At what Length is hair no longer flattering??? (Warning this may be controversial)

What do you consider too long for you personally?

  • Bra Strap Length

    Votes: 11 0.9%
  • Mid Back

    Votes: 53 4.1%
  • Waist Length

    Votes: 252 19.5%
  • Tail bone Length

    Votes: 427 33.0%
  • Classic Length

    Votes: 210 16.2%
  • Mid-thigh Length

    Votes: 196 15.1%
  • Knee-Length

    Votes: 52 4.0%
  • calf Length

    Votes: 13 1.0%
  • ankle Length

    Votes: 11 0.9%
  • Floor Length

    Votes: 69 5.3%

  • Total voters
Re: At what Length is hair no longer flattering??? (Warning this may be controversial

I had to vote for classic lenght, but i know i could not manage hair longer that WL .. is too long and too much hair.
Re: At what Length is hair no longer flattering??? (Warning this may be controversial

I'm 5'2 and petite; so, waist-length would be too long for me. I want long hair; but I don't want to look like My Little Pony.
Re: At what Length is hair no longer flattering??? (Warning this may be controversial

I'm going to say that I would stop at mid back or waist length. But if I got there and decided to go longer that would be cool too. I think it's all about how you style it vs. a particular length being unattractive. I imagine roller setting classic length hair would require some help.
Re: At what Length is hair no longer flattering??? (Warning this may be controversial

I think that past-tailbone would be a little much.

But, I reserve the right to change my mind when I am at that length. lol
Re: At what Length is hair no longer flattering??? (Warning this may be controversial

i have no idea what my shrinkage is going to be like post bc or how much volume it will have at any length other than my current. i may be able to get to tailbone length and have my hair shrink up to my armpit and because i'll wear my hair mostly natural i'd love this. i think with shrinkage i could grow hair to my butt and not think it was too much.

on other people i think the indian rapunzel lengths are too much...with straight hair anything longer than waist/lower back (not trying to be biased)
Re: At what Length is hair no longer flattering??? (Warning this may be controversial

For me I'm going to stop at tailbone if it gets there.
Re: At what Length is hair no longer flattering??? (Warning this may be controversial

for ME it is MBL. I don't want my hair hiding my small waist and curves.
Re: At what Length is hair no longer flattering??? (Warning this may be controversial

for ME it is MBL. I don't want my hair hiding my small waist and curves.

That's cute!:yep:

As for now, I am just growing to see how long I can take it. This is the longest I have allowed it to grow in my adult life. My family and friends are shocked! Just below waistlength, however not fully, waiting for the Fall for a length check.
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Re: At what Length is hair no longer flattering??? (Warning this may be controversial

On me I have nooooo idea. We'll see in the future. I'm going to grow my hair until I feel comfortable with the length. Who knows, maybe I'll be running around here with ankle length hair in 10 years :lol:

On other people, whatever they feel comfortable with. I don't have an opinion on what people should do with their hair. I have seen very long, pretty hair.

I don't see having length as creepy/weird or what have you as long as it is well groomed.
Re: At what Length is hair no longer flattering??? (Warning this may be controversial


Beyond floor length. That is when it is unflattering. I can't vote :-(
Re: At what Length is hair no longer flattering??? (Warning this may be controversial

FLOOR Length for me....:( Just start to look bad...
Re: At what Length is hair no longer flattering??? (Warning this may be controversial

Personally, I don't really know. My main concern is how it looks and how much energy I have to put into it. Right now, at my length (waist), the maintenance is minimal (2 minutes on non-wash days, 20 minutes on wash days). It's healthy, shiny, I like how it looks, and I'm not ashamed of it. I suppose it would be unflattering when the ends look uneven and scraggly, but I don't foresee that happening any time soon. My current goal is tailbone, but I'm not ruling out going any longer if the quality is just as good and if it doesn't become too much to handle. I really don't care if other people think it's creepy or dirty or nasty looking. I know my hair is clean, and they can think whatever they want as long as they keep their hands to themselves and don't try to "help" me by chopping it off against my will.

