Attraction, Weight, Thoughts

Well he was my trainer... actually.. he friendzoned me pretty quickly.. i was actually really hurt cause i left an abusive relationship 2 years prior where i dealt with constant rejection and abandonment.. and then i met him.. fresh air.. funny could connect with.. MY type. He rejected me too.. so it was a double whammy.. and it honestly made me question my self worth for a minute

That also may not of been his real personality. He’s “on” when he’s working because he wants repeat clients. When you are there his goal is to be focused on you, inspiring, upbeat, and fun. He may not actually be that way in real relationship.

If you want a buff guy you can attract one before you look like an Instagram model. The ones I know don’t expect every woman to fit the aesthetic but they like a partner who complements the lifestyle, i.e. gym time, fitness activities, diet, etc. though I avoid shallow men so my experiences are limited to fit intellectuals.

My only advice is to go to workout events frequented by men. Go to buff men that also possess the other attributes that you like (career, hobbies, social status, etc) and ask them where they work out and what other things they like to do to stay fit. Ask while thinking that you want to know where men like him workout not necessarily where he specifically works out. This way you don’t have to feel like you are hitting on him.

When you are in the gym, look like you are open and having a good time.

I have a friend who has very different genetics from me. She is larger and builds muscle easily, I’m thin but can’t build muscle easily. However, the few times I’ve been with her in the gym she is much more attractive to be near than I am. I’m confused and frowning while she is clearly living her best life and bopping along to her music.