

Well-Known Member
...So I was talking to my ex he was going on how beautiful I am and all (in his eyes) then he said BUT what attracted him to me was my tight vagina. :eek:

Im not sure what to make of this. I had things going on for myself personally and professionally and none of that attracted him?!

**And please dont quote.**
I think what he meant was that your BEAUTY attracted him;.......but [the fit] is what kept him hanging on/addicted:rolleyes:......

I'm pretty certain that's the order of events :D:abducted:
I don't know what you or he does for a living but some min-oins are intimidated by a woman that has the accomplishments that you presented in your Post; so yeah that's not what he found attractive. Sorry, I know it's puzzling.
Tis funny that he said the tight vagina attracted him lol. Did you have it out, or something :lol:. I think maybe he means that's what made him want to stay with you?

I can tell its good he's an ex. He makes no sense and doesn't know how to talk to women. Just trying to get the conversation onto sex to see if he can revisit the pum pum. I read it in a Jamaican accent also for some reason :look:
I agree, but ain’t nothing cute about being reduced to what your vagina feels like. There are a lot of tight vaginas in world. Nothing to brag about.
You called it. That's exactly what he did to her. Tried to play her into giggling out her draws by calling out and focusing on how she puts it down. It wasn't a true compliment. It was more like "you cool but what I really miss is that *****".
If a man is into you for you, it doesn't matter how tight your vagina is. o_O They're not unique. As Lambert said in MDLWLY if a man pumps his D into a woman enough times, he will ejaculate. Period. It's about who is attached to the vagina. So if this creep is leading with how tight your vagina is, that's the extent of his interest in you. He just wants sex.
If a man is into you for you, it doesn't matter how tight your vagina is. o_O They're not unique. As Lambert said in MDLWLY if a man pumps his D into a woman enough times, he will ejaculate. Period. It's about who is attached to the vagina. So if this creep is leading with how tight your vagina is, that's the extent of his interest in you. He just wants sex.

Now I wouldn't go that far lol ha. It definitely matters but yeah don't lead with or be reduced to it because it doesn't matter enough to keep a man from disrespecting you and dogging you out if you let him use you.

Eta: I was being lighthearted yesterday and laughing through my posts but let me add a more serious point today. It matters in the sense that a man who has no intentions of doing right by you will absolutely keep you on deck for good sex/ an affinity towards your body. It matters in the sense that women very often confuse a sexual connection with worthwhile relationships. I did understand the point being made in the quote above that it certainly isn't the most important aspect of a worthwhile relationship but I think it's also important to know the impact of good sex clouding ones judgement and wasting your time with a person you may only have sex/ your body in sync with. I would really question if missing the sex is the only thing that is actually missed in the OP. In which case he is not worth OP's time or body.
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Basically he is saying he wasnt attracted to you until he felt your tight vagina, even though you are beautiful and had things going on for yourself.
I wouldnt take that as a compliment coming from him.

I want to call him immature and an idiot but a person can be beautiful and successful but still unattractive to someone. So that is just his point of view.