As for other people, if they can keep it looking nice, I don't care how long it is. I have enough knowledge about hair care to know that it doesn't fall into the toilet after a certain length. :rolleyes: It's called "putting it up"!
Re: At what Length is hair no longer flattering??? (Warning this may be controversial

I have fine hair, so APL is my limit. Anything beyond that doesn't look good on me. It gets stringy and see through
Re: At what Length is hair no longer flattering??? (Warning this may be controversial

I may be in the minority here, but bra strap length is the absolute longest I desire to go> I just think it will look sloppy if I get anywhere past that. I've never had hair that long my whole life EVER so to get there would still be hugely monumental!! I come from a family who thinks SL is loooonnnnnnnnggggggggg...(hahaha, I know better now)

My real goal is APL. Once I hit APL, I plan on just keeping it there by protective styling, regular trimming, and doing what I did to get there. I want to make it a thick, full, lush, undeniable APL. And thats as long as I want to get...really:yep:

ETA: when I said "Sloppy" I meant sloppy for ME...lots of yall are way past APL/ BSL and look absolutely gorgeous~ just don't think I could pull it off
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Re: At what Length is hair no longer flattering??? (Warning this may be controversial

I said that classic was too much, just because I think that at that length, it would be too hard to really enjoy it.
I'm growing out my hair so I can do stuff with it...wear it in buns, wear it out, do twist-outs, rollersets, flat iron it...I want to be able to style my hair.
And I definitely don't think that such a thing will be possible with hair that is half the length of my body. Especially because I have short legs.

Also, I can't imagine going to a salon for a relaxer with classic length hair...they would charge me both arms and legs and a little bit of my soul. And I refuse to self-relax.
Re: At what Length is hair no longer flattering??? (Warning this may be controversial

Hmm this is my first post but I find it interesting that most people would stop at bsl. Before I read the responses, I was going to say anything past tailbone length was too long. But reading more about the hygienic side, it might not be as hygienic but I would love to be able to wear it in all kinds of cute and intricate buns and updos.
Re: At what Length is hair no longer flattering??? (Warning this may be controversial

There is no set length that looks horrible on everybody. I think it's more case by case.
Re: At what Length is hair no longer flattering??? (Warning this may be controversial

I reckon tail-bone length is slightly pushing it, but can look good on some people with certain types of hair. However, I'd say I'm not really a fan of classic length or longer, definitely looks too excessive and not too nice. For me personally, I don't really know what would be too long on me, as I have never had long hair, but I guess I just have to wait and see :D
Re: At what Length is hair no longer flattering??? (Warning this may be controversial

For me: Classic...
Re: At what Length is hair no longer flattering??? (Warning this may be controversial

i say it depends on the health of the hair and the style it is kept in. some one could have classic length hair (which several have stated is yucky lol) and wear it unstretched and appear to be wl or hl instead.

i recently saw a girl (at the club a few wks before new yrs, would have taken pix but mah stupid camera phone dont have a flash lol) who had possibly hl unstretched 3c hair. its was beautiful and i couldnt stop staring at her hair. it was quite awkward at times when i was caught staring lol. so to think of how long her hair is stretched!!! i die i tell you...

my goal is to be wl unstretched... i have no clue how long i will have to be to make that goal. back when i was almost hl (less than 5inches away) i was still sitting at bsl unstretched so for me i will probably have to hit tlb.

so back on topic... it depends. no one is alike and everyone wont look the same with a certain length. its like asking what length weave is too long or what's the longest nails should be. beauty is in the eye of the beholder and if they like it then i love it!
Re: At what Length is hair no longer flattering??? (Warning this may be controversial

I'll take that knee length stretched hair :yep: I suppose if it's dusting the floor when you walk, that's a bit much. I'll keep my hair at knee length. :lol:
Re: At what Length is hair no longer flattering??? (Warning this may be controversial

Ok, for me, personally, I don't want anything that's covering my a$$-ets. :look: (that's right. I said it). I'd prefer my hair to hang just above wl so that my figure from the back doesn't look like a column of hair with no obvious indentation at the waist. That said, I'd prefer big, luscious curls cascading down to the level of the last pic in my siggy (the unflat ironed pic). So, to get that, I'm going for hl. I can't see myself ever wanting to go beyond hl. :nono: The movement of my hips in my walk is poetry in motion. Why would I obscur that? :lol: :look: :yep:

Oh, but the question is when is it no longer flattering? When you start looking like long hair with legs instead of a woman with long hair. To me, that's tbl and beyond. But, it really does depend on the person.
Re: At what Length is hair no longer flattering??? (Warning this may be controversial

for myself WL...if i ever make WL, i'm fooling around with layers for a couple of months, and then most likely chopping back to MBL...on any1 i think tailbone and classic and beyond is just doing to much...its different if you're just seeing if you can grow it that long, but it would probably look better chopped back to hip or waist length....this all depends on the person though.
Re: At what Length is hair no longer flattering??? (Warning this may be controversial

It's no longer flattering for me when I'm sitting on it. Funny all these length threads today...:yep:
Re: At what Length is hair no longer flattering??? (Warning this may be controversial

I consider my hair too long when I'm able to step on it.
Waist length. Any longer and it'd be too much for me. I'll probably grow to waist length and then cut it to MBL. Maybe...