Ayurveda Lovers Unite!!!

Let me quit sitting on my butt and mix up this here Karishma. I took a pic of my hair the other day, I literally see NO henna any longer. Maybe my hair has darkened. Henna isn't/doesn't fade right??

You know that's a good question. I'm not sure if henna fades or not. I just assumed that the color stayed unless you did an indigo or did coffee rinses or something like that.

...off to search the forums.
Good morning ladies!! I cowashed with Aphogee 2 min. reconstructor last night. Along with Suave Humectant. Then I sealed with LTR leave in and Bhringraj Oil.
flowinlocks, great going Flow!

oh, and i just love love love your new siggy!!!

cutiebe2, did you get back to your weekly tea rinses? how's it going?
girl you got me inspired to throw some powders in the pot and make some tea too!
i did 1 tsp of each: shikakai, sage, fenugreek

anybody got any tea recipies to share?

quasimodi, i'm layering my ayurveda like you mentioned and loving it, thanks again!!!

Nasdaq_Diva, did you get up off your booty and do your hair?
keep us posted, momma! we wanna know about that henna fade, too.
although i've always read that henna NEVER leaves your hair.

ladies, i shared this in the oils thread, but just had to share it with yall, too!

i made a new oil!

there's a thread talking about how coffee bean oil and cinnamon oil helps decrease shedding, and since i love the effects of garlic, red hot peppers and onions too, i mixed them all in a big jar and cooked them in evoo for bout 8 hrs.
after draining the oil of that, i put eo's in the oil.
(rosemary, sandalwood, lavender, peppermint, cedarwood, jasmine, etc..)
then i mixed it with liquified coconut oil and put it in the fridge to make a pomade!

i also did a pomade (when the coconut oils gets cold, its what makes the pomade effect)
with homemade amla, shikakai, brahmi, fenugreek, maka, and hibiscus oils.

this way, one day i oil with the hot stuff that has the eo's in it, then the next day i oil with my ayurveda powders. no drippies!

hhj ladies!
@Nasdaq_Diva, did you get up off your booty and do your hair?
keep us posted, momma! we wanna know about that henna fade, too.
although i've always read that henna NEVER leaves your hair.
You must not know me as well as you thought. Do my hair...honey I didn't even mix up the henna :giggles: Promise, either today or tomorrow..4real :lachen:
I finally worked ayurveda back in. I do tea rinses on Saturdays. I do an oil rinse, tea rinse, and follow up with a cowash. I've been doing it for about a month. I tea rinse with either a hibiscus/amla/bhringraj/brahmi mix or fenugreek/amla mix. I think :look:. I haven't done it in so long I'm not sure what's in these mixes anymore :nono:.
Hello ladies! I've been lurking in this thread for a while now. I just started using an Amla/Bramhi powder mix and I absolutely love it!! I mix about two teaspoons each into whatever random conditioner I'm trying to get rid of. I apply an oil mix (EVOO, Castor Oil and Vitamin E Oil) the night before. I don't know if it's my imagination or just the excitement of using something new, but it seems as if my hair is getting darker!! And that's exactly what I want.

So how long does it take to see results from the darkening effects of Amla powder? I use it every Saturday and it's only my third week.

Thanks in advance!!!
@cutiebe2, did you get back to your weekly tea rinses? how's it going?
girl you got me inspired to throw some powders in the pot and make some tea too!
i did 1 tsp of each: shikakai, sage, fenugreek

anybody got any tea recipies to share?
No I didn't:ohwell: I've been way too busy with school but the Lady Paniolo method works well with my busy schedule. Next week I will be getting braids. We will see if I do tea rinses. I remember Aggie doing them (I think) so I will need to research. My braid spray will be the herbal spray from Darcy Botanicals so I will be covered there. I really want to use up my powers though. I have so much! Especially Brinaj (sp) and Kalpi Tone, I really stocked up on those two.

Before putting in the braids I am going to henna. Can I do a tea rinse too? I want something that is strengthening..
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Nasdaq_Diva, ok girl, you done had some time now.....tell me you did ya hair honey!

btw, i've got some aritha i don't believe i will use, so you're welcome to it!

it expires in 2012 and i know i won't use it, so i'll be happy to give it to ya....i tried it once, and it's too strong for my permed ends. it's about 100 grams minus the 3 teaspoons it took me to find out it can't take it, lol!

but the shikakai i do still use so maybe somebody else has some they're not using....

Shay72, that sounds like a great schedule you've got with the tea rinses there! that's like layering alot of good things for the hair!
have you or any of you ladies ever frozen the ayurvedic tea for furture use?
i think i read somewhere where somebody did that.
it sure would help during those busy weeks to have it already done....

PDub, i really wish i knew an answer to your question. i've used amla for over a year now and on me, i never noticed my hair getting darker.
i like your idea of putting 2 teaspoons in the conditioners!
i just started doing that too and use them for my overnight deep conditioning packs.
that facilitates my cowaashing for the next day because all i have to do is rinse that off!
it's also good for the layering of the products, too!

