Does height matter?

Does height matter?

  • He has to be taller than 6' or taller

    Votes: 42 45.2%
  • It's all about how the man treats me... Height does not matter

    Votes: 31 33.3%
  • I would never date/marry a man my height

    Votes: 23 24.7%

  • Total voters
I'm 5.75 inches tall and I refuse to date someone who is the same height as me. All I ask is that they be at least 5'9 or 5'10. I prefer 6' to 6'2, but anything within the 5'9-6'2 range is ok with me. I never get approached by short guys anyway. Always 6' and up so maybe I've been spoiled.
im kinda a stickler for the whole height thing. i like my men to be at least 6', that way, even when im wearing heels im not taller than him. shallow, i know, but im used to tall men anyway. my dad is 6'4" and brothers are 6'8" and 6'3".... and im one of the shortest females on my dad's side at 5'9" (i have girl cousins that are hittin 6'5"! lol)
but i digress....
as long as you both love each other, height shouldnt be a factor. you may want height, but you need love. and you found it! so i say dont worry about it :)
hope everything works out!
im kinda a stickler for the whole height thing. i like my men to be at least 6', that way, even when im wearing heels im not taller than him. shallow, i know, but im used to tall men anyway. my dad is 6'4" and brothers are 6'8" and 6'3".... and im one of the shortest females on my dad's side at 5'9" (i have girl cousins that are hittin 6'5"! lol)

Me, too. Its interesting that so many women here associate their man's height to men in their family. I do as well. At 5'4" I'm the shortest person in my entire family (extended as well), but I only find tall men attractive 6' and above.

Savannavanna, you and I might be in the same family. :lachen:

But, OP, I'm glad you're happy and it sounds like you've found a great guy. Enjoy!
Hey Ladies,

I'm currently dating a great guy and we're talking marriage, but he is shorter (5'9") than all the men (6'3"+) I've dated in the past. I keep telling myself that it doesn't matter, but I do wish at times he was taller. I'm wondering if I'm being shallow, so I thought I would reach out to the LHCF ladies and get your opinion.

Does height matter to you?

Don't you think it's a little late to be asking this question? Having dated this guy to the point of a marriage proposal. :lachen: Especially if you have been physically intimate with him. This is a pre-dating question. If he's a great guy, and you are in love with him suck it up and get married. You focusing on the height at this late in the game is red flag and there may be other issues that you need to addressed. Gud Luk!
No if, and's or buts, about it I find tall men very alluring. 6'2 - 6'5. But I must be attracted to the whole package. I prefer tall men but like most women who prefer tall men I will most likely marry a shorty.:ohwell:
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The only time I've ever dated a man who was "short" was when I dated my son's father and he is 5'8. What can I say? I was in love. I am only 5ft even and I looooooove tall men. I always have. The shortest man I've dated beside bd was 5'11 and I used to call him short. The tallest man I've dated was 6'3. I can't help it. I'm not shy about it either. When I first met the the guy who was 6'3 I had to tell him "Don't sleep on the short chicks out here cause ain't naaare tree out here that I can't climb if I wanted to." He had to laugh at me but I got him though. :grin: lol.
I'm 5'2, I like guys who are 5'8 to 6'0. Below 5'8 is too short for my liking and above 6'0 is too tall. I did date a guy who was 6'2 though so height isn't that important to me.
Im 5'8" and usually I have a strict my height or taller rule. But at the moment I've been crushing hard on some short as hell guys, like 5'6" :/ Cant help it
Another poster already said this more or less, but I would never date someone who I could not marry.
If prince harry asked me out tomorrow, I would say no because no matter how much we like each other, there would be no weddin' ever. That's why I don't even consider certain ethnic groups attractive, I have no interest in a man that I cannot, due to some obstacle or another, eventually marry.
As for height, I come from another fam that is tall on both sides, so only 6'3" and up for me. I'm 5'10".
5'9" is below average for a man, but didn't you say that you are 5'6"? So your intended is taller than you, but not tall.
height totally matters! i know shorter guys who have a complex about it or lie about it. i don't want to be with someone who's insecure about being short so it's easier to remove all short guys together.

