Ayurveda Lovers Unite!!!

Going hard this year!! Reggie will include weekly tea rinse. Massage scalp in the morning with Shikakai/Bhrami/Amla oil. At night with Bhringaraj oil. Poo bar when too lazy to tea rinse.

Welcome to the world of Ayurveda!! Yes some people do use the teas and oils while in braids. I wouldn't suggest the past as it would not rinse out properly.

If a paste is applied to the hair it should not be combed or manipulated until rinsed out. However I see no reason why someone would post this. Sounds like they did something wrong. :look: That's why I ALWAYS say it pays to read read read when it come to trying out these powders.

There is a wealth of information with the links I provided in this thread. If you like you can also check out my blog. It answers a lot of questions also without having to jump around threads.

Thanks for the welcome and advice!

There is so much info that it's getting overwhelming. but my powders are on the way so hopefully I will be able to start slowly and try them out.
i wanna do a hibiscus and fenugreek tea rinse...i was gonna steep the powders using a knee high, but idk how much powders and water to use...any suggestions?
i wanna do a hibiscus and fenugreek tea rinse...i was gonna steep the powders using a knee high, but idk how much powders and water to use...any suggestions?

2 tablespoons of each powder in your knee high steeped in a quart of boiling water until it cools. you can filter the tea again if you use a funnel with coffee filter or knee high to pour your cooled tea from pot to jug or bottle

NOTE: My personal preference is fenugreek seeds and dried hibiscus flowers because getting powdered fenugreek and hibiscus out of my hair is no joke -- it was easier to let hair dry and finger comb or brush to get the dried herbs out than to rinse ad nauseum ... but I have kinky hair, YMMV :look:
I use 2 tbspn fenugreek seeds, 20 to 30 dried hibiscus flowers and boiling water, let it steep, overnight if possible to allow mucilage to seep from fenugreek seeds.
Going hard this year!! Reggie will include weekly tea rinse. Massage scalp in the morning with Shikakai/Bhrami/Amla oil. At night with Bhringaraj oil. Poo bar when too lazy to tea rinse.

I'm sure you have been asked this question a dozen times but I didn't see your response. How do you prepare your tea rinse, what powders do you use and when in your washing process do you use the rinse?

Thanks in advance for all your information, I purchased some powders after reading this tread. I've added the powders to my condish but will also like to use a tea rinse.
When lazy I cut out tea rinses. I don't know why becasue I cowash every day. I might as well tea rinse then cowash. It's not that hard.
I'm sure you have been asked this question a dozen times but I didn't see your response. How do you prepare your tea rinse, what powders do you use and when in your washing process do you use the rinse?

Thanks in advance for all your information, I purchased some powders after reading this tread. I've added the powders to my condish but will also like to use a tea rinse.

Here you go!
ayurnatural beauty is having a new years sale and is back in stock with powders and a new cassia blend!

1/12 only use newyear20 for 20% off

1/13-14 use newyear15 for 15% off
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Figures they do this just after I order from FNWL. Sigh. Well they have some things FNWL didnt do I can get them here

my powder order came in the mail today!

I think I will try a wash w/ them tomorrow or Saturday. keep your fingers crossed for me
Ok so I did my first ever ayurvedic treatment. I followed flowinlocks method with very few exceptions

Before I started, I prepooed my hair w/ my moisture based mix of AVG & WGO, topped with coconut oil

I brewed 2 tbsp amla & 1 tbsp shikakai in my coffee maker. Since the herbs werent steeping, I ran it through a 2nd time. I put this in my old juice container (I think it holds about 2 quarts) and diluted it with water.

I put my hair in twists and poured the tea over my hair in the kitchen sink. The excess went into a bowl and then I poured it over again. I forgot why I hate doing my hair over the sink, its uncomfortable. I read where another poster put the tea in a spray bottle to get it on her hair and I may try that next time.

I wasn't exactly sure what was happening, if the tea was working. But once I got in the shower and rinsed my hair, it definitely felt like it had been washed, like the oil had been stripped.

Once it was rinsed, I squeezed out the excess water and poured the conditioning tea over my head. This tea consisted of 1 tbsn each of bhrami, bhrainjai, hibicus and 1 tspn of rose petal ( my fenugreek hasn't come yet) I only ran this through the coffee pot once. I squeezed out the excess and then coated my hair w/ Bee Mine conditioner.

After about 2 hours, I rinsed it all out, added a little V05 and detangled my hair (surprisingly easy and little hair loss) and then I followed up with a ACV rinse

I added my version of the kimmaytube leave-in and plaited it up to let it airdry.

We'll see how it feels tomorrow but for now I like it.

It seemed to take a long time, but I think thats probably b/c it was my first time doing. Once I get it down pat, I think it will go quickly and I'm glad to have a use for my coffee maker.

