Are you a chubby chaser?

  • I secretly prefer chubby men.

    Votes: 5 2.7%
  • I openly love chubby men.

    Votes: 49 26.5%
  • I don't do chubby... sorry.

    Votes: 131 70.8%

  • Total voters
its kinda sexy

Not sloppy fat. But a little husky, yeah sure. That's sexy. A huge pot belly is out, but a bit of a stomach...nothing wrong with that.

If you've "been with" a huskier man...ya'll know you shouldn't underestimate the power of missionary. That extra meat will assure you get yours. :look:

My current DH is thin. I'm happy. Not really looking back.
I like football type of big...muscular but "healthy" at the same time...but just fat with hips and all doughy/no tone and cellulite? hell naw. It would feel like Im with a woman moreso than a man. Plus he's not going to get any smaller as he ages. :nono:
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mmm... hmmm... I'm talking about chubby... not fat...
how about thick... is that a better word...
I mean... definitely not skinny... just built like a man but not
all hard like a body builder... soft but thick... like if he was breast fed...
is that sick... hopefully... you get what I'm saying

and I like to see a man eat... it's like one of my favorite things...
I don't have a crazy fetish but it makes me happy to see my man happy
and I love a man that loves to eat... so long as he doesn't eat me out
of house and home

No way! Did that once and never again.

If they are chubby now than the odds for them getting even bigger with age are increased. I don't like fat guys.
mmm... hmmm... I'm talking about chubby... not fat...
how about thick... is that a better word...
I mean... definitely not skinny... just built like a man but not
all hard like a body builder... soft but thick... like if he was breast fed...
is that sick... hopefully... you get what I'm saying

and I like to see a man eat... it's like one of my favorite things...
I don't have a crazy fetish but it makes me happy to see my man happy
and I love a man that loves to eat... so long as he doesn't eat me out
of house and home

Can you post a pic of what you consider thick for man.....
:look:As much as I don't want to seem shallow...I am just not attracted to a "thick" man. My SO is 6'2'' and slim, very sexy and just the way I like 'em!
mmm... hmmm... I'm talking about chubby... not fat...
how about thick... is that a better word...
I mean... definitely not skinny... just built like a man but not
all hard like a body builder... soft but thick... like if he was breast fed...
is that sick... hopefully... you get what I'm saying

and I like to see a man eat... it's like one of my favorite things...
I don't have a crazy fetish but it makes me happy to see my man happy
and I love a man that loves to eat... so long as he doesn't eat me out
of house and home

love that too. my so eats like he has a tape worm or something, and that fool never gains an ounce. i can't stand him! :look:
When I say thick or bigger guys this is what comes to mind. Look at the attachments:


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That's not too bad. When I think "Chubby Chaser" I was thinking...

... Well I googled "fat guy" and none of the images are acceptable to put up here. Uhh.

But even so, I prefer them thinner than that.
Yeah, I like my men "thick" not fat. I like for them to look like they are eating good! Sort of like a football player. (Jerome Bettis, Ray Lewis) Not like a body builder. I even like Suge Knight size. I love big dudes!
The guy in the first pic i consider "big", the second pic, "chubby". Can't do chubby. Not at all. I like big guys who are healthy and muscular. Chubby just makes me think he doesn't care about his health or appearance.
I used to be all over little, skinny men, like Jonny Depp thin.

As I've gotten older my taste has done a complete switch. Now if you're big and husky, looking like you were fed potatoes in your baby bottle, yum, come hither. I really love big, husky men. You still need to work out and exercise, but I'm not into chiseled bodies for the most part, I like the look of a hard potbelly, if that makes sense. Antonio Pierce is my ideal physiotype. 6'1"-6"3 and 230 or more.

these pics suck btw


Hmmm. I have never been attracted to a chubby guy. There was one who was soooooooooo nice and I wished there were sparks, but nada. :perplexed I actually tend to like tall but average size guys with a solid build, but not the bodybuilder type. Weird, but those popping muscles do nothing for me. :nono:
The guy in the first pic i consider "big", the second pic, "chubby". Can't do chubby. Not at all. I like big guys who are healthy and muscular. Chubby just makes me think he doesn't care about his health or appearance.

Are you referring to the pics I posted? Because those are the same guy :lachen:
Why was I thinking about average weight guys chasing after overweight females. :laugh: my bad
Are you referring to the pics I posted? Because those are the same guy :lachen:

Oh yes, but they look different - i guess it's the distance from the camera. The 2nd pic is closer, so i guess of course i can actually see his size. Hmm, didn't look so bad from far away...
I can only deal ex football players type builds...thick...but semi muscular even though they are carrying extra weight. Not loose big (Al Roker pre surgery). I'd lean more too big than scrawny skinny.
What's chubby? :look: I like husky guys. Idk I can't do skinny. I can't do perfect bodies either because I'm no where near perfect myself. We gotta match. :giggle:
No. Long, lean body. Lean hips, broad shoulders. :lick: That's what gets me physically.

i've liked one or two chubby guys in the past, but that was because of their personality, not their bodies.
I used to be all over little, skinny men, like Jonny Depp thin.

As I've gotten older my taste has done a complete switch. Now if you're big and husky, looking like you were fed potatoes in your baby bottle, yum, come hither. I really love big, husky men. You still need to work out and exercise, but I'm not into chiseled bodies for the most part, I like the look of a hard potbelly, if that makes sense. Antonio Pierce is my ideal physiotype. 6'1"-6"3 and 230 or more.

these pics suck btw



:giggle: ...