Ayurveda Lovers Unite!!!

@osnapp, start with Vadik Herbs Brahmi Oil
read the Amazon reviews
you can use it as a grease to oil your scalp without washing out and it makes your hair grow really thick
Keep in mind the teas act as a protein on the hair. So for this reason I don't us it that often. The powders REALLY strengthen the hair. I have found my hair is equally as strong with just using a regular cond.

If you go with option 2 be sure to cut that Shikakai/Aritha with another powder.

Thanks. I thought I remembered that these are rather protein like substances. Upon closer inspection, my hair didnt really need a protein treatment, so I shelved it for later use.

Today, I used the powders I froze last week and added a little neem and aritha to the shikakai/amla mix. And I added some fenugreek to the conditioning tea.

I'm DCing now w/ Bee Mine so I'll report back how that goes.

I also replaced amla oil in my prepoo instead of WGO. I dont know how I liked it. The coconut oil started to harden when I put it on over that and it's never done that before. It softened under the plastic cap, so I guess there was no real harm.
Oh yes, question.

How do you know that the tea is properly rinsed out of your hair? With the powders, you can go by the grit, but with the tea you don't have that?
Oh yes, question.

How do you know that the tea is properly rinsed out of your hair? With the powders, you can go by the grit, but with the tea you don't have that?

It actually should be easier with tea because if you are wrapping the powders in cheesecloth or using tea bags there should be very little to no grit in your tea.
Just retrieved my box (amla and bhringraj, 3.5 oz. pkgs x 2 each). Obviously I'm going to have to order waaaay more to use these as a staple. I am thinking with this small package that's really like one maybe two applications (of the paste I've been reading about). :ohwell:

On the average how much do you ladies order, say for a 3-6 month supply? The instructions read "take desired amount . . ." make into a paste. I'll have to find out what my desired amount is. I tend to be heavy handed with product. My hair is thinning, particularly on the top. I'll like to see what/if this helps. I suppose dropping the Mickie Dees from the diet wouldn't hurt either :rolleyes:. Oh, and increased water intake wouldn't be a bad idea either. :yep:

Excited about the face paste thing to see what that'll do for this gal. So, off I go to get jiggy with it.
Just retrieved my box (amla and bhringraj, 3.5 oz. pkgs x 2 each). Obviously I'm going to have to order waaaay more to use these as a staple. I am thinking with this small package that's really like one maybe two applications (of the paste I've been reading about). :ohwell:

On the average how much do you ladies order, say for a 3-6 month supply? The instructions read "take desired amount . . ." make into a paste. I'll have to find out what my desired amount is. I tend to be heavy handed with product. My hair is thinning, particularly on the top. I'll like to see what/if this helps. I suppose dropping the Mickie Dees from the diet wouldn't hurt either :rolleyes:. Oh, and increased water intake wouldn't be a bad idea either. :yep:

Excited about the face paste thing to see what that'll do for this gal. So, off I go to get jiggy with it.

Actually the boxes last much longer than you think. When I make a cond. paste I usually use no more than a tablespoon of any herb. They are very concentrated and they also swell when wet. If you get no more than 2 applications you are using WAY to much. 1 box usually lasts me at least 2 months maybe more. And that's with using it every week. If you add your favorite moisturizing cond. to a bowl then mix in a few spoons of your powders you will be surprised how fast is get thick. Just continue to add cond. till it's a nice smooth consistency.
Actually the boxes last much longer than you think. When I make a cond. paste I usually use no more than a tablespoon of any herb. They are very concentrated and they also swell when wet. If you get no more than 2 applications you are using WAY to much. 1 box usually lasts me at least 2 months maybe more. And that's with using it every week. If you add your favorite moisturizing cond. to a bowl then mix in a few spoons of your powders you will be surprised how fast is get thick. Just continue to add cond. till it's a nice smooth consistency.

Okay this is interesting...so you aren't making pastes, but more like conditioning mixes? I have used up the last bit of my powders before by adding to condish, and the consistencies are completely different (a thick conditioner vs. a "mud"). Have you done both, and did you notice a difference? I'm curious, it would be cool to not have to restock as much but I love them in the thick muddy cake batter consistency...
Okay this is interesting...so you aren't making pastes, but more like conditioning mixes? I have used up the last bit of my powders before by adding to condish, and the consistencies are completely different (a thick conditioner vs. a "mud"). Have you done both, and did you notice a difference? I'm curious, it would be cool to not have to restock as much but I love them in the thick muddy cake batter consistency...