I'm 5'4" and so i won't date a guy who is shorter than 5'8".... or taller than 6'2".
Wow. No wonder my wonderful SO has been passed over all these years! I had no idea so many women made such a big deal about a man's height! :nono: I'm barely an inch taller than my SO without heels. When we first started dating I could tell that was an in issue that really bothered him. I guess he figured that the issue would bother me. He mentioned that a lot of women he dated or tried to date would tell him that his height was an issue. :rolleyes: Honestly, it never did bother me (and still doesn't), so I let him know early on and it hasn't been an issue since. Most of the time I don't even notice that I'm "taller" than him.

I definitely think that if he was more caught up on his height then it wouldn't work. And if he tried to tell me that I couldn't wear heels it would be over. :lol: But he's always encouraging me to wear heels, so I keep wearing them!

I was very shallow when I was younger and felt that the man needs to be significantly taller/bigger than the woman in the relationship. I will admit that in the past I did overlook (no pun intended) men who were shorter than me. But I got over that long ago. And I'm so glad I did because I've had the opportunity to date a great guy. Some of you are missing out on good men because you are so caught up in the physical. But hey, I won't complain about it. :look:
Not that much. Just tall enough to see that you are noticeably taller than me. I'm not quite 5'3", though, so it's not that hard. Short guys seem to like me. Probably because they can be taller than me.

OP, your guy sounds great! If I were in your position and everything else is right, I'd not pass up on him.
Height matters to me. I am 5'9" and I like wearing heels. My DH is 5'11", I told him he just made the cut:grin:
I remember in high school we had a junior dance. One of my good friends bought her SO. She was about my height and he came to her waist....all these years later I still have the mental image of them taking their pictures.
Call me shallow but yes, the man has to be taller than me. I'm 5'4 and prefer that he be 6'1 or taller. One of my coworkers introduced me to her husband and when he left, I ran to ask her how tall he was; her response: he's 6'7. Yes, not kidding that's what I want but it might not be possible.
Yes, it does... I'm 5'6 and would prefer for the person to be a good 5'10 at least. My SO is about 6'0-6'1, I love it. I could see myself with someone shorter than him.
I'm interested in a shorty. We're both 5'7! But he has other qualities that I adore. Liking him showed me to not restrict myself on physical qualities of a guy; but his character. Which FOR ME is the most important thing.
When I was young and dumb I wouldn't even look at a guy who wasn't 6'1 or taller lol. I still love real tall guys but if Mr. Right happens to only be like 5'5 then I won't care. I'm only 5'2 so it really doesn't take much to be taller than me lol.
That's wonderful! But just think of it this way, when you want to wear those stilettos and he's feeling a wee bit short, you'll be the center of attention and you can bet he's going to show you off as though you are. I think shorter guys love long, tall beauties on their arms.

Besides, there's a tallness where it counts most...ahem. You can have Mr. Giant but he's rather Mr. Peabody in the boudoir department. Mr. Shorty could turn out to be Mr. Mountain with much earthquake to go along with it :blush:.

:lachen: Don't know why I found this so funny.

Anyway OP - it seems that you've made up your mind. If you want to wear stilletos, I'm pretty sure there are insoles or shoes he could wear that would counter any height awkwardness, should it ever exist. Just a suggestion.
Another poster already said this more or less, but I would never date someone who I could not marry.
If prince harry asked me out tomorrow, I would say no because no matter how much we like each other, there would be no weddin' ever. That's why I don't even consider certain ethnic groups attractive, I have no interest in a man that I cannot, due to some obstacle or another, eventually marry.
As for height, I come from another fam that is tall on both sides, so only 6'3" and up for me. I'm 5'10".
5'9" is below average for a man, but didn't you say that you are 5'6"? So your intended is taller than you, but not tall.

I understand that you're unwilling to take the risk but is it not conceivable that you may find these things irrelevant in choosing a life partner after getting to know the person?