I'm excited to see what this can do for my hair.
Ok so I did my first ever ayurvedic treatment. I followed flowinlocks method with very few exceptions

Before I started, I prepooed my hair w/ my moisture based mix of AVG & WGO, topped with coconut oil

I brewed 2 tbsp amla & 1 tbsp shikakai in my coffee maker. Since the herbs werent steeping, I ran it through a 2nd time. I put this in my old juice container (I think it holds about 2 quarts) and diluted it with water.

I put my hair in twists and poured the tea over my hair in the kitchen sink. The excess went into a bowl and then I poured it over again. I forgot why I hate doing my hair over the sink, its uncomfortable. I read where another poster put the tea in a spray bottle to get it on her hair and I may try that next time.

I wasn't exactly sure what was happening, if the tea was working. But once I got in the shower and rinsed my hair, it definitely felt like it had been washed, like the oil had been stripped.

Once it was rinsed, I squeezed out the excess water and poured the conditioning tea over my head. This tea consisted of 1 tbsn each of bhrami, bhrainjai, hibicus and 1 tspn of rose petal ( my fenugreek hasn't come yet) I only ran this through the coffee pot once. I squeezed out the excess and then coated my hair w/ Bee Mine conditioner.

After about 2 hours, I rinsed it all out, added a little V05 and detangled my hair (surprisingly easy and little hair loss) and then I followed up with a ACV rinse

I added my version of the kimmaytube leave-in and plaited it up to let it airdry.

We'll see how it feels tomorrow but for now I like it.

It seemed to take a long time, but I think thats probably b/c it was my first time doing. Once I get it down pat, I think it will go quickly and I'm glad to have a use for my coffee maker.

I'm excited to see what this can do for my hair.

Believe me it seems like a lot reading it, and the first few times you do it. But now I can whiz through this process. Can't wait to see how it turns out.
So far so good. Now I'm going to look into some shampoo bars. Where can I buy some besides Chagrin valley.

I think once I put my hair back in the flat twisted beehive, I'll use the tea method once a week and then clean my scalp with witchhazel in between
Hey ladies!!

I'm braided up right now, but I plan on using tea rinses throughout the year. I'm used to using the pastes; I've rarely used the tea rinsing methods, but I hope that I get the same results. We'll see how this goes! :)
Yesterday, did a tea of aritha. I boiled 1tsp for 15min. Strained and let cool. I found online some tutorials on making it into a foam for easier application. I tried that with my blender instead, but the results weren't as good as I'd hoped.

Anyway, I applied all the foam to my scalp only. The remaining tea I massaged into the scalp as well with that being the main focused. I massaged and left it in for not quite 10min. Rinsed and found a clean scalp as usual (usually I mix arita tea in shikakai paste)

After rinsing with water only, I squeezed out the water. I then poured bhringraj/maka tea over my scalp and hair. I massaged in for a couple minutes then wore a plastic cap for a couple hours. Instead of rinsing out, I applied my leave in and sealed. My hair stayed super moist for hours! Loved it!!
Have you ladies completely stopped using ALL hesh powders or just the shikakai and aritha that were recalled? I have quite a bit of recently purchased powders (amla, brahmi, multani, rose petal) and am wondering if I should just count my losses and toss them. TIA

do any of you all still use Aphogee 2 step while using the powders?

I want to use it tomorrow and I'm trying to decide if I should use my regluar clarifying shampoo and then do use conditioning herbs w/ my DC


cleanse w/ ayurvedic powders (shikakai or aritha), then do Aphogee and DC w/ conditioning herbs.

Any suggestions? Right now I'm leaning towards option 1
Have you ladies completely stopped using ALL hesh powders or just the shikakai and aritha that were recalled? I have quite a bit of recently purchased powders (amla, brahmi, multani, rose petal) and am wondering if I should just count my losses and toss them. TIA
If your batch#'s match then toss em' out. For me, I haven't thrown any of mine out. I you dont want em' I'll gladly take em' :look:
If your batch#'s match then toss em' out. For me, I haven't thrown any of mine out. I you dont want em' I'll gladly take em' :look:

Lol...anh anh :nono: I looked at the lot #'s to my knowledge it was just for the shikakai and they didn't match. I saw a thread on LHC where people where saying that there is concerned that all hesh products may be contaminated, but quite frankly I've been using the powders for years with no problems, so I'll continue and may experiment with other brands when I run out.

do any of you all still use Aphogee 2 step while using the powders?

I want to use it tomorrow and I'm trying to decide if I should use my regluar clarifying shampoo and then do use conditioning herbs w/ my DC


cleanse w/ ayurvedic powders (shikakai or aritha), then do Aphogee and DC w/ conditioning herbs.

Any suggestions? Right now I'm leaning towards option 1

Keep in mind the teas act as a protein on the hair. So for this reason I don't us it that often. The powders REALLY strengthen the hair. I have found my hair is equally as strong with just using a regular cond.

If you go with option 2 be sure to cut that Shikakai/Aritha with another powder.
I ordered this oil from Ayurnatural beauty during her New years sale. I talked a bit about it in my blog. I will be sure to update with any results.
This is just too much information to try to take in at once. I want to experiment with ayurveda but damn it.......I wouldn't even know where to start.