YES! When I started out using the powders I would make pastes of of water. VERY concentrated, harder to rinse and I had to dc afterwards anyway.

I started out mixing the moisturizing herbs in with a cheapie cond. and :lick: And when I mix them with a deep cond. :love: I haven't looked back. My hair is super soft, moist, and big.:lol:

I don't use the cleansing herbs with cond. I have tried this and my hair is not as soft and doesn't retain the moisture as well. Also because the powders strengthen I don't use them with heavy protein conds.
i did a cassia gloss today...i used the ayurnatural beauty cassia blend and aloe vera gel, raw honey, coconut oil, castor oil, brahmi-amla oil, and oyin honey hemp, and a lil warm water to melt the coconut oil...i eyeballed everything but i used about 1/3 of the cassia...the first batch wasnt enough so then i mixed in some more cassia, avg, castor oil and tresemme naturals for the rest of my head...it was kinda messy...i wore gloves but i didnt put down any paper or anything...the pack says leave on up to 2 hrs...i was gonna leave it on overnight, but this time i'll just leave it on for a couple hrs...i'll post my results later

eta: pics!


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YES! When I started out using the powders I would make pastes of of water. VERY concentrated, harder to rinse and I had to dc afterwards anyway.

I started out mixing the moisturizing herbs in with a cheapie cond. and :lick: And when I mix them with a deep cond. :love: I haven't looked back. My hair is super soft, moist, and big.:lol:

I don't use the cleansing herbs with cond. I have tried this and my hair is not as soft and doesn't retain the moisture as well. Also because the powders strengthen I don't use them with heavy protein conds.

Thank you so much! One of the disadvantages I agree is washing out the mud. I'm going to try this next time I do a treatment. :yep: I don't really like any of the cleansing herbs, bhringraj and hibiscus are my faves. I wash my hair weekly with shampoo so I don't want to over load.
i did a cassia gloss today...i used the ayurnatural beauty cassia blend and aloe vera gel, raw honey, coconut oil, castor oil, brahmi-amla oil, and oyin honey hemp, and a lil warm water to melt the coconut oil...i eyeballed everything but i used about 1/3 of the cassia...the first batch wasnt enough so then i mixed in some more cassia, avg, castor oil and tresemme naturals for the rest of my head...it was kinda messy...i wore gloves but i didnt put down any paper or anything...the pack says leave on up to 2 hrs...i was gonna leave it on overnight, but this time i'll just leave it on for a couple hrs...i'll post my results later

eta: pics!

Pretty! Your curls are poppin!
I am trying the ayurvedic shampoo bar from chagrin Valley. I am making a tea of conditioning herbs adding some Kapur Kachri Powder to use w/ my DC.

I have a question. When using ayurvedic herbs, is it necessary to use an actualy conditioner?

If you used a cleanssing tea and a conditioning tea (and maybe a followup rinse) would that suffice?
I am trying the ayurvedic shampoo bar from chagrin Valley. I am making a tea of conditioning herbs adding some Kapur Kachri Powder to use w/ my DC.

I have a question. When using ayurvedic herbs, is it necessary to use an actualy conditioner?

If you used a cleanssing tea and a conditioning tea (and maybe a followup rinse) would that suffice?

It's recommended to always follow up with a dc after using the herbs.
I made my first batch of ayurvedic hair oil :grin:. I used coconut oil, almond oil, rice bran oil, 1 green tea bag, brahmi, bringraj, amla, and hibiscus powders, and warmed it all over low heat in a small crock pot for about 3-4 hours. It really smell nice and herbally, but not overly so. I will be massaging my scalp with it while I'm in my braids.
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I haven't been posting for a while. Just lurking. Life has been
pretty busy. :spinning:

But, I wanted to share my most recent experience with ayurvedic herbs.
I had sort of fallen off the wagon, but now I'm back on full force. My hair had been kinda dry lately with some breakage. Not a whole lot, but more than I was used to. So, I hopped on LHCF and found myself cruising through this thread.

