk, amla, brahmi, honey and sweet almond oil. ive had it in for about an hour. i will rinse, co wash it out with yes to carrots and then condition with kbb hair mask.

the amla does not go on as smooth as henna gloss. i dont know if that has anything to do with the coconut milk or if thats just the nature of amla. or maybe its because the henna glos had conditioner in it. i dont know but this mix went on rough. i didnt like that. however if my hair likes it i will continue to do it.

before hand i had slathered my hair in vatika oil and shampooed with chagrin valley herb garden shampoo bar. forgot i had that stuff.
im sitting here right now with a mix of coconut milk, amla, brahmi, honey and sweet almond oil. ive had it in for about an hour. i will rinse, co wash it out with yes to carrots and then condition with kbb hair mask.

the amla does not go on as smooth as henna gloss. i dont know if that has anything to do with the coconut milk or if thats just the nature of amla. or maybe its because the henna glos had conditioner in it. i dont know but this mix went on rough. i didnt like that. however if my hair likes it i will continue to do it.

before hand i had slathered my hair in vatika oil and shampooed with chagrin valley herb garden shampoo bar. forgot i had that stuff.

Sounds yummy, be sure to let us know how it turns out.
Great minds think alike. I am doing an amla gloss today chebaby. My mix consists of amla, coconut milk, coconut oil, honey, and conditioner.
shay i saw you mentioned that in the other thread lol. i wish i would have added conditioner. how much amla do you use?

i rinsed the amla mix out and my hair is soft. i guess thats good but i was looking for my hair to feel strong and it doesnt. what i have been noticing since i first did henna and now amla is that my new growth(without color on it) is so shiny and dark. darker than i eve remember my hair being. i love it. it also looks silky. now i know my hair isnt silky but ive been coloring my hair since i first went natural so i wonder if i had never colored my hair would it now be do frizzy. i hope these henna and amla treatments really help my hair.
i will never color my hair again.
I make a big batch and refridgerate it so I used an entire box. I know they say amla does strengthen at the root but I use it more for conditioning and enhancing my curl pattern. I would use fenugreek (methi) for strenthening. It acts like a light protein. I mix mine with kalpi tone because it is a mix of a bunch of powders too. It gives me a soooooft but strongth effect.
Oh my goodness. I'm sorry to hear this. Was your hair preoiled?

That was the thing I think I did wrong. When I did my strand test I pre oiled with coconut. This time I completely forgot about it.
My hair feels like I saturated it with Aquanet hair spray. Its stiff and dry. *sigh* I'm on vacation in Paris now. I refuse to let this ruin my fun. I am bunning. If I have left when I get home, so be it. If not, then I guess I BC and start over.
I repeated my ayur-cowash yesterday with my powders mixed with conditioner and this combo always seem to leave my hair very soft. I even added shikakai and it was still soft surprisingly. I will keep it up for a while.