Question: BSL and longer (with no growth aids). Please give advise

1. What were your basic maintenance practices
Cowashing and ponytails
2. How much growth did you get in a month/year (whatever)
.25/6inches...never measured but this is what it seems like based on my growth
3. Did you trim on a regular schedule
First time trimming was August 08 which was almost 2 years from the BC. I didn't need a trim, but my hair was uneven due to a self-BC.
4. What was your starting length
NL after the BC
5. How long did it take for you to get from starting length to current length (or past BSL)
My last relaxer was December 2005, so technically 3 years. But 2 years from my BC.
6. Any additional tips you'd suggest that lended to your success.
No heat, no trimming, frequent cowashing, low manipulation

Thanks ladies for the responses... I'm sure there should be other BSL/MBL/WL ladies that can chime in. I only ask the question w/o growth aids to determine if people are getting great results without them. I'm beginning to get discouraged because I don't want to have to use MTG again to get from SL to APL. That was a great help the last time, but it was messy and smelly. :ohwell:

Naw, don't use MTG...try MT or MN. Much less messy and smelly...:yep:
1. What were your basic maintenance practices
Cowashing and ponytails
2. How much growth did you get in a month/year (whatever)
.25/6inches...never measured but this is what it seems like based on my growth
3. Did you trim on a regular schedule
First time trimming was August 08 which was almost 2 years from the BC. I didn't need a trim, but my hair was uneven due to a self-BC.
4. What was your starting length
NL after the BC
5. How long did it take for you to get from starting length to current length (or past BSL)
My last relaxer was December 2005, so technically 3 years. But 2 years from my BC.
6. Any additional tips you'd suggest that lended to your success.
No heat, no trimming, frequent cowashing, low manipulation

Loving this thread.:woot: It never even crossed my mind that I could reach my goals without tht use of growth aids. IT CAN BE DONE. Great!! MT /OCT is cool and all, but I wayyyy too lazy to do this long term!!
1. What were your basic maintenance practices

Wash/cowash regularly. That means at the least, twice a week. A clean scalp is a must. Detangle gently and frequently with seamless comb, with conditioner or something for slip in my hair. I keep my hair up in a bun or other updo most of the time. I use henna monthly. I don't use heat, except for a bonnet dryer on limited occasions.

2. How much growth did you get in a month/year (whatever)

I'm not sure. I did the big chop in 2005 and my hair is tailbone when stretched right now. I think my hair grows the average rate or maybe a little more. That's about 1/2 inch a month.

3. Did you trim on a regular schedule

I don't trim my hair.

4. What was your starting length

After the big chop, it was a little shorter than shoulder length, I think.

5. How long did it take for you to get from starting length to current length (or past BSL)

See answer to question #2.

6. Any additional tips you'd suggest that lended to your success.

Hmmm....keep it simple is the best thing I learned. I stopped using so many products and my hair really appreciated that. It doesn't have to be difficult or a science project. :)
My first 9 months of this haircare journey I think I was trying everything under the sun. Then I got sick and could not do half of what I signed up for.

I realized that my hair was still growing and I thought why bother with all of this just create a healthy regimen and be about your business. I simply like going the more Ayurvedic route. I just like the way my hair responds with these types of products.

1. What were your basic maintenance practices-- regular cowashing, deep conditioning and keeping moisture in it at all times if possible.

2. How much growth did you get in a month/year (whatever)--Each year was and is still different some years 3-4 some 4-6 others it felt like 2-3 :lachen: During this really slow growth I was having health issues so that is what it seemed like since I didn't gauge my growth that much.

3. Did you trim on a regular schedule- I only do light dusting. I haven't had a real trim in quite a while like 6 or 7 years?

4. What was your starting length- I had it cut for make over in one of those really short in the back and just a little longer in the front but that was before my real journey. 4 years ago I was somewhere around neck length.

5. How long did it take for you to get from starting length to current length (or past BSL)- 3 years?

6. Any additional tips you'd suggest that lended to your success -- find a regimen and stick to it. Adjust when you have to and don't jump into every growth aid bandwagon. Too costly and with just a little patience you will get the length you want sooner or later.
1. What were your basic maintenance practices-- wash ,deep condition,airdry
2. How much growth did you get in a month/year (whatever)-- I BONE strait my hair so i can maintain it for 3 months ,feels like i get 2 inches around 8 weeks.

3. Did you trim on a regular schedule- I dont know how to trim

4. What was your starting length- starin lenght to my ear lobe gradually it grow out wearing protective styles like buns,braids.
5. How long did it take for you to get from starting length to current length (or past BSL)- i say about 3-4 yrs i am kinda guessin now.

6. Any additional tips you'd suggest that lended to your success -- I found LHCF tryed out a lot of stuff,bought lots of stuff,really i cant say but its the GENES IN MY FAIMILY BOTH SIDE OF MY FAIMILY HAS LONG HAIR THA MY OPINION .