I've never really been hung up on height, and I'm really surprised some ladies won't consider guys less than 6 inches tall -even if they are slightly taller than them in heels. 5'10 and above I can understand, but 5'1-5'6? Why is that? I often hear that women feel secure or better protected by tall men?
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[/QUOTE=Carolina18;9468992]I understand that you're unwilling to take the risk but is it not conceivable that you may find these things irrelevant in choosing a life partner after getting to know the person? [/QUOTE]

I endorse this hypothetical question!

I am a very tall woman and my SO is a very tall man.

If you asked me before I met my SO what was "required" in a mate, 6'2 or over would have been high up on that list.

If my SO and I broke up tomorrow, I would have NO problems whatsoever dating and marrying a man shorter than I (as the average man in America indeed is).

Being with him (he of the plain and homely face) taught me that no matter how much I thought outward apperances matter, they are ultimately not worth beans to me when they house a heart of great and lasting value.

Side note: someone wrote about short men having insecurity complexes and thus she chhoses to avoid them. But it's women avoiding them that have given them the complexes in the first place! Maybe they will be like gabulldawg's man and, when they earn the attention of a taller woman, treat her with love and respect because she treated him with respect in giving him a chance.
[/QUOTE=Carolina18;9468992]I understand that you're unwilling to take the risk but is it not conceivable that you may find these things irrelevant in choosing a life partner after getting to know the person?

I endorse this hypothetical question!

I am a very tall woman and my SO is a very tall man.

If you asked me before I met my SO what was "required" in a mate, 6'2 or over would have been high up on that list.

If my SO and I broke up tomorrow, I would have NO problems whatsoever dating and marrying a man shorter than I (as the average man in America indeed is).

Being with him (he of the plain and homely face) taught me that no matter how much I thought outward apperances matter, they are ultimately not worth beans to me when they house a heart of great and lasting value.

Side note: someone wrote about short men having insecurity complexes and thus she chhoses to avoid them. But it's women avoiding them that have given them the complexes in the first place! Maybe they will be like gabulldawg's man and, when they earn the attention of a taller woman, treat her with love and respect because she treated him with respect in giving him a chance.[/QUOTE]

GREAT post! :yep:
The only time height bothers me is when it bothers him. I'm probably a half an inch taller than my father, definitely a couple of inches taller than him in heels, as is my mother. So it could be because of that that a man's height isn't that important to me. But I really hate it when men feel insecure about something--it just messes up the dynamic. Therefore, I've felt most comfortable with guys 6'3" and over. The last one got a kick out of saying to me "Wear your tallest heels--I'll still be taller than you." (I'm 5'9", so that doesn't happen often.)

If he's cool about it, I'm cool.
I am normally attracted to taller men but my hubby is only 1 inch taller than me and idk. Funny enough all my sibling always joke about me dating a shorty and this thanksgiving my hubby was the tallest from all three so's. both sisters ended up with guys that are their exact same height.
I do prefer tall men. I like my men at least 6'2" or better and I also prefer them slim athletic build. I don't know how it will feel if I was with a short man. I think it would take time getting use.
5'9" is below average for a man.

Actually, 5'9" IS average for a man in the USA. (Well, 5'9 1/2")

The report, Mean Body Weight, Height, and Body Mass Index (BMI) 1960-2002: United States, shows that the average height of a man aged 20-74 years increased from just over 5'8" in 1960 to 5'9½" in 2002, while the average height of a woman the same age increased from slightly over 5'3" 1960 to 5'4" in 2002.

Now maybe folks have grown since 2002, but seeing that average height only increased 1 1/2 inches for men over 40 years, I don't think most men are that much taller.

The average woman is shorter than a lot of people think too... I'm about 5'3 1/2", and folks think I'm a shrimp. I'm really about average.

Anyway, just sharing for the good of the order.
It does to me. I am just not attracted to short men. I have relaxed my standards a *very* tiny bit over the years, meaning you no longer have to be 6'3" and up to date me but I still don't like little guys.

I never feel bad about it and why should I? There are plenty of women around who want to date them.