I still had some ayurvedic stuff in my stash, so I started mixing some stuff up. I rinsed my hair in water and aloe vera juice and then oiled my hair and scalp with a mixture of EVOO, peppermint, and tea tree oil. This stayed on my head for about 30 mins. I rinsed in cool waterand applied a paste of Tresemme naturals conditioner, various ayurvedic herbs (maka, brahmi, and amla--about a tbsp each), melted, raw honey, EVOO and more aloe vera juice. I left this on my head for about two hours. I rinsed and found my hair to be incredibly soft AND supple. I ran my hands through my hair and found no tangles and no breakage.
I was so pumped that I decided to henna. I know. Overkill right? :lol: I mixed some henna with EVOO and some tresemme natural conditioner and left it on my head for an hour and a half. Cowashed and rinsed the henna out. Then I DCed under the steamer with Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose, raw honey, EVOO, maka and amla powders, and aloe vera juice. Lastly, I did a ACV rinse. Ladies, my hair felt and still feels fantastic! Soft, supple, and strong. NO breakage.
For those of you who've never tried ayurvedic herbs , I seriously recommend that you give ayurveda a try.:yep:
I want to starting doing tea rinses weekly again

I used Krashma (sp?) henna and I loved it. Soooo easy to wash out. I have a whole stock now (and its cheaper than Jamillah)
I haven't been posting for a while. Just lurking. Life has been
pretty busy. :spinning:

But, I wanted to share my most recent experience with ayurvedic herbs.
I had sort of fallen off the wagon, but now I'm back on full force. My hair had been kinda dry lately with some breakage. Not a whole lot, but more than I was used to. So, I hopped on LHCF and found myself cruising through this thread.

I still had some ayurvedic stuff in my stash, so I started mixing some stuff up. I rinsed my hair in water and aloe vera juice and then oiled my hair and scalp with a mixture of EVOO, peppermint, and tea tree oil. This stayed on my head for about 30 mins. I rinsed in cool waterand applied a paste of Tresemme naturals conditioner, various ayurvedic herbs (maka, brahmi, and amla--about a tbsp each), melted, raw honey, EVOO and more aloe vera juice. I left this on my head for about two hours. I rinsed and found my hair to be incredibly soft AND supple. I ran my hands through my hair and found no tangles and no breakage.
I was so pumped that I decided to henna. I know. Overkill right? :lol: I mixed some henna with EVOO and some tresemme natural conditioner and left it on my head for an hour and a half. Cowashed and rinsed the henna out. Then I DCed under the steamer with Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose, raw honey, EVOO, maka and amla powders, and aloe vera juice. Lastly, I did a ACV rinse. Ladies, my hair felt and still feels fantastic! Soft, supple, and strong. NO breakage.
For those of you who've never tried ayurvedic herbs , I seriously recommend that you give ayurveda a try.:yep:

I have been suuuper busy. I'm glad to see you guys are having great experiences with the Ayurveda products. I have been slacking MAJOR, been lucky to even sneak an oiling in. I plan on doing a tea rinse myself this weekend.
Hey flowinlocks, I just wanted to say good look on the suggestion about using less powders mixed with condish! I've been doing those treatments weekly and it's so much easier to rinse out.:yep:

i've been missin' you, stranger!

we need your presence on here! ((((hugs))))

quasimodi, that is a great hair treat you wrote there! thanks for posting it!

did you add water or alove vera juice with the evoo and condish to your henna?

i'm going to henna this monday and am considering adding aloe vera juice in it.

EllePixie, could you tell us more about which powders you mix into which conditioners?

i've heard some say (depending on the type of mix) they leave it in overnight.

is that what you do?

thanks ladies and hhj!
My favorite powders are bhringraj and hibiscus, and I really mix them into any condish - nothing special. I use about 2 teaspoons, and add honey and oils (wheat germ, bhringraj, brahmi, jojoba, etc). It's just easier to rinse out than a paste. When I was doing full treatments, my hair felt great, but I'd have clay on my scalp for like, three days. No bueno.
Hi, Grow!

I just added water and EVOO and conditioner. I've never considered adding aloe vera juice
to my henna. Hmmm.:scratchch Now, that's a thought. Maybe next time. One thing I would definitely suggest is DCing with some moisturizing herbs after you've hennaed. I had never done that before, but, MAN, did it make a difference in injecting moisture into my hair.

Hope everyone is well. I'm going to do a tea rinse with shikaiki (sp? I always spell this herb wrong, darn it!), hibiscus, and maka powders. Right now I'm sitting with a mixture of grapseed and EVOO in my hair. Then I'll finish up with a DC of amla, brahmi, maka, EVOO, raw honey, aubrey organics honeysuckle rose and white camilla. Yum!