LadyMacgyver, i've never heard of that brand, but the price sure is good!
if you try it, please come back and give us a review!

cutiebe2, i don't see why you wouldn't be able to do the tea rinse with the henna.
of course, i'm not a henna expert as i only tried it for the first time bout 10 days ago.
i actually put some green tea in the liquid portion of my henna mix.
i would think it would be a wonderful way to layer the treatments although if you do the tea rinse after the henna (depending on which tea mix you use), it could make your hair a bit tough.
for example, i wouldn't do a tea rinse with aritha, amla or shikaki before or after henna, but i did put some maka in conditioner that i left on the entire evening after i'd finished henna'ing and my hair came out soft.

hhj ladies!
Thank you grow for your response!! Really, I think it may be my imagination. But even so, I think my hair looks and feels fabulous!!

This year I'm really working hard to make it to APL. I think what has set me back has been stretching my relaxers too far. I've decided to relax no earlier than 12 weeks and no later than 16 weeks. Going beyond 16 weeks has caused alot of breakage for me. I'm at a full SL so I think that getting to APL by the end of this year is possible!!
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Tonight I mixed some amla powder and bhring-raj oil into my Honey Coconut Milk Conditioner. I left on on for a little more than an hour, shampooed and now I'm doing a rollerset.
I've tried Tulsi in the past - it's A LOT like neem, which I found to be quite drying. I'm going to ask my indian friends about the other two you mentioned.
i have seen tulsi a lot but had no idea how it works. I have seen the centanella in some natural hair lines lately, like the miss jessies super sweetback and some others. I want some. Still loving my brahmi, amla and bringaraj. They make my hair feel so good.
I haven't frozen my teas before. As soon as I get my powders I mix them and put them in canisters. Also I use the sealable tea bags so I can make a batch of tea bags. I have made a tea rinse and put it in the fridge for the next day.

Umm no ma'am..still rocking a dirty head over here. No henna mixed yet either. I'm gonna handle my business today though lol..I must!

Gonna do an aritha and brahmi tea to cleanse and strengthen
Co-wash with Hempz
Rinse of bhringraj and lavender (left over from steaming) to leave in.
Hello ladies! I've been lurking in this thread for a while now. I just started using an Amla/Bramhi powder mix and I absolutely love it!! I mix about two teaspoons each into whatever random conditioner I'm trying to get rid of. I apply an oil mix (EVOO, Castor Oil and Vitamin E Oil) the night before. I don't know if it's my imagination or just the excitement of using something new, but it seems as if my hair is getting darker!! And that's exactly what I want.

So how long does it take to see results from the darkening effects of Amla powder? I use it every Saturday and it's only my third week.

Thanks in advance!!!

I'm with grow on this one. I haven't seen any noticeable darkness with using the Amla. I do have black dye on my hair and it doesn't seem to fade as fast and have that "ashy" look. Even with all the cowashing... So this my be the benefit for me. I think the results are subtle on dark hair. I do use the oil almost everyday.
Okay, ladies, my friend Ruchi says that ashwaghanda powder (especially) and centanella are a go. Ashwaghanda is used in most parts of Asia to mitigate hair loss (it's like a stronger version of amla). It's also considered an aphrodisiac, lol. Centanella is more commonly used in China but still considered safe. I'm definitely going to try the ashwaghanda.

This sounds interesting. Thanks for the tip.
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You're supposed to mix it with cassia or indigo to produce darkening results a lot faster. Brahmi has a darkening agent in it as well (it's darkened my fingernails, which is why I usually use gloves to mix pastes.
cassia + indigo works? I thought it only worked with henna. My hair hates henna.
I went to an indian store and got all kinds of stuff yesterday. The only thing I could use without doing a bunch of research first was vatika oil. I love it a lot and wish I would have started using it a long time ago!

I made my first batch of amla oil tonight. I'm still reading through all the info and figuring out what i'm going to do. I'm very excited to get started
I plan to do a tea rinse on Saturday and a cassia gloss on Sunday. I need to get back on schedule with cassia glosses.
ok ladies, this may sound silly, but i don't understand how cassia is the same as henna.....
i think i even read somewhere that using it with indigo can turn hair green...is that possible?
these powders are confusing so i understand op who said "the only thing i could use without loads of research was the oil", LOL!

i've been using ayurveda for over a year now and STILL do not understand the difference between cassia and henna.

is cassia called a gloss because it makes hair shiny, kind of like a cellophane clear rinse or something?

but thank you all for bringing this ashwaghanda and Centanella into the discussion because i never knew of them and now want to try them!

flowinlocks, i didn't know you had a black dye in? is it ayurveda like?

i did the henna and indigo on feb 28th.

ladies, when would you say is the earliest i can do it again?
(i've still got brown roots and some grey/auburn color from the henna....or should i try cassia instead of henna with the indigo next time? )

i'm texlaxed and 11 weeks post.....won't perm again until may.

thanks ladies!

btw, anybody use any form of : gotu kola?

any reviews? i've read that it's good for us too.
