Attraction - A Must Have???

for me I gave it 3 months of talking and 3 solid dates :nono:. I just could not do it. I remember on our second date, I gave him a hug goodbye and thanked him for the date and he wanted to stand in the parking lot and hold me and then I could tell he was going to try to lean in and kiss me :ohwell:. I grossed me out. I was like super fast ninja and got out of that hug before anything happen. that's when I knew. but I still gave it one more date to make sure.

LOOOOOL this happened to me last summer.. i even made a thread about the same issue. I remember one 'date', the man in question had invited me out to an event his friend was holding, and afterwards, he walked me to the parking lot to get my car... I think he hugged me.. i knew he wanted to kiss me.. so I got in my car, but then he asked me to roll down the window to ask me a question. You best believe that when he started leaning inwards towards me, i rolled up the window on him.

That's when I knew...
LOOOOOL this happened to me last summer.. i even made a thread about the same issue. I remember one 'date', the man in question had invited me out to an event his friend was holding, and afterwards, he walked me to the parking lot to get my car... I think he hugged me.. i knew he wanted to kiss me.. so I got in my car, but then he asked me to roll down the window to ask me a question. You best believe that when he started leaning inwards towards me, i rolled up the window on him.

That's when I knew...

they know before they try you're not feeling them like that but they have to try anyway.:lachen:
after I got out of that hug (we were on the pass side of my car), I flew to the driver's seat and hopped in. all I heard was WOOOO, wait a minute. I just shook my head (at the wait a min part) and thanked him again and told him to have a good day and left.
Attraction is a MUST have for me. I don't care how well I get to know you, how many dinners we go to, or how much you can make me laugh. NONE of that will make you better looking to me. I either find you attractive on first sight ot I don't.