Afterwards, leave-ins, moisturize, twist and seal. The hair treatment of champions. :lol:


i've been missin' you, stranger!

we need your presence on here! ((((hugs))))

@quasimodi, that is a great hair treat you wrote there! thanks for posting it!

did you add water or alove vera juice with the evoo and condish to your henna?

i'm going to henna this monday and am considering adding aloe vera juice in it.

@EllePixie, could you tell us more about which powders you mix into which conditioners?

i've heard some say (depending on the type of mix) they leave it in overnight.

is that what you do?

thanks ladies and hhj!
Hi, Grow!

I just added water and EVOO and conditioner. I've never considered adding aloe vera juice
to my henna. Hmmm.:scratchch Now, that's a thought. Maybe next time. One thing I would definitely suggest is DCing with some moisturizing herbs after you've hennaed. I had never done that before, but, MAN, did it make a difference in injecting moisture into my hair.

Hope everyone is well. I'm going to do a tea rinse with shikaiki (sp? I always spell this herb wrong, darn it!), hibiscus, and maka powders. Right now I'm sitting with a mixture of grapseed and EVOO in my hair. Then I'll finish up with a DC of amla, brahmi, maka, EVOO, raw honey, aubrey organics honeysuckle rose and white camilla. Yum!

Afterwards, leave-ins, moisturize, twist and seal. The hair treatment of champions. :lol:

quasimodi, i like that: yes, we have "breakfast of champions", why shouldn't we have "the hair treatment of champions", too?! Nice!:yep:

i also really like the order with which you are doing these treatments!
to start with the oil on the hair, then do the rinse and finish up with a dc mixed with the powders, sounds DIVINE!!!:lick::yep::grin:

correct me if i'm wrong, ladies, but i seem to have read somewhere that we should put no more than 3 powders in each mix we use.
(still have no idea why, though.....:perplexed:ohwell:)

but 3 powders is nothin' for all these good powders!:lol: i'd like to use them ALL every week! so maybe with quasimodi's game plan, i can get more of these herbs into my hair on a weekly basis, right?

oh, and thank you, quasimodi for the dc after henna indigo advice!
i'm planning on mixing :rolleyes:maka, hibiscus, 2 over ripe juiced bananas, glycerine, honey, aloe vera juice, AO IN and AO HSR together and sleeping with it on overnight!:lick::yep:
You're very welcome, Grow. Your conditioner mix sounds
delicious! :lick: I'm going to have to try to work fruit (bananas,
avocado, etc.) into my DCs when I'm able to invest in a good

I also read somewhere that you weren't supposed to mix more than
3 herbs at one time. If you did, it was supposed to make the herbs
less effective. ...I think. :ohwell: So, I just "layer" my herb mixes through
ayurvedic pastes, DCs, and tea rinses. Judging by my hair, it seems to
be working.
I applied henna for the 2nd time last Tuesday. I ended up mixing the henna with Suave Almond/Shea Butter condish, EVOO and honey. I also ended up leaving it on my hair for 5 hours. It came out a pretty red, in the sunlight.

I plan on taking a break from henna and just using the bhringraj and alma powders and oil for a while.

I'm also using neem and alma powders as a paste for a nightly mask. It seems to be slowly helping with my acne problems.
Diamond75 Hey! I'm glad that ayurveda is helping with your acne. I heard that neem in particular was good for that.

On a seperate note, I've talked my mother into letting me pamper her hair...ayurveda-style. :lol:

She's newly natural and she normally doesn't like people doing her hair, but I've finally convinced her to give ayurveda a try. I'm going to do a bhringraj and alma paste kicked up with some raw honey, aloe vera juice, and EVOO. I'm going to do a super moisturizing DC with herbs and oils to. Under the steamer!

But, best of all, she told me that I could henna her hair, too. Henna party, ya'll! Dad is all excited because he doesn't like Mom's gray streaks. I figured I'd do a henna/indigo mix so that she's bright copper red at the end of the session, but instead tones closer to her original hair color.

If the way my mom's hair feels at the end of this session, doesn't convince her to give ayurveda a try in her own home, then nothing will.

We're doing "beauty shop" tomorrow on Sunday. I'll let you guys know how it turns out.

I applied henna for the 2nd time last Tuesday. I ended up mixing the henna with Suave Almond/Shea Butter condish, EVOO and honey. I also ended up leaving it on my hair for 5 hours. It came out a pretty red, in the sunlight.

I plan on taking a break from henna and just using the bhringraj and alma powders and oil for a while.

I'm also using neem and alma powders as a paste for a nightly mask. It seems to be slowly helping with my acne problems.